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Everything posted by rwilem

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 132 seconds  
  2. There were several instances of President Trump offering tributes to Americans, his guests, sitting in the gallery during the speech. All state of the unions have these moments, that's how they go. Normally all congressional members will acknowledge them. But the Dems hatred for Trump is so overpowering that they have gone off the deep end. The guests and their stories, in most cases involving pain and loss of loved ones, deserved acknowledgement. That would be some polite applause at the minimum. Just some basic human decency. But the Dems couldn't even do that. They are heartless, soul-less creatures. This was among the best moments of the night. It is sad that the Dems are so blinded by hatred they've lost their humanity.
  3. Yep, updated bankbook and copy of the page(s) of account activity from date of the last extension up till that day's update. Maybe used as a check of the three-months-after extension requirement, if on the 'banked money' method? And/or check of the monthly incomings if on the income method? (Or fleshing out if one is on 'the agent method'?) Whatever, that's the requirement these days at CW.
  4. If you are going to use the new passport number for doing the report online your submission will be rejected. I would anticipate if you 're-registered from scratch' and submitted, it would be rejected as well. You might try using the old passport number, if you are so inclined, and it would likely be approved. Which office are you dealing with? If you do the 90-day report in person with a new passport at CW the IO will tell you to get the stamps in the old passport transfered first, before proceeding with the 90-day report. I did this at CW about six months ago. Went to the 90-day desk, and was informed to have the stamps transferred first. Rather smooth process, it took about a half-hour in all for the stamps to be transferred, and then the 90-day IO handled my report right away after I returned to that desk. And at CW, for the transfer, they'll want to see your bankbook and for you to provide a copy of the account's activity since your last extension.
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 142 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 199 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 126 seconds  
  8. 90-day report, topic I'm familiar enough with, at least for at CW. (Actually, if you're going with online reporting, best to view it as a '75 day report', though seem to be recent reports of CW having good turnaround times.) Anyway, agree with the above view. Have done several 90 dayers with the 'next report date' well past the current the 'extension valid to date'. No problem. At least at CW, though as noted in the thread, some offices and some officers elsewhere may have their own reasons for doing things. But this is a new one, hadn't heard of it before.
  9. Maddow is an very emotive, extremely leftist 'news actor'. That's her game, period. Strange how she's been able to pull the wool over so many and be viewed by liberals as some kind of fount of wisdom. (An aside, remember her excessive push of the vaccine, "The virus STOPS!!", blah blah blah.) Joy(less) Reid was such an odd choice to be given a TV show on the MSDNC cable outlet, and holding it for as long as she did despite having rather pedestrian ratings over most of that time. Not possessing much of a 'q' factor, her 'likeability' had to trend toward the lower end, logic-challenged at every turn, and gleefully pushing racial divisiveness daily without fail. And yet she remained, given an evening prime-time slot to spew forth her madman ravings. When the ratings finally bottomed out (app. 60K in the coveted demo, an untenable number) in the end even MSDNC couldn't ignore that. Time to go. Of course, cries of racism directed at MSDNC are being heard, including a sharp one from actor Maddow herself. What a mess at 30 Rock. You gotta love it!
  10. Nine-and-a-half years earlier, the warning was sounded. It really wasn't a surprise what's happened. John Mearsheimer was right then, and right now. A 90-second clip from 2015 worth viewing in 2025.
  11. After the Munich Security Conference, EU leaders meet to discuss the need for them to 'step up' military assistance to Ukraine. From the USAID-approved-and-sponsored Politico (recall, the outlet that ran the fabricated cover story to kickoff phony impeachment no.1.) And it's a 'Politico Pro' subscriber dispatch that they're making available to all, so everyone can read about Europe's coordination on the issue. https://www.politico.eu/article/europes-leader-donald-trump-ukraine-peace-deal-emmanuel-macron-presidential-palace-donald-tusk/
  12. Speaking of censorship, a clip of German diplomat Christoph Heusgen attempting to finish his remarks at the Munich conference has just up and 'disappeared' from my post earlier here. Just a big block of black space there now where the clip resided. OK, search for the ultra-viral clip yourself of Heusgen tearfully breaking down, unable to finish. Looks like he's also unable to process the new reality that Uncle Sugar is all tapped-out after three years of biliion$ and billion$ of dollars out the door and no auditing of what they were spent for and where they actually ended up. Even Zelinsky says there's $100 billion missing, unaccounted for. Lot of clues pointing to corruption and kickbacks. What else is new? So when Heusgen broke down the EU diplomat crowd applauded him enthusiastically (biggest applause of the conference?), even rising to their feet for a standing O! Ushered off the stage sobbing in the arms of a woman, what a walk off! Stunning visuals. All that was missing was some dramatic music! They want a war, fight it themselves. Uncle Sugar is getting out of the business of using its treasure to fight the war in the EU's backyard. The tea leaves should have been read on this months ago. Instead, they set themselves up for some unnecessary, self-inflicted shock therapy. Spare us the tears, though. And use your favorite search engine to find clips of instances of police in the UK going after people for social media posts. They're quite shocking. The U.S. does not have that value in common with the EU. 'Nuff said.
  13. And the UK is right there with them. There are numerous vids of the 'thought police' going after the people, this is one.
  14. The timing is impeccable. A clip from '60 Minutes' in the U.S. on the censorship of speech in Germany. They're not alone in the EU, as the UK has rather harsh censorship laws in place. The CBS reporter seems enthusiastic about the practice.
  15. Seems like the EU is putting all their chips on Zelinsky. This man has represented Germany a long time. (Laughed off warnings from Trump in 2018.) The biggest applause, a standing ovation...and he didn't even conclude the speech. And they think they're going to fight a war?
  16. The EU is going the way its been going by design. Vance dropped some truth on them, rather mild but it was a shock to the system. Officials and media reaction was over-the-top. Wonder why.
  17. And it's just getting started. The Greatest Heist of All Time: The Level of Corruption That Elon Musk and His DOGE Team Are Uncovering Is Absolutely Mind Blowing https://discernreport.com/the-greatest-heist-of-all-time-the-level-of-corruption-that-elon-musk-and-his-doge-team-are-uncovering-is-absolutely-mind-blowing/
  18. Those are astounding numbers, especially as network polling is always a few points shy of actual results for anything 'Trump'. The 53 percent 'approval rating' is his highest ever, which means it's a few points higher. The guy played it pretty much straight giving his report. That's progress. But the anchorette looked like she'd rather be anywhere else on a Sunday morning.
  19. They have only themselves to blame. If they just hadn't stolen it in '20 Trump would be done. He'd be out of their lives, their heads, and three weeks into his post-presidential retirement!
  20. Deflection. Hit Tucker Carlson, oh that's easy. Ignore the actual evidence, what Benz is revealing. While we're at it, laying it out here. Another player shows their hand in the actual international 'propaganda-censorship industrial complex'. They tell you what they're doing.
  21. Ye shall know them by their own words. Internews CEO. From guess where. And leading the discussion on the topic. (Hey, isn't one of the speakers a guy who's just been canned?) Add censorship to Internews' activities, check.
  22. Indeed. Dealing with immediate termination from USAID can be quite painful to process.
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