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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. Whilst it is very difficult to predict the future I have to say judging by past experiences that you will be safe here if you abide by all the normal commonsense travel advice.

    Your query is a bit like me asking you if I will be taken by a shark off Cottesloe come November ?

  2. Mike Ashley is a huge embarrassment in all respects and they will be better off when he sells up and wobbles off to stir things up elsewhere.

    He might be an embarrassment but at least our chaiman can down a pint of beer quicker than your chairman. :o

    :D .. :D .. :D

    That's the best bit of snappy repartee I've read this morning, I'm still chuckling..

    Thanks StD

  3. Try the second hand book shop near the turning to Phuket Zoo.Don't know if they have the classics but they have thousands of English language books

    There is an even bigger 2nd hand bookshop in Phuket Town called South Wind Books not far from the market round about, (I think the name of the street is Phang-nga Rd -it's one -way) 'Tis a great shop but it's not easy to find books in, as shelves are packed and the aisles are narrow, however the effort is worth it as there are some treasures to be found amongst the dust & gloom. (and you get money back on any books returned in good condition when buying again.

    This place has helped preserve my sanity during many a rainy season :o

  4. Man City ... the new Chelski.

    Apparently, these guys make Abramovich look like he's on minimum wage :D

    From what I understand (unconfirmed source :D )

    Thaksin bought Mancity on 'borrowed' money, with the expectation of being able to get his hands on his own assets after the elections in Thailand last year.

    However, with recent developments (court case against him going ahead, his wife trialed and given jail sentence), he clearly cant get those funds anymore

    hence the sell 'back' to the people he borrowed money from

    (do not quote me on this) :D

    but makes sense, cos Thaksin has VERY good ties with lots of businesses in the middle east (I understand he was made advisor to the king of Qatar? business advisor to be more exact.....)

    So what you are saying Migs is that Manchester City has been repossessed ? :D

    Thaksin should have been "kneecapped" if he welched on his loan... :o

  5. I have just been imagining Peter Reid and a certain Mr.Toad singing a selection of songs from the "King & I"

    I Whistle A Happy Tune

    Welcome To Bangkok

    Getting To Know You

    I Have Dreamed

    My Lord and Master

    We Kiss in the Shadows

    Shall We Dance

    A Puzzlement

    I think I had better go and lie down............ :o

  6. During all the excitement over the last day or so regarding Thaksin selling Man City, suprising transfers and rumours of the EPL 'Sack Race" has anyone seen our moderator the member with the mullet under his mini-tartan.

    We're worried about you J.S. come back all is forgiven. :o

  7. The sudden influx to this Thai Visa site is astounding and must be borne in mind when reading many of these new posters comments, that is not meant in any way to disparage new posters merely to highlight the phenomenon.

    Please abide by the guidelines and post politely.

    Reason for edit was to correct spelling mistake.

  8. The Guardian are reporting that Man City have offered an incredible £37million for Dimitar Berbatov.

    Spurs have accepted it but, will 'he' go there....!


    Levy is doing a deal with the Arabs ? (Scratches head, and wanders off stage left muttering all the way..)

  9. Pardon my asking, but if it's not about politics why then can it not be discussed in the Manchester City thread ?

    Since I'm not into football or politics ..... :D I believe the idea is to have a tamed down version of the discussion as opposed to what happens in the News Clipping arena. Not a problem asking the question.

    Thanks for the prompt explanatory reply Tywais and to you BJ for identifying yourself as the requester and your reasoning. I can accept the decision (in true sportsman like style)

    My querying the decision came about after an almost farcical episode where someone opened a thread about the closure of the Phuket Airport, George then opened a very similar thread then closed the first thread but the topic was then in General and not Phuket Topics, this happened another 2 or 3 times with the same topic trying to be discussed in Thailand News, Phuket News, General and back to Phuket. (Have a chat with Donna about it) Something similar started to happen once again with this recent news and I tried to politely explain this to the powers that be. What I am asking is can Admin & Mods please have a brainstorming session when next they meet to address this issue of duplicate or muliple thread placements, Thank You and rant over, sorry to interupt the Football thread lads.

    and getting back to my sportsman-like style,.... " What do you mean it was out ? "



  10. Reopened by request in order to discuss the football side and it's effects rather then politics which can be found in the News Clippings forum. :o

    Pardon my asking, but if it's not about politics why then can it not be discussed in the Manchester City thread ?

    Just wondering and no disrepect meant.

    This actually leads to a topic that I should probably open a thread for but as it involves moderators decisions I may not be allowed to discuss it. (Dilemma dilemma)

  11. 30 baht is not too bad, but don't forget Sunday's edition is costing 40 baht, so that is 220 baht per week.

    I buy it for the sport, letters page, database and the odd interesting health article.

    Daily UK facimile newspapers start at 200 baht, so it remains good value.

    Thanks for that Libya 115, now I'm even better off than I thought I was. :o

    11,440 Bt would pay for 1 weeks accommodation at a 3/4 star hotel (off season)

    Or a decent booze up (whatever your priorities) but one does miss-out on having something to wrap the vegie peelings in. :D

  12. i and my gf will be heading over to krabi on the 6TH this month , do u think its still advisable to go there ?

    I will stick my neck out even further than the 2 other experienced and esteemed posters and say that the only problems you are likely to experience here A. Too much Rain (It is the rainy season you understand) B. you'll probaly suffer from at least 1 mild case of 'Delhi Belly" (If you haven't been up this neck of the woods") and C. You'll probably pay too much forTaxis,T'shirts and tours, (statistically all the odds are with me)

    ..but on a more serious note I think it's safe to say that all the locals are very friendly, are appreciative of your custom and want you to come again.

    All with the proviso when travelling to any country, respect the local laws & customs, don't get into any confrontational situations, stay away from dark Sois late at night etc (A quick read of any reputable travel guide will fill in the rest.)

    Cheers & Enjoy your holiday (I like the lifestyle so much I stayed) :o


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