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Posts posted by templedog

  1. anyone in their right mind can see the koh tao murder case as a complete whitewash.

    i would bet my left (you know what) that the UK (oops, caps) is complicit in it as well.

    what an opportunity to use leverage to get some oil/gas drilling deals in the gulf for BP

    in return for going along with the whitewash and to get back to "business as usual".

    people need to wake up and stop being so naive, you must understand current

    hard ball politics in order to make sense of this.

    only 4 caps....ok? thank you, sir!

  2. anyone in their right mind can see the koh tao murder case as a complete whitewash.

    i would bet my left (you know what) that the UK (oops, caps) is complicit in it as well.

    what an opportunity to use leverage to get some oil/gas drilling deals in the gulf for BP

    in return for going along with the whitewash in order to get back to "business as usual".

    People need to wake up and stop being so naive, you must understand current

    hard ball politics in order to make sense of this.

  3. Outstanding point, this case could have been the making of the General; instead he is taking Thailand back to the dark ages.

    Another show of his strength would have been to issue an arrest warrant for the Red Bull Police Murder, again silence!!

    Why? Why has he not sent in the troops to clear that Island? why???? Money? greed? corruption? what is it?

    He has shown his true values and beliefs.

    A tragedy for Thailand, A tragedy for the REAL AND DECENT PEOPLE of Thailand.

    One may just imagine what a rocket-alike rise in popularity worldwide our beloved dicta... sorry, Gen. Prayuth would receive if he would stand up to the island mafia families, root out all those rotten bastards there and get the real killers proscecuted. But what happens instead? He's covering for them as well... It's sickening!

    Not even talking about the positive boost it would have on the Burma/Thai relationship if for once, some unfortunate burmese people such as the two accused would be treated like human beings and receive the same rights as Thais. But to ask a Thai to just let go of this irritating self-absorbed "Thai people are the best in the world and superior to anyone and anything else" attitude just for a day is too much to ask for, apparently.

    Why???? I just re-watched Godfather Part II last night.....Michael Corleone says to The Senator, "We are part of the same hypocrisy.".....that is why the Generale' isn't doing anything about it, he has his fingers in the cake, too.

    • Like 2
  4. About a month ago the RTP were actually requesting help from abroad - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/20/thai-police-koh-tao-fbi-british-backpacker-murders

    This never was allowed to happen and instead within days 2 kids were framed for it.

    Now the UK is offering what the RTP requested a month ago and the General tells them to p1ss off!? Do none of you nay sayers think that it odd?


    not odd at all. 3 days after they announced that arrests would be made. They were made. DNA results back. Case to be sent to prosecution.

    How hard can it be. Thailand's star qualified DNA specialist said the testers were not qualified!

    You may want to look at what she said. You may also want to look at what she said about the GT200

    Yes, true that, but if you apply that reasoning then ALL Thai politicians and police involved in this case cannot be trusted, all the way down to those who are covering up this double homicide. You talk like Prayuth, with contradiction.

    • Like 1
  5. Here's a suggestion to reduce the clutter on all these threads. Can we agree to just ignore jdinasia. johnthailandjohn et al. Let them speak freely of course as they will undoubtedly keep defending the "authorities" in this appalling case no matter how many holes are revealed and blunders and ridiculous statements made. But is it really necessary to respond to them in every instance?

    Exactly. The more we feed these characters, the bigger they get. Ignore them, and they will fade back into their cheap beer.

    By this characters you mean people that want to be actual evidence before stringing someone up?

    Lynch mentality has never tolerated discussion.

    No it isn't important to respond to them every time, but one needs to vent on such ignorance once in a while.

    • Like 1
  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Why is it conspiracy theorists can't grasp the fact that these two admitted murdering rapists have lawyers who can run whatever DNA tests they want including getting the UK involved in the defense.

    How do you come to that conclusion? TIT, I very much doubt the lawyer has any right to have more DNA tests run.

    You are kidding right? You don't think the defense team is allowed to put on a defense or question evidence?

    They without a doubt can submit their own test results to counter prosecution claims just as they can submit evidence to show confession were got illegally. Neither of which I believe will happen as I am fairly certain they will please guilty and show as much remorse as possible to escape the death penalty and have a chance to be able to see freedom again.

    Well, there certainly won't be a trial by jury as Thailand has no such procedure, it is all up to the judge...and we know judges can easily be manipulated, whether politically or with bribes.

  7. Why is it conspiracy theorists can't grasp the fact that these two admitted murdering rapists have lawyers who can run whatever DNA tests they want including getting the UK involved in the defense.

    1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
      "a conspiracy to destroy the government"
      synonyms: plot, scheme, plan, machination, ploy, trick, ruse, subterfuge;
      "a conspiracy to manipulate the results"
      • the action of plotting or conspiring.
        "they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice"
        synonyms: plotting, collusion, intrigue, connivance, machination, collaboration;
        "conspiracy to commit murder"
        con·spir·a·cy the·o·ry
        1. a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.
    • Like 1
  8. This could be a reason why Thailand could give a shit what the UK and USA have to say about their domestic affairs.


    Thailand has recently avoided the USA's invitation into the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership).

    And has decided to side with China. Just food for thought.....after all, politics is more complex than most people consider.

    • Like 1
  9. Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bangkok was mistakenly quoted as saying he was happy with the RTP investigation, now this.

    Thailand is taking a very aggressive attitude.

    I hope Her Majesty's Government send a firm rebuke ASAP.

    Is the Head man of a small Thai island really that influential??? I don’t think so, so what the hell is going on?

    I think the small Thai island Headman is influential. Sometimes you have to just look at the nose on your face. Think about it, a situation occurs (double homicide that has the looks of an angry and aggressive assault....anyone heard of Thai face saving?)... that has HUGE implications right before Thai tourist season kicks in. You could probably connect the money ALL the way to top officials in the gov't. ANYONE shouting "CONSPIRACY THEORY", or saying "stop speculating", can KMA. The investigation has been pathetically amateurish by Thai officials.

    Oh, one more thing....many have stated that the Thai police are so stupid to have let the crime scene be contaminated by the public (including the manager of AC Bar). Actually, maybe they wanted it to be contaminated to purposely hide incriminating evidence. I am just thinking of things that a normal detective might consider....but yet, the RTP will not cover ALL leads. Ask yourself....WHY NOT?


    IMO, the murderers MO was not the lame-assed story by the RTP...that these young Burmese guys wanted to take a peek (and deciding to bring a hoe with them, just in case, ya know) at two foreigners kissing. And then got all horny enough to bash their faces in and rape the girl. Are you kidding me? Follow the money, just like Walter Sobchak said in The Big Lebowski. Sorry for bringing up The Dude.

  10. To be fair to the PM, he's not a despot, and he has apologised for other gaffes in the past (e.g. Bikini-gate).

    I reckon that he will quickly realise that he has been caught lying and has been made to look like a prat, so he will issue a "clarification" to being misquoted by the Press.

    So be patient and give him 24 hours to redeem himself.

    Why should we be apologetic to a guy who is a puppet and is obviously as corrupt as the whole lot of them? What's your stake in this?

  11. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said the summons of Nadhavathna Krishnamra on Monday followed a call made by Mr Swire to Thailand's deputy prime minister and foreign minister earlier this month.

    In a statement, the FCO said: "Mr Swire stressed that there was a real concern in the UK about how the investigation has been handled by the Thai authorities."

    The Burmese government and parliament have also issued statements of concern.

    But, as the pre-trial hearing began on Tuesday, Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha dismissed growing concern and denied that the Thai charge d'affaires had been summoned.

    He said: "They did not summon us. We went to provide clarification to them.

    "We went to show them how we work. They might be surprised at how quickly we work but we explained the steps we have in place."


  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Maybe this is just rumor....but I've heard from a no bullshit source that the PM's mom is a serious friend of Koh Tao mafia headman's grandmother, and that the grandmother has MUCHO influence and cred with Thai gov't. Just something I heard.

    who is the no bullshit source, a friend of a friend of a friend ?

    I smell bullshit.

    Let's just say that I wholeheartedly trust this source not to feed me bullshit. Whether or not it is true, I obviously cannot confirm. I am just passing on something that I've heard from a Thai source that is working in Thai gov't. I don't like bullshit hearsay either, but I thought it was worth passing on. After all, we ALL know how the Thai crony system works. Do we not? If it is BS, well then.......???

    Either way, pass this onto old mate CSI LA for a full investigation, he'll get to the bottom of it.

    Good idea....I shall. Thanks for your courteous reply...I mean that....sometimes I get hateful replies for just being inquisitive, maybe too many trolls here.

  13. Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bangkok was mistakenly quoted as saying he was happy with the RTP investigation, now this.

    Thailand is taking a very aggressive attitude.

    I hope Her Majesty's Government send a firm rebuke ASAP.

    Is the Head man of a small Thai island really that influential??? I don’t think so, so what the hell is going on?

    I think the small Thai island Headman is influential. Sometimes you have to just look at the nose on your face. Think about it, a situation occurs (double homicide that has the looks of an angry and aggressive assault....anyone heard of Thai face saving?)... that has HUGE implications right before Thai tourist season kicks in. You could probably connect the money ALL the way to top officials in the gov't. ANYONE shouting "CONSPIRACY THEORY", or saying "stop speculating", can KMA. The investigation has been pathetically amateurish by Thai officials.

    Oh, one more thing....many have stated that the Thai police are so stupid to have let the crime scene be contaminated by the public (including the manager of AC Bar). Actually, maybe they wanted it to be contaminated to purposely hide incriminating evidence. I am just thinking of things that a normal detective might consider....but yet, the RTP will not cover ALL leads. Ask yourself....WHY NOT?

    • Like 1
  14. Maybe this is just rumor....but I've heard from a no bullshit source that the PM's mom is a serious friend of Koh Tao mafia headman's grandmother, and that the grandmother has MUCHO influence and cred with Thai gov't. Just something I heard.

    who is the no bullshit source, a friend of a friend of a friend ?

    I smell bullshit.

    Let's just say that I wholeheartedly trust this source not to feed me bullshit. Whether or not it is true, I obviously cannot confirm. I am just passing on something that I've heard from a Thai source that is working in Thai gov't. I don't like bullshit hearsay either, but I thought it was worth passing on. After all, we ALL know how the Thai crony system works. Do we not? If it is BS, well then.......???

  15. The strategy here by the RTP and Thai gov't is very simple. They have two choices right now.

    1. Keep pushing ahead with the bogus investigation and hang these two Burmese patsies. The outcome making Thailand's police and gov't looking pathetic as they "apparently" covered it up to protect local kingpins that have obvious financial connections with corrupt police and politicians. They will suffer a small setback in tourism and shame by the world, but it will eventually be forgotten and the tourist dollars will soon return as usual.


    2. Confess and let UK/Myanmar investigators unravel this "farce", while losing serious face and being legally exposed as complete frauds.

    Which one do you think they'll choose?

    It's a no-brainer.

    • Like 1
  16. I just talked with friend in USA who happens to be travel agent. She says arranged to rent house boat in Koh Tao. I suggested she hire some body guards. When I mentioned Koh Tao, she said "Where those two Burmese killed those British?". I proceeded to give her thumbnail of this sham. It seems to confirm once more that Americans don't really care about international news unless it has direct impact on USA. I asked if she could cancel that reservation. I don't want one satang going to that place until they come clean about this whole mess.

    Keep the pressure on, then double it.

    Do you live in Thailand? If not then refraining from visiting and spending is the only way to effect change. If you are an expat you should leave in protest. I did.

    So all expats with house, wife,kids or jobs should leave in protest. Yes sure....

    I have enough disgust with the current situation to make me want to leave, but agree with Lars on this one. Besides, going back to USA would be worse, IMO.

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