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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. The Feudalism isn't Communism. Why are people so surprised?
  2. Slavery because their "Master" can sell their labour without their consent. I don't know of any European country where that can be done.
  3. I think Chomper should back up his claim, ideally with a link. He is always demanding others do but slinks away when he is asked. let's bookmark this one and keep reminding him.
  4. Their contract can be sold to another employer.
  5. Tories as they had historically been until they went Progressive, although Chomper thought that the Boris Johnson Government was the "extreme right wing". Historically the Tories were the party of the establishment and a clique still exists as evidenced by the call to reinstate fox hunting when it was thought May had a clear majority.
  6. I'll let people judge that for themselves.
  7. You are obviously intimidated by a strong black woman in a position of power. Tactics of the Left:
  8. So same shortcomings as Starmer then.
  9. How will people be able to point out her shortcomings when the Left has its tactics thrown back at it by smirking Tories: "You're just intimidated by a strong black woman in a position off power"
  10. Perhaps you could elucidate your thesis.
  11. The great replacement is a conspiracy theory apparently. Doesn't come more Orwellian than "diversity is strength". These idiots think they will still be standing for office once the numbers turn.
  12. I think this is not quite accurate, part of it was that they occasionally worked 5 days a week like the rest of the working population.
  13. We have been promised a line by line breakdown by Reeves. i am not holding my breath.
  14. No you didn't you made a remark about the back of the class which most would have interpreted as casting dispersions on my intelligence level. stop slithering and take responsibility.
  15. In the context of your remark yours seems to have been that it boomed due to immigration, but you now evade with 'We all have different memories of Blair’s administration.'
  16. Always a snidey remark and evasion with you. You made a mistake but can't admit it. All you do is make snidey remarks or evade when you are called out. It is like dealing with an eel. BTW, where do you get this assumed superiority from?
  17. I am not james105. I did not ask that Please explain how you "schooled" me.
  18. I think in the context it would be reasonable to assume that you were indicating immigration was the cause otherwise it is completely disconnected and maybe even one of those non sequiturs that you are always accusing others of.
  19. Have I been schooled, I asked you if you understood how much your employer paid in NI vs your contribution and what effect lowering the threshold will have, but you did not answer, instead you declared that you had "schooled me"? Please explain to the forum how you "schooled" me. I thought you were a teacher because you are so unworldly. I shake my head with disbelief at people who work in the school system thinking they know all the answers to economic and societal issues. You would get better insights from a Pattaya barstool occupier.
  20. Really, immigration was the cause of that? Perhaps you can demonstrate the correlation. My interpretation is it was the recovery after the "clearing" at the bottom of the recession - a well known cyclical phenomenon.
  21. Do you know how much your employer paid in NI vs your contribution and what effect lowering the threshold will have? At least we now know why you are a Socialist, you have no business experience. The money doesn't just come automatically at the end of the month in the real world of actual wealth creation. Are you a Teacher?
  22. It was the same with Blair, the plan to flood the UK with mass immigration appeared in no election manifesto or Queens speech. It was done behind our backs without our consent.
  23. Funny that, didn't they release police mug shots of people who were imprisoned for tweets?
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