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Everything posted by rwilem

  1. Funny! But, I'll say Joe played his part. He was pushed out, right? Probably he was not even aware that the one-page 'step down from the race' letter/tweet was put out (forged signature and all.) He was pushed out, and it was his doing to push Kamala as the replacement nominee before the regime was able to decide who it would be. Obama didn't dig that; Joe usurped his puppet master's role. But with 'Kamala fever' spreading, however long it took, a week, 10 days, Obama swallowed and had to add his endorsement of her, an installed nominee (he had preferred some kind of 'competitive process') knowing she'd be a poor candidate. But Joe short-circuited that plan by pushing out Kamala as his presumptive replacement. Despite the media going overboard praising the Dems convention, it was clear disunity abounded. Kamala skipping the Obamas' speeches, Clintons splitting town after they spoke, Biden gone after day 1 (and early sleeper Joe relegated to a midnight speaking slot.) And none of those folks were there for Kamala's acceptance speech!) During the campaign, a passive-aggressive act that Joe made sure to be aptured on camera was him beaming while wearing a MAGA cap, and walking around carrying one. Could go on, but you get the picture. The 'supporters are garbage' comment came during a zoom call at the very same time Kamala was giving her 'closing the deal' speech in DC. Sabotage or not? Bumbling fool or not? You decide. Sure, the staff tried to clean it up, explain it away, but it didn't wash. Sure seems like Biden pushed her out and then... There have not been much 'joy and vibes' between the two camps, ever, and Doc Jill is said to be rather antagonistic re Kamala. He was happy, borderline giddy, in his speech on Thursday, two days after his chosen successor went down in flames. In her speech on Wednesday Kamala barely mentioned him. Maybe she gets it; Biden set her up to take the fall.
  2. One can almost wonder if that was by design. I'll add Biden's speech today was more coherent than any of Kamala's recent speeches.
  3. She is usually oh-so glib, with her trademark rapid-fire delivery. Not this time....
      • 2
      • Haha
  4. https://pjmedia.com/marktapscott/2024/11/04/heres-the-definitive-proof-of-how-the-fbi-protected-biden-in-2020-n4933947
  5. https://x.com/JesseBWatters/status/1851792322209468647
  6. https://x.com/Robert_Cr59/status/1847995412638007780
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 161 seconds  
  8. Seems to the case these days. Leave the country and return, you reset the 90-day clock and if you are still in-county at 90 days, that report has to be done in person. You could do it in person from day 75 to six days after the due date. People say seven days after, but as the due date generally counts as day 1 of the grace period in effect it's six, but YMMV. In Bangkok, report at Chaengwattana Immigration, affectionately referred to as CW.
  9. People are getting it, that she's a phony. It's unravelling, the campaign is collapsing. She's also getting a lot of booing recently, and even got an earful of it earlier at this church. And these are her people! Or supposed to be. https://t.ly/jpgDT
  10. That's why I said 'most likely', and not 100 percent, because, you just never know. And who knows? Could be that last report you have questions about may be in their system as 'approved'? Take the good outcome and move on. Yes, the Jomtiem Immigration office seems to generate higher stress levels, for both some of the people working there and some of the foreigners attending it. (Though my own dealings with that office years ago were OK, no issues.) Just best to make sure you've got your 'duck's in a row' (prepared with docs, copies, etc.) whenever you have to do anything there, or at any immigration office for that matter.
  11. Source of the comment, full, unedited. She herself keeps maintaining her values haven't changed. https://x.com/media_laina/status/1844340009995993287
  12. Just go in immigration, submit the 90-day report for this cycle. They'll most likely catch that you didn't do the last one. The fine is 2000 baht. You're not going to be cut any slack on your explanation, but you can tell the story, at least explain why you missed it. One issue going forward you need to understand when submitting online. After you have submitted the application, the 'Success' button and email does not mean you've completed the report. Just means they have accepted it for consideration. You will have to wait some time before you get either an 'approved' or 'rejected' email. If you don't receive the email, and it's getting to be several days after your 'successful' application, you can check the status of your application at the website. Sometimes the email doesn't get sent/received/sent to spam, so you can be proactive and check the status at the website.
  13. It's quite revelatory to see the media promoting McConnell as some sort of paragon of virtue. How many years has he been in the Senate? Almost 40 years! 18 years as the Republican leader. That's a long time. Too long. All during it all he's been an arch-enemy of the Dems. Wonder what's changed? McConnell really needs to go away.
  14. I was looking at the appointments page for CW yesterday afternoon, for retirement extension slots. Looked quite normal, didn't see any 'blackout' of available slots.
  15. This is what you really need to get clarity on. As noted in one of the replies, there are a number of steps to renewing a U.S. passport, and if your friend hasn't specifically said he's filled out those forms, have photos made, paid, etc., I'd be concerned. Even if an agent undertakes handling the process, the applicant has to be involved at points, at the start for sure. Bottom line, find out for a fact if the renewal has or has not been initiated. If not, your friend should take possession of his passport ASAP and do the renewal process himself. Yes, he might need some help, as you describe he's older, and while not overly complicated, there are a lot of steps to complete and it could be challenging for some older applicants. I renewed my passport a few months ago, and it went pretty smooth. The embassy would like everything done by mail and online payments for the renewal and the post return service. (Thai Post is what I used.) https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/passports/instructions-for-ds-82-processing-by-mail-and-online-fee-payment-for-u-s-citizens-residing-in-thailand/ Embassy info, phone number is there. https://th.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulate/
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