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Posts posted by templedog

  1. i hope it is true,everyone should have access to the world game,and before or the yawnites get on here ,if you have ever played you would know what a buzz playing football is.

    I agree, playing ANY sport is fun, even lawn bowling and curling but that doesn't mean WATCHING is any bit more entertaining than listening to elevator music. Ever drive 160kph on the highway? It's exhilarating but watch NASCAR driving at twice the speed and you might fall asleep in the first 5 minutes.

    What is more educational is that the World Cup in any country provides MOST of the income for the top tier in such a society.

    The grizzle goes for the poor....and ALL those taxpayer's dollars for all the facilities are just for the top tier. Listen to the disenfranchised of Brazil,

    they'll tell you something you might not have heard. The World Cup is a mere spectacle for the masses....fun, I agree, but is it really

    fun at the cost of education, and health care, and infrastructure...etc...etc????...Roman Days Again. Gladiators and free bread.

    • Like 1
  2. time Taksin got a taste of his own and you have to fight fire with fire As someone whose been here over 30 years my wife (from poor) many this friends and many agree 100% with this analysis and ok its a PR job but thats whats needed

    LAst bit aout evils of USA are totally true and anyone who thinks otherwise is totally naive

    Thank goodness for Supet for not letting Taksin get away with it and this time maybe for good

    SPOT ON!! Tell it like it is....refreshing.

  3. Silly rabbit, the USA has been controlled by the 1%ers since its founding.

    The only freedom you enjoy is what the 1%ers allow you to enjoy in the USA and the rest of the world as well.

    The 99%ers are cannon fodder for their economic wars and slaves for their factories.

    And sadly the totalitarian ideology of the commie red-shirts and totalitarian ideology of the deep southern provinces would even be far worse.

    You are kidding, right? cheesy.gif

    "Small businesses comprise what share of the U.S. economy?"

    Small businesses make up:

    99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms,

    64 percent of net new private-sector


    49.2 percent of private-sector


    42.9 percent of private-sector payroll,

    46 percent of private-sector output,

    43 percent of high-tech employment,

    98 percent of firms exporting goods,


    33 percent of exporting value.

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, SUSB, CPS;

    International Trade Administration; Bureau

    of Labor Statistics, BED; Advocacy-funded

    research, Small Business GDP: Update 2002-

    2010, www.sba.gov/advocacy/7540/42371.


    Read this...then comment about "small enterprises".


  4. Silly rabbit, the USA has been controlled by the 1%ers since its founding.

    The only freedom you enjoy is what the 1%ers allow you to enjoy in the USA and the rest of the world as well.

    The 99%ers are cannon fodder for their economic wars and slaves for their factories.

    And sadly the totalitarian ideology of the commie red-shirts and totalitarian ideology of the deep southern provinces would even be far worse.

    You are kidding, right? cheesy.gif

    "Small businesses comprise what share of the U.S. economy?"

    Small businesses make up:

    99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms,

    64 percent of net new private-sector


    49.2 percent of private-sector


    42.9 percent of private-sector payroll,

    46 percent of private-sector output,

    43 percent of high-tech employment,

    98 percent of firms exporting goods,


    33 percent of exporting value.

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, SUSB, CPS;

    International Trade Administration; Bureau

    of Labor Statistics, BED; Advocacy-funded

    research, Small Business GDP: Update 2002-

    2010, www.sba.gov/advocacy/7540/42371.


    And by all of this "factual number crunching data", you are proving that "somtinwong" is deluded in his/her statement about the 1%ers?

    WTFU....wake the f...up. Get a clue. Watch too much tv?

  5. Silly rabbit, the USA has been controlled by the 1%ers since its founding.

    The only freedom you enjoy is what the 1%ers allow you to enjoy in the USA and the rest of the world as well.

    The 99%ers are cannon fodder for their economic wars and slaves for their factories.

    And sadly the totalitarian ideology of the commie red-shirts and totalitarian ideology of the deep southern provinces would even be far worse.


  6. The Western World has said many times that Elections are not always "Free and Fair".

    Prime examples recently are:

    North Korea

    Crimea (Ukraine)

    and now Syria

    The Western World needs to look at their support of other Countries where "Elections are Not Free and Fair". Syria is the example of the day where Elections took place, but are now "Criticized for being a Sham".

    Thailand could very well be one of those Countries where Elections need to be "Reformed" first before having another "Sham Election".

    Unfortunately it seems sometimes the end to dictatorship and mismanagement has to be tackled by other means to bring about reforms before "Sham Elections".

    Thailand was hopelessly at a "Deadlock" and the Thai Government and People were being manipulated and controlled by "Outside Influences" (admitedly by the Perpetrator of this Manipulation and Control from outside the Country and by the Thai Government Party in Power).

    The Threat of continued and/or Escalated Violence was a real threat without Intervention.

    From MSN today:


    KimoMax.....I couldn't agree with you more...It is humbling to read educated posts here.

    • Like 2
  7. Yes, the people are always too ignorant to decide their own destiny. They are also incapable of learning from their mistakes as those in the West have done, often born of blood.

    Peace and prosperity under a fascist dictator is always the answer for all of the stupid peasants. Just as that guy - what was his name? - in Germany in the 1930's. He had all of the answers for the lemmings.

    The final answer for him from the ignorant masses was that 60 million people died in Europe which was 2.5% of the world's population. LINK

    Was the shedding of blood worth it? I say yes.

    "Freedom isn't free." - Colonel, Walter Hitchcock (And used commonly in the United States to express gratitude to the military.)

    Have you been reading, or watching too many Hollywood stories/movies of history? "Born of blood"....what does that mean?

    "a fascist dictator is always the answer for all of the stupid peasants....The final answer for him from the ignorant masses was that 60 million people died in Europe."

    Do you mean to say that Adolph Hitler was solely responsible for WWII's death toll?....or, at least the main reason?

    Freedom Isn't Free, No it's A Fuckin Hefty Fee.

    Can you chip in your "buck-o-five?

    • Like 1
  8. i posted this on the 13th January this year.

    In my 35 years of living here I've watched the poor become politically aware and that's why they vote for PTP.

    Democrats are just the old clique, recycled again and again.

    Every General when he retires moves straight into the businesses he cultivated through graft and favours during his time in the forces.

    It has always been.

    That is why the military won't let go of their grip on the throat of the Thai people.

    The old families from earliest times control 90% of the economy.

    Why would they let the poor spoil their party?

    PTP and Thaksin recognised this and brought policies to give them a better go.

    The yellows, Suthep and his ilk are just puppets for the real power in Thailand.

    Thaksin was an upstart who didn't want to play in their game.

    Reminds me a little of Anwar Ibrahim's situation in Malaysia.

    He didn't want to play by Mahathir Mohammed's rules so trumped up charges were used to silence him.

    Thaksin wasn't a cleanskin, show me one Thai politician who is, but when it suited the Dems, they dragged out the corruption mantra to demonise him.

    And all the little public servants in their offices were told to get down to the airport in a yellow shirt and shut it down.

    This is as transparent a game as one could wish to see.

    I doubt whether the people will ever have real political power here until the military are told to do as they are instructed by a democratically elected government.

    As seen in most Western democracies.

    That is why Suthep came out with that outrageous idea of an unelected "people's council", they don't want an election, they can't win one.

    So the tanks will be rumbling down the streets very soon.

    How's that for a prediction?

    YEP! and you did what so many are unable to do. That is to get the facts right ! congratulations.coffee1.gif


    I agree with a lot of what you say, but let's not forget that Thaksin was/is bringing this country down with massive privatization schemes to empower only his greedy power-lust family. He's siding with the US right now with TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) military bases, oil deals....who knows what else.

    Thaksin's pace is unparalleled in Thai history. I believe that the "other" family is quite concerned about his unusually fast paced grab for power. One can't just say, "Oh, but he helped the poor while the Dems have never done anything." As if Thaksin really gives a hoot about the poor....laughable....a billionaire caring for the poor? The Royal family has done more than Thaksin in rural areas with social assistance. The Shiniwatres are NOT the answer to this country's problems, and they are NEITHER a step in the right direction as you seemingly propose. If you are proposing that.

    • Like 1
  9. The International community ay. Some of those countries in the International community are far worse than Thailand at the moment. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" comes to mind.

    Mr BSJ,

    You are so right....it kills me how ,many ignoramuses are on this thread.

    They are cheering the international condemnation of the military coup here....as if the USA

    has never orchestrated a coup in a foreign country, or overturned a democratically elected

    government simply because they didn't want to be "owned" by US corporations.

    Iran 1953, El Salvador 1980s, Chile 1973.....and the list goes on and on.....

    It makes me sick to hear John Kerry and any American talk about another country's

    internal affairs as if they hold the standard......<deleted> LAUGHABLE!!!!

  10. Hilarious first show of total lack understaning of how things work. Wonder if they need a PR guy to steer the coup through the rest of the day.

    Government were busy all day with Reuters, BBC, CNN, US, EU and every Ambassador in Thailand. Check out the reports. Also busy drafting a totally legal draft for elections on 3rd August.

    Be difficult now for EC not to comply with election date request now their friends have ensures safety with martial law. smile.png

    So, whilst the army were posturing, taking selfies and meeting with Suthep and their backers, the Government backed them into a corner with an election date. Hilarious first day in power.

    Pity the Army thought to concentrate on his smug allies!!!

    You seem to be one of those pathetic individuals who is crying out loud right now, just because someone stepped in in the nick of time to stop psychotic red hordes from starting a civil war. He was right - what government? They lost the control of country some time ago. And might I refresh your memory, we got to this point only because UDD/Red shirts terrorists accelerated smuggling automatic weapons to Bangkok/Thailand. Get some perspective.

    Wrong again.

    They didn't lose control, they had it stripped from then by a small elite mob. A mob that was dwindling so much that the Army could no longer protect them on the streets.

    Thanks for the lovely flames. I am sorry that the glory of your much prayed for coup was short lived and only in small areas of Elite society at that.

    You really need to be reading more before you post. Note I spent all day reading real news before I posted. Flame on by all means, but please, do so with more info. backing you.

    I won't reply anymore to you. Much more important things to read and write. I'll just see how many likes you get for your poor respnse

    Hello Jenny,

    I am interested in "real news", can you tell me where to find it? Cheers.

    • Like 1
  11. Someone needs to have a word with him about wardrobe/fashion sense. He looks like a country/western , oke bar singer

    true, its odd for our western sensibilities. but he has strong appeal to the common thai man. they love this type of character

    And so did the Americans of the same ilk who loved George W. Bush.....get it, Moonao?

    Just love the way you connected those dots. Well done. A golden star for you.

    Connecting dots. Ah, yes, those lovely "dots". One needs to have a sense of history to see how political affairs transpire. Hey, Moonao, it's so obvious that you are aligned with the Thaksin camp, is it wrong for someone to connect your dots? Are you saying that there are no similarities with the Thaksin movement in Thailand and the GWB movement in America? If you are, let's debate that.....right now.

  12. Truly bizzare, this leader of the "phrai" looks to have bought the late Liberace's wardrobe. In my opinion it makes this multi-millionaire look like a rich man, which is a shame after all his efforts to appear a grass roots hero. Still, given the IQ of his fanbase I don't suppose many will cotton on.

    That's it black heart, look down on the reds & rural poor, just like the Dems. It has done them wonders after all. You with your ultra high IQ and all!

    Be fair. Jatuporn is not a member of the rural poor. He, Nattawut and co. have been richly rewarded for their efforts, as have all the middle men and canvassers who got PT elected. No different from the other side in my opinion.

    The red shirts will actually stand for nothing other than the other side of a battle between elite families until they independently set themselves up as a political party with grassroots leaders. It's not going to happen of course, and this is partly why the deadlock remains.

    There are two sides to the dirty coin.

    Sunderland speaks words of wisdom. I couldn't agree more.

    • Like 1
  13. Thai traditional silk attire is aesthetic in its design and appealing to the eye, to include color scheme and accessories. One doesn't have to be Thai to appreciate the fact. A number of fahlang enjoy the various Thai festivals in many respects, clothing styles being prominent among them.

    Political views are one thing, but the inability and/or unwillingness to acknowledge certain cultural virtues of a civilization strongly suggest the presence of philistines.

    Yes Liberace was ahead of his time and so many rudimentary types here are behind the present time - or it is simply that their inherently myopic ethnocentric time has already passed.

    In the United States the many ethnicities have for two centuries held their traditional festivals in their neighborhoods or throughout their cities so the richness of the tapestry of world cultures is continually on display, often each weekend during summer months. It's an enriching experience and it's a treat actually be in a country where traditional attire is both so exquisite and regularly on display.

    Politics aside.

    Are you kidding me? What a bunch of blather. Condemning posts for their comments on attire? Free game here, dude.

    It's so pathetic that you actually thought you might have EDUCATED someone with your sophomoric language. WFC

    about the clothes, was that your message? Get a haircut without clenching your bunghole, eh?

    • Like 1
  14. Someone needs to have a word with him about wardrobe/fashion sense. He looks like a country/western , oke bar singer

    true, its odd for our western sensibilities. but he has strong appeal to the common thai man. they love this type of character

    And so did the Americans of the same ilk who loved George W. Bush.....get it, Moonao?

  15. Who said that beautiful girls are stupid this one picked the side of right. cheesy.gif

    It seems that not only are reds in general less bright they are also not as pretty cheesy.gif

    Oh Yeah!! Reds need to be called what they are...capitalist whores. All this chatter about democracy

    is as hilarious as the yellow's chatter about democracy....all is a farce. Reds are deluded have-nots

    that seem to think they can rule on the premise that they are poor. They need to fight for rights, not for cash.

  16. Who said that beautiful girls are stupid this one picked the side of right. cheesy.gif

    It seems that not only are reds in general less bright they are also not as pretty cheesy.gif

    Oh Yeah!! Reds need to be called what they are...capitalist whores. All this chatter about democracy

    is as hilarious as the yellow's chatter about democracy....all is a farce. Reds are deluded have-nots

    that seem to think they can rule on the premise that they are poor. They need to fight for rights, not for cash.

    • Like 1
  17. PR, I think you will find nobody here is defending the action of a few idiots who should rightly be put behind bars for this.

    Now if only the same were true for those who shot up Trat, blew up the kids at Radjidamri. Those people should be called scum of the earth as well in your eyes?

    Not many pause to think. Glad to know that you do. Is this James that is friends with Swanky?

  18. Hard to keep track of public enemy number one these days, Suthep, the 9 judges or the fake monk with his thug guards

    Did you forget about Jutaporn and Chalerm ????? if you mention these ten why not mention your top ten.

    Of course not.....Moonao doesn't see things in color, only in black and white.

    I've never seen a grey lime, have you?

    Hey Moonao, read some Chomsky.....for starters.

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