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Posts posted by templedog

  1. Before someone has a go at them, plaudits to the Chanasongkram Police for nailing the cowardly little bastards.clap2.gif

    Have they got them?

    I'd say so.

    Police say they arrested Surasak and Chuen Wamakhan, an accomplice who was allegedly serving as a lookout, shortly after the tourist filed a complaint.


    Edit to add.

    I think the cops will be throwing the book at these guys following the KohTao tragedy. Just as a warning . Which of course will go unheeded by the street vermin.

    I'm sure the book will be thrown at these guys....I am also sure neither of them are from rich, or mafia families with connections to influential people and/or police.

    • Like 1
  2. Sad news...... The Thai police should be spending their time trying to

    stop the mind boggling corruption in their ranks, rather than arresting

    a farang who put up a torrent site that has little to do with Thailand....

    Which international fugitives would you suggest that they arrest?

    EWO suggested that they...."should be spending their time trying to

    stop the mind boggling corruption in their ranks".....

    not arrest alternative fugitives.....you've got a insatiable desire for spin, eh? thumbsup.gif

    • Like 2
  3. Americans have some of the most sophisticated palates on the planet.

    JT, I am 100% sure that you have a very sophisticated palette. But judging from the attitude of hundreds of US citizens from all walks of life who have ate at my hotels over the past 10 years, I have zero confidence that your statement above is anywhere near the truth.

    The USA sure has plenty of excellent restaurants, but that doesn't mean the diners have sophisticated palettes...

    BTW, I'm not saying that the Brits have sophisticated palettes, (I don't think they do). But when I was in New York last time, (granted a few years ago), I was 'knocked' off the 'sidewalk'; by the girth of the average American.

    Did they get that fat as a result of their sophisticated palette???

    If you think New Yorkers are fat, go to Texas!! Houston especially!! America has by far the fattest people. Fact.

    • Like 2
  4. I find it interesting that you live in the 'boondocks' of Buriram and have recently seen the dog catcher trucks operating in your area. I too live in the Buriram boondocks, so please next time you seen one of these vehicles, instead of confronting the driver could you direct him to my place. You see these vehicles haven't operated here for over two years now, and my village is over-run with unwanted, diseased, dirty, dangerous dogs. Thank you.

    Or you could get off your 4rse, dip into your Chang money, and help set up a neutering program, for the benefit of villagers AND the dog population. But you won't will you. You'll just spout bile on this forum. Well done.

    Pigs are not smarter than dogs. There is no test to confirm this. One can easily say that dogs are smarter than pigs. A tree is smarter than a rock.

  5. Thailand has finally been hounded into doing something about this situation for it to have made the New York Times..

    Let's see how long it lasts, if at all.

    Why is it any business of Americans, what Thai people eat??

    Continue to bomb the Middle-East back further into the stoneage!!

    I agree 100% with you about America's hypocrisy, but it is more than just Americans against the slaughter and eating of dogs.

    I would find it very difficult not to kill the person who stole my lovely pet dog to be used as food.

    • Like 1
  6. TOT has been trying to upgrade their international connection, but since the new government has taken over, the new board of trustees has put all projects on hold. I spoke with a friend who works for TOT and I was told it might be a year before any improvements....so, yes....a waste of money for all services that claim higher speeds. Once the line reaches the border of Thailand....molasses.

  7. The results have been officially endorsed and theres no need to send more samples abroad to be retested.

    Mr Warot is not a suspect in the case but he has cooperated with us well. As far as the police are concerned, he was cleared long ago. We only did this [DNA tests] to comply with his wish to prove his innocence to the public, Pol Lt Gen Prawut said.

    We found the Facebook pages administrator might want to destroy the credibility of Thailands judicial process. The page is also linked to a political movement seeking to discredit the government, as reflected by its posts during the Peoples Democratic Reform Committees anti-government protests in the first half, he said.

    - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/3-more-dna-results-clear-son-of-koh-tao-big-boss-49450.php#sthash.7cZrIeGb.dpuf

    The true conspiracy is now revealed. Any detractors from the plot of this farce are obviously supporters of the villainous other political blah, blah, blah.

    Now, the suspects have endorsed the results to the satisfaction of themselves and their supporters. No need for any investigation, not that there was going to be an investigation anyways, but as the accused has confirmed in his statement that he did not do it, the case is now solved. Perfect and complete, so let’s get back to extorting the illegal work force.

    Cappy!! You nailed it....and these dudes here who say that we are unpatriotic?? To Thailand? Hilarious, since we are not citizens.

  8. Just reading on csiLA they are saying the pancake translator said that a wine bottle was used as a weapon.

    CSI LA is about as trustworthy as the Thai police!!coffee1.gif

    I second that! I doubt whether any more agree as everyone seems to blindly follow what this "keyboard investigator" CsiLA comes up with. I must admit that his "evidence" does come across as quite convincing but a lot of it defies logic and looking back at earlier cases he "investigated" such as MH370 it is very much based on hearsay. He does a brilliant job on copy/pasting from all kinds of sources without investigating and judging the credibility of those sources.

    My intuition tells me that this time -for a change -the police do have it right.

    Discrediting CSI LA and, praising the Thai police, all in one post,


    These dudes FAIL at their jobs...yes, their jobs....PAID to blather. Shameless talk for profit. Just a joke....I am not serious. Do not arrest me for slander...it is just a joke....do not believe me...I am only kidding....believe the RTP. Get in line. Go shopping.

  9. been looking again at David's wounds

    looks like a shark bite

    but by 1 tooth

    According to the roti/pancake seller/RTP interpreter, David was hit with a large wine wine bottle. Mr Roti openly stated this was what the 2 accused told him. There is a video of his interview showing on Facebook. Strange that the bottle was never found or referred to as a weapon by RTP.

    Perhaps JD and JTJ can explain this minor discrepancy??

    I am not conversant on the conspiracy theorist website.

    Can I take it that you now believe the confessions?

    Is the roti seller now credible to you?

    Are you sure that the police have not mentioned a wine bottle?

    The basic answer would be that the confessions came 2 weeks after the murders. If there was not a wine bottle found what happened to it? Did the roti seller answer that?

    All should be answered in court

    is there actually a real court system there?

    and, would a real court accept confessions from people who couldn't read what they were signing?

    confessions in a language they didn't understand

    written and professed to by an interpreter who didn't understand

    is that what you are so proudly defending here?

    you want us to believe this?

    These two are trying so hard....but they fail....to confuse, misinform, blah, blah, blah....funny how they seldom to reply to my posts.

  10. This situation will never be resolved. Why for two key reasons. Firstly the bib do not want to show their hand , more importantly they appear not to believe they need to as all should accept their comuunications.

    Two , the viewing public both locally and international will never believe or trust this group bib. Lastly the bib have only themselves to blame for the distrust in their ability to act fairly. So no solution will ever be found in this case. Regardless of who is convicted we will never know if they really are the guilty persons

    You are speaking like the 99% of this forum...the 1%'s are VERY obvious. JTJ...JDinarseland.

  11. es!! Where he got his haircut in the last 2 months is a vital clue to follow up On!

    This is the theory that will solve it all!

    typical brainless answer from you trying to deflect the truth coming out .
    It has been 2 months since the murders and he was appearing before the press....


    Don't try your smart a tactics with me how do you know where and when he had the haircut his lawyer showed a photo of him in a lobby with a haircut at the approx time of the murders . Again you are trying protecting this family have a look at how many people are disgusted with your posts on thai visa.

    You may want to look at the photo released by the lawyer.

    I will try and dumb my responses down further for you in the future.

    maybe the investigators will a have closer look this.

    It is not going away and if Nomsod is innocent he has nothing to worry about but there are too many unanswered questions and he has not shown enough eveidence to say where he was thousands of people are not convinced.

    It will quite likely go away. You seem to think anyone needs to convince the public. (particularly foreigners) That simply isn't true. He is not a suspect. They took DNA tests which were not required wiping out the conspiracy theorists "innocent people would" complaints and the "he's not really related theory."

    Now if the family goes after people defaming them on the Internet... Nobody will have any right to complain.

    How about meeting me in a McDonald's parking lot...so I can "dumb your ass down"?

    This is a just a joke....no intentional threat intended....I repeat...no intentional threat intended....it is just a joke.

  12. This only proves 1 thing. The samples taken do not match with the master sample handed over by the BIB - WHICH nobody knows for sure where AND FROM WHOM it came from.

    Thus, in effect, it proves NOTHING, ZERO, ZILCH, RIEN, NADA!


    This whole charade was fixed from the get go. Why else wait 6 weeks before doing the DNA test? Plus, even 'IF' legit, it would NOT be proof he was not involved.

    I personally don't think this kid was directly involved with this case, and I don't think the Burmese are guilty either and have been stitched up, but I do believe the people who did this are involved with village heads family somehow, either employees, hangers on or direct relations, and all this showboating is a distraction/red herring thrown in to change the focus while the real guilty parties are not being looked for, the kid may have been their that night, may have witnessed the events and knows who did this but actually didn't physically take part.

    This is exactly what I believe. Some two posters here are either blatantly apologetic to the RTP, or their brains are simply too small to imagine possibilities that make MUCH more sense than the "facts" and "sources" that they blather about, however I believe the former....they simply refuse to connect dots....it's a blessing that they are not detectives. David was attacked by a one toothed shark!! Hahahaha!!

  13. been looking again at David's wounds

    looks like a shark bite

    but by 1 tooth

    According to the roti/pancake seller/RTP interpreter, David was hit with a large wine wine bottle. Mr Roti openly stated this was what the 2 accused told him. There is a video of his interview showing on Facebook. Strange that the bottle was never found or referred to as a weapon by RTP.

    Perhaps JD and JTJ can explain this minor discrepancy??

    I am not conversant on the conspiracy theorist website.

    Can I take it that you now believe the confessions?

    Is the roti seller now credible to you?

    Are you sure that the police have not mentioned a wine bottle?

    The basic answer would be that the confessions came 2 weeks after the murders. If there was not a wine bottle found what happened to it? Did the roti seller answer that?

    All should be answered in court

    Did I just hear a fart sound?

  14. been looking again at David's wounds

    looks like a shark bite

    but by 1 tooth

    According to the roti/pancake seller/RTP interpreter, David was hit with a large wine wine bottle. Mr Roti openly stated this was what the 2 accused told him. There is a video of his interview showing on Facebook. Strange that the bottle was never found or referred to as a weapon by RTP.

    Perhaps JD and JTJ can explain this minor discrepancy??

    I am not conversant on the conspiracy theorist website.

    Can I take it that you now believe the confessions?

    Is the roti seller now credible to you?

    Are you sure that the police have not mentioned a wine bottle?

    The basic answer would be that the confessions came 2 weeks after the murders. If there was not a wine bottle found what happened to it? Did the roti seller answer that?

    All should be answered in court

    There are no such things as conspiracies!! They are fragments

    of your imagination....go home, go to work, go shopping...that is what you must do!! Trust power, go shopping...I do!! It makes me happy!! I love being ignorant. So happy am I.

    • Like 2
  15. This complicity must go right to the top! Outrageous really that a country can stick two fingers up to the international community & get away with it. Only sanctions from the UK, and a tourist blacklist will make these creatures take any notice

    I'd prefer to see full international sanctions against Thailand for that matter. It would hardly affect us who live here, but it would certainly affect KTao and this pair of corrupt, ugly, lying bastards, and the son, for that matter. tongue.png

    Based on what? Your have no factual evidence on which to base your vilifying statement, just assumptions and your obvious prejudices. Just because you believe these people are guilty you want the whole of Thailand to suffer. Admittedly, the whole inquiry leaves a lot to be desired but until it can be stated positively that this person or that person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then you should desist in making such crude and clearly uneducated remarks.

    Have you everlooked at yourself in a mirror. The world is full of imperfect people and despite your feelings it does not give you the right to write about anyone in such a disparaging manner. If they come after anyone for defamation then you should be careful as you might be one of the first cabs of the rank. That is, if you in fact reside here.

    JTJ has a new ID?

  16. Why is everybody looking for CCTV footage of the 15th? Why not from the 12th? Things that maybe can be verified........

    CCTV footage of the university on the 12th, did Nomsod have long hear covering his ear? If not, he was not the running man on Koh Tao, (I think that was uncle organizing the speedboat escapes for the gang).

    CCTV footage of the BKK condo on the 12th, was the Timber Table there on the 12th? If not, the CCTV tapes from the 14th/15th are doctored. Why is nobody checking these easy verifiable things?

    CCTV footage of the 14th shows a girl with glasses in the same elevator. Find her and asks if she remembers! Should be easy to find out who she is.

    This DNA circus is what it is, a circus and will proof nothing, it is dead end. Go after the above! Also find out who own a speedboat called Little Duck!

    good points and mostly common sense stuff you would think,

    Because the RTP doesn't want to.....simple as that. They have their goats, now it's business as usual. I'm sure Thaksin Shin is loving all of this!!

    • Like 1
  17. There are so many people that believe this whole episode is a complete sham......including me.

    The RTP appear overly enthusiastic to have these results in the media as soon as possible to "prove" there investigations.........and to have a press meeting, with the father and son at the table, indicates to me that they are desperate to convince all, that they are right.

    The BP website carried a picture of the son holding up the finger from which blood was taken and a doctor / medical technician displaying the paper used to collect the blood.

    Pure theatre and childish but totally in keeping with the way things are done.

    To be fair the whole society is based on childish behaviour etc. Just look at the tv, with all the boings and stuff. ALL thai channels are snowed out in my house. Unwatchable dirge imo


  18. x30246653-01_big.jpg.pagespeed.ic.mjNtP0

    That pic is taken thru a glass window. Why?

    And what's with the Chief and Headman's hardened gazes? It's that supposed to be don't <deleted?k with us?

    ABSOLUTELY hilarious! Why is the father there? The boy is of age. The father has been at almost every police gathering....why? To conduct the cover-up? Such amateurs. And the threats? Don't speculate...where are we now....in China? Burma? Egypt? Thailand is regressing quickly.

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  19. Why does it matter? Conspiracy nuts will just not believe and demand more proof only to then go on and disbelieve that.


    What kind of results are these people thinking will happen ... that somehow the two DNA samples collected at the scene will somehow match a third person making two people who don't even share the same heritage having identical DNA. THEY ALREADY MATCHED THE DNA and this kid was not even on the island at the time of the murders. At least their is tough defamation laws in Thailand and this is a perfect example of when they should be used.

    If the matches are so certain, why has the prosecutor sent the docket back THREE times?


    Don't even entertain this troll known as JTJ........so obviously doesn't know or care about the facts. He blindly believes all the RTP says.

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