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Posts posted by templedog

  1. Maybe you should start reading as it was posted 6 hours ago.

    Ooops, I didn't didn't see it on the thread as it was buried into...."See All News".

    Maybe you should mind your manners and keep your petty sarcasm to your wife or gf.

    Or would you like me to teach you some manners? Mr Crunchy.

    • Like 1
  2. National Police chief General Somyot Poompanmoung reiterated that the investigation had been carried out in a transparent manner,

    A lie is a lie is a lie

    and remains a lie, no matter how often reiterated

    Well, he's speaking to the bewildered herd that actually believe him. Many Thais simply follow out of respect and/or ignorance. Just like the Americans did in the USA under GWB, or any other country for that matter. There is an old saying that he seems to agree with, "I have said it twice: That alone should encourage the crew. Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice: What i tell you three times is true."

    From Lewis Carroll's, The Hunting of the Snark.

  3. Perhaps by now some RTP officers are having difficulty to find sleep at night. S#!T is hitting the fan for them as it seems! Thanks to anyone here at TV who did not buckle under the RTP threats and kept posting photos and texts questioning the RTP's investigation and their official version. Power to the people!!! thumbsup.gif

    As if the RTP will make us cower. Never. This what free press looks like!! Get a close look at it, RTP. And don't forget, we have a voice you cannot silence.

  4. For all you who need to know the meaning of 'conspiracy' and 'conspiracy theory'.

    4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
    conspiracy theory
    1. a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.
    So, where is the lunacy too think that these murders were not either one, actually, both?
    There is ample evidence in what the police have stated, there is hearsay, and many of the facts contradict or don't add up. Many things were left out. You don't need to be an arm chair warrior CSI freak to see that there are major irregularities in this case that would make even a simple minded person think the official story seems 'not right', maybe even smells like a possible cover-up. Oh wait!! NO, not Thais, they would NEVER do such a thing! So, go ahead all you who bark the all too familiar "Conspiracy Nut" phrase, go ahead and keep the wool over your eyes until its your _______who is found ______ on the beach ________.
    • Like 1
  5. I guess we all kinda jumped on this. Perhaps it was the Burmese. True Thais try to blame them for many things unfairly, and in many cases murders of foreigners has not be prosecuted fairly. But it doesnt stand to reason that Burmese never murder tourists. Its pretty far fetched that the police could force 2 innocent people to confess in this case when it can carry death penalty. Its an international affair with NGOs, International media and Burmese embassy involved. Just how influential could some "mafia" or "well connected" bar owning family on a tiny island could be?

    Im still confused about the foreign busker guy.. could just be hes totally paranoid and on drugs? Or an idiot trying to make a sensationalist story to get hits to his blog or whatever

    I agree with you , even the big headman on this tiny island can't control RTP outside his own territory . In Bangkok ,the P.M and politicians running this country want to catch the real killers, it doesnt matter if he is a wealthy thai person or a poor Burmese really.

    I can understand the mafia on the island can control the local police but not outsiders who's been in charge of most of the investigation .


    It seems you either don't understand Thai culture, or conveniently ignore it.

    Your posts have droned on and on, Balo, defending incompetence and corruption that is at a level that can only be described as evil.

    It's not the influence of the local mafia, it's the influence of the local senior police.

    It's also, much more so, about Face. At a national level.

    Never seen a post like that which is so ignorant of how Thailand function, in all walks of life not just in this instance. Maybe a trip to the law courts might help.

    Why do some invest so much emotional energy in denying what is evident almost everyday in Thailand.

    This is just on a grander scale.

    The people are nice it's the institutions and the hierarchical nature that is wrong. Most Thais I know don't even find other Thais as a whole trust worthy.

    Plus all the other cases that also happened to be migrant workers .

    At this rate it would appear to be more dangerous to visit Burma !

    There is way more to consider than "some local mafia" guy on a little island. It is about "Thai image", as the RTP have said over and over again. Does anyone here think that the local police are NOT in cahoots with the local mafia, that is how they make the bulk of their income. If the mafia guys go down, you can be sure they take the po-po with them. AND, that will make the whole thing unravel and be an even bigger loss of face, for local police and national police, and it would ruin the Thai image even more.. Possibly, losing billions in tourist dollars...or pounds....or baht. Just speculation based on the history of past events and actual experiences with the police here, making my speculation a hellava lot more believable than that police investigation.

    • Like 1
  6. commenting that the suspects may have been coerced by Thai authorities.

    The men have signed confessions... END OF STORY.. Guilty as charged..... The RTP have their men.....

    AS for the 3rd DNA found... Forget it.... The RTP have their men....

    The RTP did an outstanding job. smile.png They have their men...

    Does any of this mean anything.... IT doesn't really matter.... The RTP have their men....


    Haha...cut down on your morning coffee, man...you sound very jumpy.

    I agree.

    However, I want to make sure I'm not just missing out on some sarcasm here by thesetat2013.....am I?

    And, why would 90% of expats need to apologize......for being, for the most part, fairly inquisitive?

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  7. Kill me for speculation....but this whole thing reeks of a connected Thai, local (mafia), Yaba smoking freak,

    who is "untouchable" because of his family connections, committing the crime.

    Oh yeah, like THAT NEVER happens in Thailand. Again....just speculation from actual experiences.

    Remember the 13 year old girl who was raped and thrown from the train? They quickly blamed that on a "contract worker".

  8. I watched a talk show a few days ago regarding the effect social networking is having on politicians (in the USA) who make simple (yet far-reaching) mistakes. and how the country needs to stop casting these sometimes brilliant people into oblivion because of their - humanness - if that is a word.

    Hey there, I think you need to clarify what you mean by this statement.

    If I am correct, you are saying that "sometimes brilliant politicians", like Prayuth, (laughable)

    shouldn't be cast into oblivion because of their humanness? Their humanness???

    What does that mean? Their stupidity and ignorance?

    He clearly meant that the victim could be blamed for their crime because of circumstantial reasons?

    Such as; wearing a swimsuit, that is internationally recognized all over the world, and in EVERY Thai

    fashion magazine, is reason for her rape and murder??!!

    I am appalled by you, and all others that take to this kind of hypocrisy and ignorant behavior.

    Unless you can reply with a reasonable rebuttal, you offer nothing to this thread but ignorance.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The result of this case will profoundly affect the way I think about the present government one way or the other.

    Perfectly put - are they really wanting to drag Thailand into the modern world or are they just slaves to a wealthy and powerful elite?

    Snig27, I think we all know the answer to that. I can imagine the judge during the trial....PAID.

  10. Now that some time has passed and a few members here have received their CB®650F, I wanted to ask if anyone other than templedog is having the heat issue.

    I took the CB650F for a testride a few months ago and really liked it. Was enough power for me coming from a CBR500R and doing mostly commute style riding in Phuket. A bit more torque would have been nice but I guess that's always the case smile.png From a bang for the buck point of view, it's one of the best options here in Thailand.

    I spent some time today at Bigwing and I really get itchy every time I see this bike. I want it. But the heat from the engine is just something I think I wont be happy with in the long run. So I basically want to hear if that's a non-issue for most owners or maybe just some bikes are affected?

    LL2 you said the heat is comparable to your 500. I have one too and I noticed a huge difference. The 500 doesn't get so hot that it's anywhere near uncomfortable. Wonder if I did something wrong :/

    Hello, I've figured out that I am just not used to riding a "big bike" in Thailand. It is my first here, so I was shocked at how hot my CBR650 got. And, it takes hours to cool down. I'm from New York City and had a GSXR750 over there, with the cooler nights, heat was never an issue. Well, BKK is a frying pan, so....yeah I noticed the heat, and I burned my leg wearing shorts, too. I never ride with shorts anymore. I believe the other fellows on this thread that it's not hotter than other bikes. It's just Bangkok!

    Has anyone found a good shop for after-market thingies....mirrors, sliders, clutch/brake levers...etc.?? Cheers, Joe

  11. In both cases, they respect the law despite being quite able to break it without being caught. So which nationality is behaving strangely here?

    Here is your answer in a nut shell. Thai's respect only themselves and the baht. Everything is about 'me' and how to make another baht. Is it surprising to see this reflected in the lives of the politicians and the police? Hell no. This is how they were brought up.

    Wow....my wife and I were just discussing this last night.....also, my students (Thai professionals) said the exact same thing as you. Funny, one might think that a Buddhist country be more on the selfless side of life, but not here.

    • Like 2
  12. Take this for what it is......I spoke to someone in Thai Gov't, no names, and they said that a deal is being brokered by Thaksin

    and junta for his return in 5 or less years. Yingluck will be admitted back and a whitewash of the rice scheme will happen. Just stuff

    I've heard from a reliable source. Don't ask.

  13. After further riding, 900km later, I am getting used to the riding position....doesn't seem so top heavy anymore with a bit of crouching. My last sport bike was a Suzuki GSXR750 15 years ago, so that explains the different feel. Living and working in Thailand makes it very difficult to afford a "real" sports bike here.....at least on my salary. As for the heat, I am feeling it from the engine. It blows straight onto my inner thighs and just bakes me. My commute is in rush hour on Chaengwattana.....SUCKS. I am forced to take the wifey's Honda Click to work! Keeping the CBR for weekend fun only.

    your knees has to hold the stock plastic frame knee pads on the frame. this way, bike is 50%-50% rear front weight distribution and bikes feel a lot better.

    and i commute everyday too and have no problems about hot engine. it is never disturbing and not different from any big bike.

    I'll give that knee thingy more attention, cheers. I realized that I haven't ridden a big bike since the States, so this is my first here in The Big Mango. I guess I'm not getting used to the extra heat.

  14. After further riding, 900km later, I am getting used to the riding position....doesn't seem so top heavy anymore with a bit of crouching. My last sport bike was a Suzuki GSXR750 15 years ago, so that explains the different feel. Living and working in Thailand makes it very difficult to afford a "real" sports bike here.....at least on my salary. As for the heat, I am feeling it from the engine. It blows straight onto my inner thighs and just bakes me. My commute is in rush hour on Chaengwattana.....SUCKS. I am forced to take the wifey's Honda Click to work! Keeping the CBR for weekend fun only.

  15. Motorcyclistsonline has a first ride report on this if anyone from the States wants to know.


    ^ I am liking the blue. Will probably be a Thai 2015 color.





    blue is not a fast color. Honda means red, red means Honda.

    It feel like I have peep peep when I see one.

    Couldn't agree with you more, I think this blue is hideous. I've got the red..."Millennium Red", and it is sexy beautiful. Ordered it in December 2013, picked it up on June 2nd 2014 from Big Wing BKK. I de-badged it, left only the clear coated "Honda Wing" emblem on the tank 'cause it's clear coated. All other decals are gone. Looks much better. Loving it mostly, although it feels a bit too tall, and top heavy. I am 6ft (183cm), with a 33 inch inner seam, I barely get flat footed on it when seated. Also, it's the HOTTEST bike I've ever ridden.....I mean heat wise. After just 10 minutes of city riding my gonads are baked. Terrible bike for commuting, better fit for long casual rides with an occasional speed burst, has lots of smooth low end pull. Fit and finish are second to none!

  16. I find there is a general disdain for Thailand by many .. I am guessing Westerners ...that have such a low opinion of Thailand.

    That Thailand should object to the rating given by the US government on Human Trafficking...I can guess that most people don't want their country criticized by any foreigner..so that's a natural reaction not just a Thai perspective.

    Since over 22 years coming to Thailand & now living here I have never seen or experienced this problem but if others are more a expert on the subject I'd be more interesting in listening.

    Since it was the US making the claim it's as if there is no human trafficking done in the US? or in their farming industry done by Latinos?

    Just because the US makes standards..and they can because they are the ones linked to any loans etc given by the World Bank & IMF that is affected by the Tier system they can say what they want.

    My initial reaction would be the US has destroyed 7 countries in the last 10 years or so & now leading the charge towards World War & Nuclear attacks against Russia & China.

    Most of the other Western Countries... including my own are basically Puppets and to me have no right to say anything on any moral high ground.

    Is Thailand perfect?.. of course not but where is?..Your home country?

    I'm an American living in Thailand, married to a Thai, and couldn't AGREE with you more.

  17. Someone will be real pleased with themselves for starting that rumor.

    Doesn't take much in the way of malicious rumor to cause a lot of trouble.

    While saying that the original announcement could possibly have been worded better to make it quite clear that only illegal workers would be effected, but then maybe it was clear and those with an agenda twisted things.

    It does seem reasonable that if migrants want to work here they should register and do it legally, many it would seem do. I see piles of passports being handed over for 90 day reports when I have to go to immigration.

    It could be said that the illegals are the ones who are willing to work for less so are dragging the pay of the others down.

    They also get away without having to pay the costs involved and are under the radar if something happens to them, it leaves them more open to exploitation (trafficking) and there is no record of them if they themselves commit crime or indeed just disappear.

    Finally....an educated comment. Thanks for the fresh air, Robby. I totally agree with you.

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