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Everything posted by harleyclarkey

  1. Well now, there are s get property owners having the shakes and sweats? The DSI could raid any law firm in Phuket and find serious irregularities. There actually is no law on Phuket....just gauging the price and value of any undertaking to stick in the back pocket.
  2. Clever Russian....cryptocurrency fraud, not paying his bills? Great way to draw attention to your overstay! Is it really cost effective to have an island wide sweep to nab a few idiots who don't bother with the rules. The rules are a lot of the problem. Thailand just loves to make things more and more difficult...except foe the red carpet Chinese of course!
  3. The BIB will probably pay more attention to the overstay! Thailand, unfortunately, attracts more than its fair share of downright violent criminals. The love affair with Russians and especially the Chinese does not bode well for the future. The Chinese throughout the world have a seemingly unbridled sense of entitlement with little or no fear of consequences.
  4. Well that's one way to complain about the Borscht......
  5. Sure, but before then.... fish will fly, dogs will talk, tuk tuk drivers will charge the correct fare, etc. You can bet any (ill) deeds will be, as usual, brushed under the carpet.
  6. You're right Peabody....they don't engage because they are warned not to .....plus they would be courtmarshelled.
  7. Only 3 million so far....well TAT will be happy, as that means just another 1,425,671,350 yet to arrive!
  8. Check out Sihanouk(ville) in Cambodia. A Chinese invasion/tsunami started a crime wave and when they left in 2019 they left behind devastation. Near to 1,000 buildings unfinished. Watch out Thailand...you've picked the wrong "tourists" in the Chinese and Russians.
  9. A lone female tourist. Yeh, 4/5 tough guys Pity they didn't pick on a van full of US marines!
  10. Great image for Phuket. A load of thugs that act with total impunity. This points to a large pay off to those in charge for protection. Rotten to the core and nobody is doing a darn thing about it.
  11. Yet more bluff and hot air. Does it really take ACT to let the NACC know thar there just might be, perhaps a possibility or even, God forbid, a hint of corruption in the high ranks of the BIB? BMW's, Mercedes, a nice flash pad costing millions, a tasty little number by the sea? Nah...I'm dreaming. Doesn't happen.
  12. No doubt nobody will be held properly accountable for this wholly avoidable tragedy. Terrible news and sincere sympathies to the distraught families.
  13. Forget about the usual GFM or posts on riding bikes in Thailand I hate to see this poor lad in such a terrible shape ... its looks like his recovery is, very sadly, doubtful. Full sympathies to Liam and his family.
  14. My GF , now wife, had a horrific experience going to Swsmpy from Sukhumvit. Taxi called by our hotel from a company they use. He immediately demanded, very forcefully, B600 for the ride. I said no way - meter only. He got quite angry so I said drop us back to our hotel 2 minutes away. Anyway he called down and stupid me we continued - driving at 140 on the highway. At Swampy he demanded an airport fee which was nonsense for drop offs. He then really flipped, jumped over the barrier and came at me with a baton. I stood my ground protecting my GF, he was clearly high as the jets, but I knew not to clock him one with the other taxi drivers around. A security guard came over, smiled and did nought/nada/nothing. Well I had already rescued my bags, called the hotel and he was fired before he got to the highway. Crazy guy and it could have been so much worse for me.
  15. Well yes. It should have been removed weeks, if not months before. What the heck was this hospital thinking....let it go septic? The Brits saw fit to, painfully, remove it immediately. Painfully? Had tissue grown into and around the Catheter it was left in so long?
  16. Looks like yet another fine example of Thai medical expertise, as Preston Hospital removed it (within days??) Maybe just as bad as Turkish plastic surgery/butchery these days.
  17. What a surprise... not. The Chinese are a fickle lot at the best of times. Delighted to think that TAT must be shaking in their flip flops. But no doubt they are working overtime to fiddle the figures.
  18. What possesses a nut case to wander off to the ocean on a pile of palm leaves and wood? Nut case are the main words.
  19. Bobbing son Crusoe What a prat.....
  20. Maths guys....maths. 6 foreigners?? But 17 detailed in the article. Anyway I hope they nabbed any pensionets playing bridge like those " criminals" in Pattaya!
  21. What we see here is mostly scooter/motorcycle accidents. A recent go fund me for £200,000 - really??? ???? Stupid to rent a bike anywhere in the world without at least a helmet. Stupid of any country to allow bikes to be rented without providing a helmet. Stupid of any police force not to fine idiots with no helmet.
  22. Start your insurance journey with; The purpose of any insurance company is to decline your claim and maximise their profits. You have a chance to succeed if you really persist. I did....twice. Stupid, stupid declines over obviously genuine claims. I made a formal complaint to the UK Head Office and lo and behold....an immediate settlement, an apology plus €200 extra.
  23. Doing their job? Two fine diligent organisations who are the epitome of good behaviour and high standards. The OP did say to target ovetstays and illegal activities? So, as I said, start within.
  24. They really have little to do. An organisation rotten to the core and they spend their days chasing some lonely foreign tourists who stay on a little more than they should. Do your job....root out the real criminals within your own ranks.
  25. Well I guess that's got TATS knickers all in a twist.! They have wooed the Chinese for years now and especially after Covid. Stupid. Never put all your eggs in one basket.
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