Let me break it down succinctly, finally, and once and for all, where no further questions or opinions have any value. The bozo himself did everything legally he could to overturn his valid election loss by filing over 60 cases in any court in the land that would hear it. ALL OF THEM were thrown out for no merit, and some with no standing. In short, it was up to HIM to provide the proof, and he failed to provide ANY. Read this part correctly: ZERO EVIDENCE EXISTS FOR ACCURACY IN HIS ASSERTION. The issue is closed, and will forever be closed as of the last day of the final court case that was ejected for lack of evidence/standing.
He then intentionallly had a speech and a grouping on January 6th, fully aware of the DATE, TIMING, and LOCATION, where he implored anyone and everyone to come because, in his words, "it will be wild!" The point was for anyone and everyone to physically stop the certification of the election he knew he validly LOST. He knows from past experience how easy it is to manipulate minions; ask Michael Cohen to explain to you how and why he was completely controlled by the bozo in his own head.
The failure to stop the counting was his last possible action, and he is now indicted for attempting to overthrow the country based on his illegal thoughts and persistently illegal behavior. HE FAILED TWICE.