Speaking of censorship, a clip of German diplomat Christoph Heusgen attempting to finish his remarks at the Munich conference has just up and 'disappeared' from my post earlier here. Just a big block of black space there now where the clip resided.
OK, search for the ultra-viral clip yourself of Heusgen tearfully breaking down, unable to finish. Looks like he's also unable to process the new reality that Uncle Sugar is all tapped-out after three years of biliion$ and billion$ of dollars out the door and no auditing of what they were spent for and where they actually ended up. Even Zelinsky says there's $100 billion missing, unaccounted for. Lot of clues pointing to corruption and kickbacks. What else is new?
So when Heusgen broke down the EU diplomat crowd applauded him enthusiastically (biggest applause of the conference?), even rising to their feet for a standing O! Ushered off the stage sobbing in the arms of a woman, what a walk off! Stunning visuals. All that was missing was some dramatic music!
They want a war, fight it themselves. Uncle Sugar is getting out of the business of using its treasure to fight the war in the EU's backyard. The tea leaves should have been read on this months ago. Instead, they set themselves up for some unnecessary, self-inflicted shock therapy. Spare us the tears, though.
And use your favorite search engine to find clips of instances of police in the UK going after people for social media posts. They're quite shocking. The U.S. does not have that value in common with the EU. 'Nuff said.