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Posts posted by PST

  1. I am looking for a ceiling fan stockist in Phuket,have tried Homepro,Lotus etc etc,but they all seem to be old fashioned,i was wondering if any members knew of any other places to try that may stock a different variety.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. ............

    Learn to understand how thai women think,......


    Would you care to elaborate on this statement?

    I don't want to second guess what your intent is with this comment but are you suggesting that somehow Thai women are different in their emotional reaction to their husband/boyfriend 'cheating' on them?

    Are you suggesting that a Thai women does not feel the same sense of betrayal, the hurt, humiliation & loss of self esteem when her partner 'cheats' as women from other countries do?

    How does a Thai women think when she discovers her husband is cheating on her?

    Yep,thai women are different in their emotional reaction to their husband/boyfriend cheating,alot of them expect it to happen,when it does alot of them aren't surprised.Total opposite to western women.

    Regarding sense of betrayal,they will feel betrayed (if they find out).

    IF she discovers,she will more than likely either flip out,or say nothing,no middle ground.

    I think to understand how thai women think and feel,the first thing you need to do is grasp the language and culture,these two things alone will give you a huge advantage as to how thai women think.


    "Regarding sense of betrayal,they will feel betrayed (if they find out)" as well as suffer the hurt, humiliation & loss of self-esteem, just like any other women on the planet. Your presumption that they "expect it to happen" & "alot of them aren't surprised" is irrelevant & does not mitigate the subsequent emotional trauma that is common to women the world over.

    You seem to be suggesting that Thai women are somehow different to the rest of the world & that their emotional well being is of less concern.

    "IF she discovers,she will more than likely either flip out,or say nothing,no middle ground." - just because a women "flips out" or says nothing does not mean that there is no emotional pain associated with an act of betrayal, the same pain that is experienced by women from any other country.

    "I think to understand how thai women think and feel,the first thing you need to do is grasp the language and culture,these two things alone will give you a huge advantage as to how thai women think." - Thai women are human beings that have the same emotions as any other human being,nothing to do with language or culture. Love is a primal emotion & when betrayed human beings will react in very similar ways irregardless of race or culture. They will suffer hurt, humiliation & loss of self esteem all to varying degrees that is not dependent on language & culture, but on personality & individual differences.

    Unless you are a sociopath every adult should be instinctively aware of the consequences of betrayal.

    Laughable response,get on with your life and accept that your never gonna be right,delving too deep into your own way of thinking and outlook on life,whilst desperatly clinging onto any possible understanding,to compensate for your total lack of awareness across many thai related subjects.

    Your kidding yourself,its wether you choose to belive yourself,or someone else??????


  3. ............

    Learn to understand how thai women think,......


    Would you care to elaborate on this statement?

    I don't want to second guess what your intent is with this comment but are you suggesting that somehow Thai women are different in their emotional reaction to their husband/boyfriend 'cheating' on them?

    Are you suggesting that a Thai women does not feel the same sense of betrayal, the hurt, humiliation & loss of self esteem when her partner 'cheats' as women from other countries do?

    How does a Thai women think when she discovers her husband is cheating on her?

    Yep,thai women are different in their emotional reaction to their husband/boyfriend cheating,alot of them expect it to happen,when it does alot of them aren't surprised.Total opposite to western women.

    Regarding sense of betrayal,they will feel betrayed (if they find out).

    IF she discovers,she will more than likely either flip out,or say nothing,no middle ground.

    I think to understand how thai women think and feel,the first thing you need to do is grasp the language and culture,these two things alone will give you a huge advantage as to how thai women think.


  4. I had exactly the same thing happen at Tesco. In the end I left the TV on the service counter..and presumably they dumped it.

    Nah. the girl probably took it to the TV repair shop, paid 300 Baht for the repair and is still using it in her room. :)

    Yeah,either that,or repaired it then sold it to a farang looking for a cheap TV for his room.


  5. Eek-looking too deep into the situation,this is Thailand,you've obviously been hurt in the past,and this is confirmed by your critical anaylasis of my post.

    I'm happily married and have been for a while,my wife knows full well if i want to do it,which i do now and then,i'm gonna do it well away from prying eyes,and i do.

    As for all this womens intuition stuff,and it will affect my relationship,again,i think your describing yourself.

    Learn to understand how thai women think,or suffer forever-up to you.


  6. Still to this day cannot understand how any man can get caught playing away from his wife/girlfriend,this is Thailand,opportunities exist for sex everywhere,if you want to do it,get on the bike and drive somewhere different,you won't get seen,she won't know,she dosen't lose face.

    Amuses me how some idiots do it on their own doorstep,or close to home,then wonder why they get collared,no need whatsoever.

    Also amuses me the amount of farang with ugly Thai women,why?,you've got the pick of literally thousands.


  7. The scene with the alleged payment with the 1000 baht note,to me it was obvious that the 2 thai girls were in it together,even though one was the guys girlfreind.He gave them a 1000 baht note,cashier says it was 100,he pays 140 again,the 2 girls come away with 500 baht each.


  8. One thing i did think when watching the scene with the deaf people was,'I wonder if that Adidas shop sells any decent trainers'.

    This weeks episodes really were that interesting.

    Oh,and the 'barking like a dog' comment was unreal,how on earth can the producer/narrator get away with that?


  9. If you meet a southern girl in the sex industry, she is there because she wants to be.(quote)

    Yeah right,biggest load of poo i've ever heard,99% of the girls are from issan,you tellin' me none of them want to be there?,they all do.

    Southern thai birds rock,end of.Don't forget,if you meet a girl from issan in say Phuket,thats a hel_l of a way from her home town,same as meeting a girl from england in spain basically,i'd rather go with the local thing,meeting a girl from Phuket whilst holidaying in Phuket can only be a good thing.

    PST.(btw,my wife is from chumpon).

  10. Your view i guess,i'm not saying everyones bitter,but it raises its head on a regular basis.The worst are the guys who have been dumped by their western ex,then come here and the same happens,bitter and twisted individuals who love it when they think they've got something on someone,then procede to tell their mates about it in the local bar.

    Hear and see this happen all the time here.


  11. Its the amount of bitterness here that amazes me,blokes who have been dumped by their western women then come here,they just hate to see a thai/western relationship working,especially if the guy in the relationship hasnt been dumped by an ex,They look for any type of fault/flaw which they can use to convice themselves that its not working,and procede to try and convince others around them.

    Sad people,and quite a few of them around.


  12. Think it depends on the bank,i lost mine at homepro in Phuket (red and blue bank logo,Thai military?),and had to wait an hour and a half until the company who stock the machine with cash arrived doing their daily rounds.

    They turned up,i showed another card with name,signature on it,and my card was returned.


    I think it depends more on who shows up to change the cash than it does what bank it is... I would bet those guys weren't supposed to return it. What if you stole someone's wallet, tried to guess their ATM, the machine ate your card, then you show a non-picture ID, or maybe the person looks a little like you and the Thai people can't tell the difference... then you can still go use the card as a credit card.

    I contacted the bank first (Bangkok head office),it was them who authorised the cash company to return my card,they initially wanted a copy of my passport,which i did not have on me,so i told them my house was miles away,and i wouldn't have time to go and get it.I then showed 3 other cards with the same name and signature on.


  13. Think it depends on the bank,i lost mine at homepro in Phuket (red and blue bank logo,Thai military?),and had to wait an hour and a half until the company who stock the machine with cash arrived doing their daily rounds.

    They turned up,i showed another card with name,signature on it,and my card was returned.


  14. Obnoxious,loud,arrogant,ignorant of other cultures,women haters,alchoholics,bitter,intolerant,impatient,these are just some of the traits NOT to have if you want to be happy here.

    It seems to me that people who aren't happy here have some of the above.


  15. The vast majority of people i know both in Thailand and their native country who do drugs are far from losers,ALL,without exeption have led,and live a fulfilling family life,been/are still successful in business,and continue to use drugs in a sensible manner whenever they deem appropriate.

    The biggest losers i have met in Thailand and in their native country have been alchohol addicts,their lives shattered,relationships ruined,and suffering major health problems due to this wonderful taxable drug.

    Lets not start on cigarettes.


  16. John at Solution Bar in Kata is due to get his new pool table fitted mid-september,i belive his pool comps will be on a friday night from 9pm,16 people,100baht entry.A nice chilled out lounge bar enviroment with sports,good tunes,and a few lookers,give it a try.


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