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Everything posted by Guderian

  1. Yeah, that'll be popular with the tens of thousands of residents who specifically want to live outside the noisy, crowded entertainment zones.
  2. Friendship and Siamburi's both stock frozen cod fillets, and I've seen haddock on occasion in Siamburi's. They also have pollack fillets which are excellent if you like a nice, firm fish.
  3. This evening's meal - we're out of khao horm malee, so would you khao horm diesen or khao horm yang?
  4. Here's a cultural commentary on the situation, lol... They seek him here, they seek him there, Those Thais they seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? Or is he in hell? That damned elusive Thaksin! Sorry about the last line, I couldn't find anything in his name that rhymed with Hades
  5. Many people in the UK are getting what seems to be a cold but then it lingers for weeks afterwards, with runny nose, coughing and a sore throat, though not all three in all cases. My brother got it three weeks before Christmas and still has a blocked nose. The government doesn't seem very concerned as it's evidently not killing many people, but there's a lot of speculation that it's actually the Janus variant of Covid that's causing these problems, not a cold. Nobody even knows if the LFT's are able to detect Janus.
  6. So they're just going to have a gander at what the staff do in their daily jobs, on a completely different floor from where Thaksin is supposedly being held? Hercules Poirot these guys are not, lol!
  7. I assume by this fuel tariff they refer to the Ft addition on your bill? If so, last month the Ft shown on my bill was 20.48 satang per unit. Any explanations?
  8. That's not as interesting as I'd hoped when I saw this in my inbox. I thought the two headlines might be related, lol...
  9. An exciting day trip in one of the numerous Pattaya submarines should fit the bill, lol.
  10. Right, well that should be about as difficult to get as a health certificate from a doctor to apply for a driving licence.
  11. So now that it's January, this muppet PM is moaning about a BoT base rate increase that happened last September? Has it taken him four months to decide that he doesn't really agree with it, or has his Master quaffing Cristal in hospital only now given him permission to say something on the matter?
  12. This begs a question. Since when did the cool, dry season have seasonal rains, lol?
  13. Don't forget that the supermarkets and wine shops have already paid the ridiculous duty on their stock, so they'll have to sell that lot first before they dare to put out any wine bought under these new tariffs. That could take a long time.
  14. Probably just got his call-up papers from Mad Vlad, that would be enough to send anybody up the wall, lol.
  15. Well, it took 3 years to complete the new Thepprasit drains, so this 'temporary' one-way system is going to be a fixed part of Jomtien Beach life for a long time.
  16. What does 2024 have in store? The same as every other year, endless corruption and incompetence. :(
  17. So 19 people searched for Thailand instead of the usual 10? lol
  18. Congratulations, 200 pages! Has anyone actually visited their local tax office and asked a tax inspector, or someone in a senior position, for clarification?
  19. I was in the same situation but, at least in the Jomtien Immigration Office, you won't get a Residence Certificate nowadays without having done a valid TM30. (Exactly what constitutes 'valid' is a matter of debate, and individual interpretation by the IO's, it seems.) You need a Residence Certificate, of course, to buy a car or motorbike, but also to renew your driving licence, unless you have a yellow book or some other proof of address that will satisfy the DLT. Other Immigration Offices may be more relaxed about the TM30 than Jomtien is, perhaps you're lucky in that respect.
  20. I'm not sure about the future, but the present seems to look a bit too much like this, lol...
  21. Maybe doing their bit for global warming, persuading people that diesel-powered Chelsea tractors aren't good for the environment. Everyone should drive a nice Mercedes like the mayor, lol!
  22. Maybe the cops can do something about the aggressive deck chair vendors on parts of Jomtien Beach, who tell you that you're not allowed to park your car in the marked public parking spaces as "they're for our customers only". Of course, they can't actually stop you parking there, but if you do then don't be surprised when you return to find that your car's been keyed.
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