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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. I would say go for the retirement visa so that if there is any increase in requirements you may be grandfathered. IMO DTV application is likely to get stricter.
  2. That's nice, it can be a four hour wait at CW when the online system is down.
  3. Hillary apparently had a "vast majority" of the total vote in 2016 when it was less if I remember. You can't play both ends against the middle, now which is it?
  4. You don't get it, we don't want to be "educated" on this. We have had enough of this bullsh*t and that is why you lost the popular vote.
  5. They'll even be wearing blue bracelets that ill allow us to steer well clear at a distance. Wish they had thought of that one earlier - they don't all have pink or blue hair and face piercings.
  6. He made these comments when he was still at the Student Union, right? I mean it must have been.
  7. Fair point, but i was keeping it simple against a backdrop of someone quoting revenue only with a business like a supermarket.
  8. There is just no limit to Leftie ignorance about business, is there? Supermarkets are high turnover, low margin businesses and it is Profit/cashflow that counts more than revenues (simplifed for the Lefties reading this). 'In the financial year ending March second in 2024, Sainsbury's recorded a profit of 277 million British pounds before tax and 137 million British pounds after tax. Although a decrease on the previous year, this still marked a significant improvement from 2020/21, when the company experienced a loss.' GBP 140mn in extra NI is is MORE than their after tax profit.
  9. People realised: first they came for the squirrel.....
  10. Facts can be stubborn things. If the Russians have achieved this with flat tyres, no artillery shells or food and having lost all their tanks, think what could be achieved if they ramp up production, which their system can do, but the US can't because private industry won't invest in excess capacity.
  11. Bigot is whatever Wokeists don’t agree with.
  12. Unless there is full NATO involvement they have lost. You seem to have paid attention to the nonsense propaganda that Ukraine was winning at the beginning, and now, when the Russians are luring them into a meat grinder, because war is about attrition, not territory.
  13. How are non-maga Americans describing yourselves to non-Americans that you meet now? How about "loser"? - after all there was an election and you lost.
  14. I'm no Trump idoliser, but really your post is just character assassination with false allegations cherry picked from MSM dishonest/disengenous propaganda. People voted against people like YOU who suffer from the Liberal psychopathology.
  15. It is only he Democrats who don't know why they lost. There is no mystery.
  16. I can't believe these two are on the same list.
  17. It's actually the third victory for Trump.
  18. Kaya @sisterinferior We demoralized them so bad they didn’t even burn the cities last night
  19. Oldie but Goodie. Maitlis gets told what she really is.
  20. Wasn't much of a demo.
  21. Another good summary: Rupert Lowe MP @RupertLowe10 Ordinary decent people, in Britain and America, are sick to the teeth of uncontrolled mass immigration ruining their way of life. They're sick of woke politics infecting all parts of Government and big business - being told that you're a bigot if you argue against biological men competing in women's sport or using women's toilets. They're sick of waves and waves of unchecked foreign young men flooding across their border - not knowing who they are, or their true objectives. They're sick of high tax, low growth economies that are solely designed to prop up bloated and inefficient Government bureaucracies. They're sick of tinpot career politicians with zero real world experience being promoted far beyond their ability. They're certainly sick of diversity, equity and inclusion - meritocracy MUST rule. They're sick of being labelled a 'racist' or 'far-right' for making these arguments... Trump's election is America's way of saying ENOUGH is enough. It is only a matter of time before Britain follows their lead...
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