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Posts posted by Elfin

  1. While Israel 

    34 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Israel does not "occupy" Gaza.

    Israel does however occupy the airspace above Gaza, blockades the port and does daily incursions into Gaza by the IDF. Many of the Gazans have had their lands and homes occupied in the West Bank.

    According to the UN OCHA: "..... the destruction of fuel storage tanks by an Israeli strike in July 2014; and Israeli restrictions on imports of spare parts and equipment, citing security concerns. In April 2017 the GPP shut down completely after exhausting its fuel reserves. It resumed partial operations in late June with fuel purchased from Egypt. Gaza also relies on the purchase of electricity from Israel and Egypt."


    " In recent years, the electricity deficit has required a rationing system entailing regular rolling blackouts of 12-16 hours per day, occasionally increasing to up to 22 hours. This has had a direct impact on the delivery of services, including health, water and sanitation, and education. To prevent the collapse of essential services, the UN is coordinating the distribution of emergency fuel to 186 critical facilities. "https://www.ochaopt.org/content/gaza-s-energy-crisis


    Israel has developed into a rogue state, a failed experiment and the hub of double standards. Your last sentence GK has a more than a hint of truth in it.

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  2. 11 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    The land is uncontested and is not part of Gaza or the west bank. 

    Ummm Geriatric. The Gazans have farming land on the border fence. The buffer zone is 300 metres but the IDF may push that back to a kilometre or more, just depending on how many farmers they might want to murder on any given day.

    By using the word "Arabs" I assume you mean the Palestinians and not the Israeli Arabs.

    If you hate Arabs so much, then why do you go to Israel, which is in the Middle East???

  3. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I was only saying that shooting fleeing people in the back (when that actually happens) is not defensible.

    So what punishment should these gutless snipers get? One month's demotion with gardening leave? That is a typical punishment for the most immoral army in the world.

    If it was a Palestimian who shot a jew, there would be an execution at point blank range.

    • Like 2
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  4. 9 hours ago, ezzra said:

    God knows how many millions of cars and other motorized vehicles

    running around the coutry's roads every hour and every day, and among

    those it's not unusual to find the odd agro, road rage hot headded

    mongols that venting their madness on other motorists using their fists...


    Huh? Mongols as in from Mongolia?? These are Thais doing this.

  5. 14 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Didn't see you make such a frivolous statement when hundreds of thousands are being killed in Syria by the Russian, Iran and the Hezbollah while millions others made homeless.. why? are they lives not worth as much as the Palestinians lives? or do you suffer from myopic tunnel vision?....

    This topic is not about Syria. It is about Palestinians protesting the theft of their lands by the Israelis. Stay on topic and stop trying to divert.

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  6. On 4/4/2018 at 10:55 PM, Morch said:




    Yeah, lets do go back to the topic at hand - which isn't the BS movement you support, or your attempts to misrepresent and whitewash it's less acceptable aspects. Notice how most of my post wasn't even about that, and yet your "let's get back to topic" reply somehow managed to ignore the rest of it.


    You are still off topic but to clarify, I support the BDS movement-can you please tell me what the BS movement is?

    The Palestinian death toll now stands at 18 according to the latest news report here, and that vid of an unarmed protester being shot in the back of the head is just sickening, but there have been many more instances  of the same sort of murders caught on video in recent years, and no doubt the IDF sniper will go unpunished because the USA and other western leaders allow Israel to have complete impunity.

    One day Israel may be bought to account, no matter how long it takes to hear all cases of war crimes.

    • Haha 1
  7. On 4/1/2018 at 12:26 PM, Morch said:


    You can call it an "excuse", whereas it was actually fact. Even UNRWA complained about using it's facilities for such purposes. You can go on ignoring Hamas actions all you like - won't make them go away, won't make responding to them an "excuse".


    The Hamas doggedly refuses to allow oversight of construction materials brought in, and takes much of what does make it inside to its own purposes. You'll have to work hard explaining how there aren't construction materials in Gaza, while the Hamas manages to construct miles  of underground tunnels for its own use. Mind, none of these underground tunnels is used as public shelter and such.


    The Palestinians, according to your nonsense, just want Israel gone. And somehow you expect Israel to accept that. More nonsense and more dishonesty - go on about how that BS movement you support is not against Israel's existence.

    There is nothing in the BDS charter that says that it is against Israel's existence.

    There is nothing in the BDS's  actions that indicates it is against Israel's existence.

    It is against the use of companies who profiteer from Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank.

    So dear Morch, let us go back to the topic at hand.

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