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Posts posted by templedog

  1. I can understand it .. if the guy is innocent and some internet hero's destroy his image.. id be pissed too.

    If the guy is innocent?? Well yeah, but if he was innocent he would of submitted long ago to a DNA test.

    Why ? Because some people don't believe him ?. This is not trial by media. I know that I would be real wary giving off my DNA to the Thai police who knows what happens with it. If there is no real good reason for it I would certainly never give of DNA to satisfy some internet group.

    Who knows how convincing his real evidence was for being in BKK. The stuff you guys have not see. It is as if everyone thinks that they are entitled to all the evidence and know the same stuff as the police.

    I have a police friend buddy (back in my birth country) he tells me that even there what is printed in newspapers is often far from what has actually happened. I find it amusing to say the least that people think they can do an investigation from behind their computer instead of having the real facts the police is privileged too.

    I make no claims about this guy either way, but his reputation is toast either way. This will hunt them for a long time even if not guilty.

    But many farangs hate rich Thais with a vengeance because then they cant feel superior. Admit it its much nicer if some HISO is guilty instead of some lowly worker. So there is prejudice too.

    How can you compare your birth country's police dept to that of Thailand? Dude, do you know where you are? People here are speculating from experience with, and living near, the RTP for many years. This is NOT an isolated ONE time incident. So, your words fall on deaf ears.

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  2. How very strange that happens on the very same day, that the Headmans son has ageed to give his DNA!!

    Anyone else smell a rat here??w00t.gif

    I am reserving judgment. It is possible that this is the start of a process aimed at putting the real perps behind bars. It is also possibly an attempt to lend legitimacy to the original flawed investigation.

    You can reserve judgement now, but I won't....this the latter of your speculations...."an attempt to lend legitimacy to the original flawed investigation."

    It will be just another rigged DNA test....I'll bet my left _______.

  3. Their mothers say, they didn't do it!!

    Eureka!! Then they must be innocent!!

    The parents would be much more credible, if they didn't allow themselves to be part of all this staged nonsense!!coffee1.gif

    "Staged nonsense"?????

    Which staged nonsense, the one being performed by the RTP.....for sure, right?

    And, what else are they supposed to do.....go home, have a few teas and forget it ever happened?

    You are extremely insensitive. But, you might not know it.

    Anyway, you're in good company with 'head in the sand', JDIA....now he is Master Troll here, second only to JTJ.

    You guys are doing a pathetic job of trying to convince everyone that these Burmese boys did it.

    About as pathetic as the RTP. You guys are soulless.

    Well, after reading one of your earlier posts, I apologize for saying that you are trying to

    convince all of there guilt, and would not put you in the same company with JDIA/JTJ,

    but still I think your comment about their parents was insensitive. Peace.

  4. I'm going to put my faith in the good retired general now PM. I believe he is waiting for the police to completely hang themselves so he can come in and make sweeping changes. All those involved in the investigation will be removed from their positions or jailed, some influential islanders will be jailed the Burmese boys will be released and the good general will be a hero to the Thai people and citizens all around the world...

    I adore your sarcasm!! Reminds me of Stanley Kubrick's film, Dr. Strangelove.

  5. They will not unofficially either.

    I do expect them to see the DNA results. They will not be able to independently verify results.

    I do expect them to meet the suspects.

    Not much else they can do other than look at photos.

    There is no way a 'JD' could be that naive. Those in the know are aware that the British police have been investigating on their own for weeks now. They keep a very low profile. They won't tip their hand so early on. There is a deliberate attempt by a certain group of posters to cast negativity on everything and everyone who dosen't see things their way (or their boss's way). wink.png

    Hmmmm can you explain the ramifications of the Geneva convention governing consular relations? Or perhaps the UK policy on foreign murder, manslaughter and infanticide?

    Can you? Or did you mean, the Vienna Convention?


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  6. Getting kind of sick the extent some are going to in order to defend the suspects who very likely brutally murdered two innocent lives. Time to stop this nonsense with the conspiracy crap and let the case play out ... they have good lawyers and have both the UK and Myanmar officials who will be observing the case and evidence presented.

    It has just gotten to the point of being sick the extent some are going to in either making BS up or just coming up with ridiculous theories and speculation based on ignorance about the facts of the case and born out of personal issues and feelings.

    Just pathetic some of the things said by folks who don't have a clue about the case or how the process of observation works or even the circumstances that one country would allow (ask) another country help in an investigation (as Thailand has and will continue to do when needed).


    Nice to see you've reared your ugly head again. Personally, I think irregardless of this case one should be looking towards you, to see if you really exist given that your criticisms are to such a degree, one suspects your either a red herring employed to throw the occasional cog in the works or some sick psychotic individual


    Yeah....I'd like to know why JTJ is so confident that "the suspects who very likely brutally murdered two innocent lives" actually are guilty.

    Remind you of anyone? Maybe,.....the ....I dunno....the .....RTP? JTJ is a troll, and is his nonsense is rebutted EVERY single time.....what a douche.

  7. If the thai police do not cooperate, as we all suspect, that will be the main conclusion in the British police report.

    So the upshot will be another nail in the coffin for the reputation of Thailand. I know many posters like to claim Thailand is such a strong and successful country that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of them. You are welcome to your opinions, everyone has opinions, just like everyone has certain bodily orifices. I have an opinion too, which is that reputation always matters and that Thailand needs the world a lot more than the world needs Thailand and the country will certainly pay a price for being considered backward, corrupt, disrespectful, dishonest, not deserving of trust and respect and not welcome within the circle of countries thought to be civilised and developed.

    There are of course many countries that behave in a unacceptable manner. I am sure North Korea also thinks they are better than the rest of the world. The price they pay is misery. I am sure Putin thinks he is the master of the universe and Russia will be the number one world power....but just look at the Ruble and the plunging price of oil...both signs that his strategy of sending his Neanderthal thugs in to terrorize his neighbors is backfiring pretty badly. If Thailand wants to join the league of failed and disrespected nations then they will also pay a price.

    Hi Paddy, in spite of the fact that your argument is somewhat weakened by one unsavoury comment about other people's opinions (comparing them with bodily orifices indicates how little you respect them, and what's a discussion worth if there's no mutual respect?), you do have a point and I do agree with that point ie that reputations are highly significant especially in a day and age that focus so much on image, communication and hearsay.

    I think you're right about Russia too, and in the long run Putin's arrogance will not serve his country, no more than Hitler's or Franco's or Pinochet's served theirs.

    However, one thing must be kept in mind. You speak as if the whole world was as focused as 'we' TVF members are on these Koh Tao murders and the way they're 'handled' by the local police force. The British press, understandably and rightly, cover the story and seem to do their best not to let things rest as long as the situation reeks of manipulation.

    But what about bout the rest of the Western world ? I've been talking on social networks with friends from various parts of Europe and I regret to say that they seem to know very little, if anything, about this case. Every country is normally focusing on its own issues and when it comes to planning a holiday, it seems that most people's perspective, if they know about the murders (and I repeat they often don't), is "well, gruesome murders happen everywhere, including in our own country, so why should we change our plans?".

    One more thing, to anyone who starts claiming that 'Thailand should be punished' and suggest a massive boycott, it kind of reminds me of the not so ancient times when after a long siege, the 'victorious' troops would finally enter the city and kill everyone including children, women and seniors, on the grounds that they were on the bad side right from the start.

    I do not want to 'punish Thailand' or any other country for that matter, because a country is a concept, and you can't punish a concept, but you do end up hurting real people who have nothing to do with those who are causing the uproar. If anything the majority of Thais are already suffering from the extreme arrogance of the rich and powerful in this country, and a boycott would affect everyone, not just the bad guys. Methinks the latter would actually be the least affected.

    You're right,, punishing the economy as a whole usually benefits those at the tops.. because they have margins they can afford to play with.. while those at the bottom go bankrupt and sell themselves for nothing to those at the top... That's why the recent economic crisis 2008 made the elite even richer! They are winning on our so called economic crisises because they can afford to invest in the crisis .. Eg they get to buy the entire market for a bargain

    You're right,, punishing the economy as a whole usually benefits those at the tops.. because they have margins they can afford to play with.. while those at the bottom go bankrupt and sell themselves for nothing to those at the top... That's why the recent economic crisis 2008 made the elite even richer! They are winning on our so called economic crisises because they can afford to invest in the crisis .. Eg they get to buy the entire market for a bargain

    This is exactly what happened during The Great Depression in the USA. EXACTLY....it was planned...know your history....know the history of the RTP...CORRUPT.

  8. "When asked about international concerns over the investigation, Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario."

    The answers the BIB give to every doubt is the cause of international concern.

    As to what Thai laws allow, you might want to check with the PM about that, as Burmese and UK police are coming over/already here to look at the case.

    To observe as stated in the article. They are not here to investigate.

    You seem to be getting worried.

    Why would I be worried? I can read smile.png

    Is it just me, or do you seem to be satisfied with the way this whole case has transpired? I mean, you obviously are on the side of the RTP, acting like a cheerleader for them, desperately posting every chance you get to discredit anyone's suspicion based on REALITY. What then is your purpose here? You remind me of those in the USA that wholeheartedly believe that the government and the police have our best interests in hand. I say this because of your posts. I bet you have no doubt that Osama Bin Laden orchestrated 911 from inside a cave in Afghanistan. Do you? Do us all a favor.........follow your motto as shown on your profile photo. You cannot cloak your opinions under words, pal, they shine through like a flag waiving nationalist.

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  9. I'm usually an optimist. However we got to consider one major fact: it became a national THAI affair and it may have been brought up to the political level. My point is, once "politics" takes over, it's all set. You can rig, fake, manipulate and do whatever the hell you want to. That's the basic ABC of politics. Get over it! It's fact.

    Is it in their interest to consult the public and speak out the true facts? Of course not. There are some things going on the background we don't know of and we might never going to know, because it's classified, diplomatic talks. It's in their interest to calm the public and give them whatever they want to hear. The people want to see results and thus the officials are under pressure. So that's what they give to us. Not the truth, but something we might want to hear.

    You really think the Thai officials let the Brits stroll in and hand them everything on the silver platter? I think they (Thais) must've sent out a clear sign through diplomatic channels NOT to snoop around too much- politely. Or without sounding like a "conspiracy" guy, they set out a deal. You guys come in, let media go along with you. We're all fine.

    Thai to Brits: "Let's not jeopardise our relationship because of SUCH MATTER" or as usually go hard rock solid:

    "We have found some British spies, convicted criminals, and illegal activities by your citizens in Kingdom of Thailand. Maybe we have some more information about the Royal Navy, nasty child abduction business etc"

    The Brit goes: "Ok, ok, ok, you got us. We still want your rice for cheap price. We like Thai pussy and it seems you've got some more cards on the table right now... We just going to send some investigators... make it look all look legit. Let's settle this as quickly as possible. We have to re-align our assets from vote-rigging on the Scottish independency... We're still busy"

    Politics is far more what you see and hear on TV


    You and I are on the same page concerning what goes on behind closed doors.............however, I hate this page.

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  10. Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

    Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

    Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

    Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

    And no,this is not off topic.

    This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

    Really sad but there is no solution.

    To install normal society in this country its too late,

    Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

    Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

    I don't think it's impossible but the hardest part is getting it off the ground. Prayud seems to have done that.

    Prayuth is all smoke and mirrors....business as usual. Sorry.

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