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Everything posted by harleyclarkey

  1. The problem here is that the thugs yiu refer to are EU born/citizens. We allow thugs in from Nigeria. Russia, Albania, China, etc, etc Shouldn't ever have happened. We have enough problems with home grown thugs.
  2. Of all Nationalities the Nigerians scheme and scam their way into any country where they can cheat and defraud. Am I exaggerating? Their own president stated on TV that Nigerians are utterly corrupt. We have an inordinate number of them in Ireland. How? As there is no direct flight to Ireland from Nigeria. You claim asylum in the 1st country you land in. I honestly have no respect for the majority of Nigerians as they have fraud and scams in their DNA from birth. Pity for a country with a lot of resources and oil reserves of 36m barrels. Why does the West, especially, take the junk from such countries when their despot tyrant leaders steal all the resources?
  3. But geez, wouldn't want to have complained about the food where he worked. Crazy guy. ps ... Years ago I returned a pasta dish in the States (he dumped a ton of dry oregano on the dish) and next thing he's at our table with a machete! My mistake chef....pasta was ace, the best I've ever eaten!
  4. Don't care about this idiot. I just hope he doesn't hurt that lovely magic Duke ( motorbike to the uninitiated 😉 ! )
  5. Seriously? You couldn't dream this up! Just wait until one of these behemoths goes crazy, as happened before, and takes out a tourist or two. ps ....love to see one chase down that bag snatcher on his motorbike....better than any circus.
  6. How very unusual. Russians are well thought of as fine upstanding, sober tourists. I guess he'll be in big trouble back in the land of despots and murderous tyrants for showing Russians in a bad light.
  7. "Funny" thing is - these weapons and criminals were there before the Siam shooting. Why wait till now??
  8. Ah now.....that's not like the good old BIB to jump to conclusions. They are the shining example to us all of careful, well thought out and considered police work. Well done lads, great work with this case.
  9. Yes Alan, there are some good banks and they will treat you well - if you have funds and they make a profit from yiu. But have a bad day and they will Bury you with no conscience or loyalty for past business or performance. In Ireland during the Celtic Tiger the banks literally threw money at everyone, including me. They are wholly responsible for the frantic spending and actually gave mortgages of 110%!! Incredible, looking back. My bank manager rang me to tell me that I "was undetnborrowed! I will lend you whatever you want" Thank goodness I refused and survived. When it all went belly up the banks moved all of their managers around and screwed anyone who had repayment issues. Then our beloved government sold these mortgages at knock down prices to vulture funds who cleaned up billions. Despicable.
  10. Big banks are a disgrace. Mean, greedy, money grabbing, dishonest vile corporate entities. They'll sell you out for a dime. They'll dump you at the first sign of any trouble with a loan. I'm fortunate in that I owe not a cent to these creeps. Tax compliance now is the buzz word of the moment and happily comply with no fuss with not a hoot to any of their loyal customers. Revenue everywhere are as bad.
  11. Actually great news. Those <deleted>'s in TAT are a bunch of idiots. All their eggs in 1 basket ..stupid
  12. Is BJ holding onto/up the Gen - after a few nips of a serious malt? ???? ..... when will the circus that is the BIB ever end? What a merry go round. Endless entertainment
  13. You gotta laugh...the stupidity of them! Well anyway that's a turnaround¬¬
  14. Easy ... why have they got their Y fronts all in a knot? An attending doctor just states he needs hospital treatment. He doesn't have to disclose his medical conditions....if any!! Maybe he has severe indigestion from all of his prison banquets?
  15. So, what's new Pol Col? Just another day in the life and times of those honourable, trustworthy, hardworking lads of the Thai Police. This is surely a now daily event? Botch the evidence and then dump/destroy it if it suits and a satisfactory little "thank you" paid. Utterly disgraceful behaviour and you guys have zero chance of gaining, (note gaining and not regaining) any public trust.
  16. Dictator 1. What you Thai guys say to a few bags of fertiliser? Dictator 2. Say Xi , not a bad idea. As we have no engine for our glorious sub we can fill the Hull with those bags and we now we don't need a stupid engine to submerge. Dictator 1. What about surfacing? Dictator 2. We'll just dump some bags of ferrty out of the torpedo tubes. Sorted.
  17. You couldn't make it up. You go put and buy an expensive sub ( which is of no use to you whatsoever) and then ..... you go looking for an engine!! Hilarious, except the poor Thais have to pay for this monumental cluster f##k to satisfy some stupid old guys egos .....and of course pockets.
  18. No doubt the ladies found him to be a tasty Turkish delight....????????
  19. This must be a mistake. Surely not Nigerians? A fine upstanding law abiding race.
  20. Six mollusc brains found this distressing issue funny in the OP . Why? What is funny about criminal damage and theft?
  21. Nasty, nasty infection. We all know about malaria but overlook dengue. I also guess that the actual cases are far higher.
  22. I just love the blinkers these guys at the top wear. They get their y-fronts all in a twist over a single web site while the country is afloat in "naughty" venues. Why do we still have all this stupid fuss over the oldest profession? Just leave consenting adults alone!!
  23. So now you're a seriously dangerous criminal that deserves the full weight of the Immigration police? Seriously? For overstaying!! You need to get a reality check Thai authorities, and concentrate your efforts on real criminals.
  24. Seriously? Phuket beachesquiey? Well first you get a mafia rip off taxi or tuk tuk to your beach. Then you get ripped off by noisy jet ski operators. Yes, you could then check out your great medical care after arguing with either of the above. Medical care is totally hit and miss with some astounding incompetence. O, you can then relax to the sound of the jet skis screaming around just offshore. Many of your "friendly" natives will show their love for you with a right pounding, especially to your head. And only when it is at least 6 to 1. I was first in Thailand 40 years ago when it was a fantastic place.
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