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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. Name:-LuengKen - Nai Yang City

    Saturday 23rd , Sunday 24th & Monday 25th August

    Home Team Away Team Prediction

    Liverpool v Middlesbrough 3 1

    Newcastle v Bolton 2 0

    Stoke v Aston Villa 1 2

    Tottenham v Sunderland 2 1

    West Brom v Everton 1 2

    Blackburn v Hull 1 0

    Fulham v Arsenal 0 2

    Wigan v Chelsea 0 3

    Man City v West Ham 1 1

    Portsmouth v Man Utd 1 2

  2. excellent point there from those plucky barcodes. manyoo missing their effete portuguese matchwinner more than anticipated?

    'erm, Excuse me, we were also missing Teves, Nani, Hargraves, Anderson, Park. Carrick went off with a swollen ankle and Giggs pulled a ham-string.

    Young Frazer impressed in the 1st half, Fletcher was hot & cold, and for me Scholes once again, man of the match.

  3. You can have a laugh if you want...

    Arsenal v West Brom 2 0

    Aston Villa v Man City 2 1

    Bolton v Stoke 1 1

    Everton v Blackburn 2 1

    Hull v Fulham 1 2

    Middlesbrough v Tottenham 2 2

    West Ham v Wigan 3 0

    Sunderland v Liverpool 1 1

    Chelsea v Portsmouth 2 2

    Man Utd v Newcastle 3 1

  4. I really feel for the Sparky, the players and the true City supporters at a time like this. Nobody deserves the sh*t that Taksin has brought them (only the people that sold the club to him and the F.A.)

    This from today's M.E.N. :-

    Comment: City fans deserve better

    Chris Bailey

    11/ 8/2008

    CITY were attempting to batten down the hatches today ‘claiming business as usual’ despite owner Thaksin Shinawatra fleeing to London while the Thai authorities issued warrants for his arrest and that of his wife.

    But the claims had a hollow ring to them with the Premier League poised to revisit their ‘fit and proper person’ test if and when the former Thai Prime Minister is convicted.

    In the meantime, Blues fans are left to feed on rumour and counter- rumour about the future of their beloved club.

    It is a scandalous state of affairs that needs rectifying as soon as possible.

    Last week the MEN urged someone to get a grip and lead Manchester City positively and with openness – and those words have become more and more relevant with every minute that has since past.

    There is an unwelcome stench of uncertainty surrounding the football club and the supporters are people of Manchester are more concerned with what happens to the Blues than the personal future of the Shinawatras.

    It is now highly unlikely that the Blues owner will ever see the £800m he has frozen in his homeland and claims that he still has a fortune at his fingertips do not ring true when set against the evidence of the attempted sale of players, a wage freeze, emergency loans from a former owner and a lack of trading in the transfer market.

    City fans deserve better than what is becoming a daily farce and not many of them would now be sad to see their club change hands again.


  5. Yep and now I am very saddened to say I am for the first time ashamed to be British if they do allow a now definite criminal (yes it is a criminal offence in the extreme to jump bail) to stay safely in exile in the UK. IT IS DISGUSTING IN THE EXTREME. I WILL, AND I HOPE OTHER BRITS HERE WILL, WRITE TO THE BRITISH EMBASSY STRONGLY OBJECTING TO BRITAINS INTERNTAIONAL CRIMINAL ACT IN HARBOURING TAKSIN AND HIS WIFE. You could perhaps understand him getting away with if he went to say Burma in exile where they have a tin pot dictatorship governement, but in Britian the so called home of democracy and justice ?????????

    If there was any slightest doubt of his guilt, now surely there is none as only a guilty man would jump bail especially seeing the Government here are also his friends and obviously can't help him wiggle out of it. Yes he is innocent until proven and charged as guilty but he MUST stand trial for what he is accused of and for jumping bail. Strange how money talks even in the UK as an ordinary and honest Thai person wanting to spend some time with their friends/partners in the UK finds it so hard yet that bastard robber and bail jumper Taksin just casually wanders in. So come on all you guys lets ask some serious and embarrassing questions of the British Government over this.

    Britain MUST arrest this man and his wife and deport them back to where they are wanted for criminal offences including robbing the ordinary honest decent Thai folk over many years. This is normal practice and in full honour and support of International Criminal Justice which we Brits are all too keen to pronounce when it suits us it seems. Once again this is DISGUSTING of Britain if it turns out to be really true as it seems, and I thought my home country was honourable .. lets see now if they really are and do the honourable and right thing !!!


    It's not the U.K. Embassy you should be contacting but the British Home Office. Their site is :-


    I think their motto is "working together to protect the public." :o

  6. WHERE

    so where are the arsenal fans on this forum? :o

    surely there must be more than me????? :D

    You should be worried Miggsy, even Thierry Henry is considering moving to Manchester United........... :D

    (That's if the reliable rumour mill is to be trusted)

    Of course, it could be worse, you could have chosen to support Man City......... :D

  7. This was taken from a football forum website:

    from an alleged employee of MCFC -

    "I'm sorry to say this, as a life long fan and - for the last few (for me at least) unforgettable months - employee, MCFC as we know it is finished. Here are the FACTS, for those who really want to know. Thaksin is, as of midlnight 10th August, 2008, an international fugitive.

    He now has to be found guilty of corruption in Thailand in his absense, offering no defence. Extradition requests will surely follow. The PL will then have to find him short of the fit and proper ownership rules (and believe me, the pressure for that from fellow 'members' has been growing since June).

    Thaksin is trying to palm off City onto whoever will now take it, an insolvent mess of a business, completely incapable of sustaining itself. The truth is that the only interested party (until recently) - Wardle - is not now able to bail City out now , he cant come close on his own and no partners have been found. The wage bioll and committments due on the last 2 years' transfers have spiralled out of control.

    The Corluka affair is the last straw - I personally worked on the deal and can assure anyone interested that he has already been transferred to Spurs. Spurs have this evening started legal action, and he will be barred from playing for City following an injunction in the courts tomorrow.

    Personally I expect Hughes to then resign on principal (he has no choice now, he is on record as saying that he will have final say on all transfers). Many wont believe any of this, but a few will.

    I am very close to this situation (readers will never know who I am or how close - a few would know my name but it isnt appropriate to for me to come 'out') - trust me, I am close enough to know what has happeneded in the last fortnight, I am pissed off with it (as a fan, and as someone who has worked hard for the club durinig the ast 18 months or so) and it must be said, a little drunk.

    I am posting this message on a few sites - apologies for those that keep reading it, but I want City fans to know what is happening. The sad truth is we are finished, and that as a result, the PL will be facing its biggest challenge since inception within 2 weeks of now."

    This was in another similar thread. I wonder who the poster really is and how close they are ?

    Seems to talk the talk - but only time will tell how true the dire predictions turn out.

    I said it at the beginning of the saga when Thaksin bought Manchester City that my dear old Grandad would be spinning in his grave .

    Sorry Grandad (4 years fighting in WW 1 and now this)..... :o

  8. Cabinet-Makers Required for Trophy Room Extension

    Required urgently.


    Rumour has it that Darren Fletcher ran around like a man possessed and was almost MoM but Teves took the honours. Anybody see it, as we here in Thailand were denied the opportunity due to yet another UBC c*ck up........

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