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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. Have you tried Googling Koh Yao Yai , then contacting the bungalows direct.

    Here's one site that may help :-


    Also re the rubbish on beaches, you must bear in mind that this is the "rough weather season" and consequently there is all manner of flotasm & jetsom in the waters.

    PS. The last person who I know who went there complained about the sand flies - but that could be just bar talk.

    Cheers & Good Luck

  2. '

    120,000 Baht sounds a bit steep to me.

    I'd be Googling "Brick Pizza Ovens- How To Make"

    The first one I came across looks great :-


    Lots more if you delve deeper.

    Cheers & Good Luck

    P.S. A couple of Thai guys built one for the local Pizza restaurant here at Nai Yang and I bet they didn't pay 120,000. I could check it out when they return from holidays in a month or 2 if you are still interested

  3. .

    "...well it is not just some uneducated people, it is pervassive and I hear it on Thai tv all the time by Thai professionals, there English is almost perfect but for the fact of the missing articles. "

    "Calling black pot kettle the" please rearrange.

    Perhaps an erudite scholar would be so kind as to number and list the mistakes in the OP's quote above.

  4. 12:00 am EST Thursday. Germanyjust squeaked in there, 3 -2 over the Turks.

    I will go out and out it up I think the Russians are in over Spain.

    Firstly: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain .... and there are no plains in Spain.

    Secondly: The Ruskies are always sleepers in the first rounds. No matter what the sport.

    They always do it. They never show you what they have in the prelim's.

    Thirdly: They sure shocked me in the way played to get in, I thought they're play was the

    best I have seen in the tournament. From our point of view it is too soon for

    Torres to win a major yet. He has got to get hungrier to perform at his peak.

    If he wins too early in his career, then he's done it, got the prize. I think,

    (then again , who am I?) Russia beats Spain, Torres works harder next season

    for us, to prove himself.

    Would you like to rewrite this in the cold light of the day (after)..... :D

    Spain looked great in the 2nd half, I wonder what they had at halftime ? :o

  5. .

    Isn't this advertising ? Or are they sponsors ?

    I'm a Man Utd fan but wondered what bkkjames is upto here ?

    Can I give the little beach bar I drink at a plug here too ?

    Would a Mod please clarify - where's the Kilted Member when you need him ?.. :o

  6. There is a search function to check out things in the Archives

    I punched in Club Andaman Map and got this that I think will help :-


    or try this :-

    "I think you guys have a nice car ? You drive from Phuket straight up to Ranong (don't fork right to Krabi after you leave the island). Almost 300 km, takes about 3+ hours, good roads, but not dual highway.

    You keep on the Ranong bypass (big dual high way) to the extreme north end of town, then turn left towards the coast. That's a small twisty country road, takes about 15 minutes, first time you will think you are lost.

    If you have Earth Google, the turn off is 9 deg 58 70 N and 98 deg 38 38 E and the Andaman Club pier is 9 deg 58 50 N and 98 deg 36 04 E

    The map detail of Ranong is terrific, can see all the buildings. "

    It's the little things that we do here at Thai Visa............ :o

  7. There was an aweful stink coming from the area of the water pump. I couldn't see anything dead around so opened the cover of the pump. Still nothing apparent so took off the cover protecting the electrical connections, the only other serviceable feature. There was a partially dessicated frog frozen in time.

    I was surprised that the RCBO hadn't tripped but then saw that the frog had stepped off the metallic body completely onto the plastic electrical enclosure with one front leg on the Active terminal and the other on the Neutral. The short wasn't great enough to trip the breaker. The size of the opening the frog made its way through was tiny.

    My G/F wants to know if you can see a number on the frog's chest....... :D

    I told her it was probably somewhere between 220 and 240 :o

  8. Mrs Sadman and I are keen to come along, as we land in Phuket on 11th. I didn't shout up before as I wasn't sure of our movements in BKK beforehand. Are we too late?

    Sorry, if we are allowed to come, we'll be coming from Cherngtalay, so if anyone from the north of the island wants to share a lift, just holler.

    I think LeungKen is looking for a share from the north - suggest you PM him.

    I'm even further north so not really of any use - but thanks for thinking of me Ping. :o

  9. "O.K. So, the photo is a bit pissed and like-wise me, in this post"

    I think in this politically correct era that the saying is

    "a little Brahms & Liszt"........ :D

    but a least you added a little colour to an otherwise monochrome thread. :o

  10. Oh man. I give up. I try to take the pish, and wham.

    Delete me.


    Delete me and my account.

    Huggy, you win, I quit.

    Last Post


    As the Eagles mentioned in "Hotel California"

    You can checkout any time you like,

    But you can never leave!

    So unfortunately unless Thai Visas rules change you are here for eternity

  11. when he already knew how to avoid all the mistakes.


    And there's the true magic of teaching, right there!

    It is true as well in work that requires less formal training. That's why internships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training, etc. are required until the newbie can say, "I won't be fooled again" and "Been there, done that". Even rocket surgeons get better with practice.

    It looks like you were away that week when your teacher explained about plagiarism.

    Or did you think you could slip in "Rocket Surgeon" without comment ........ :o

    PS My Physics master (Old Bolshie that he was) always treated us as young adults - didn't suffer fools well, knew that he had to teach a syllabus and get results but was far more interested in getting you to think for youself. I can hear him now "You've got a brain lad, Exercise it" and "don't just follow the crowd, you're not a sheep are you ? "

    Then he would probably tell a corny joke and retire to his "Office" (read store-room) for a quick ciggy whilst we got to think about bodies being immersed in liquids ...

    "Eureka !' .."By Jove I think I've got it"

    A great teacher - Cheers Norman & thanks for teaching us to think.

  12. If you think the English, Americans & Australians are loud, it is going to get worse.

    Here on Phuket "The Russians are coming The Russians are coming" in their noisy droves...

    I don't think I've met a local trader yet that really like any of them only the American Dollars that they bring .

    P.S. But then the Russians scream that they want their change in American Dollars !!!


  13. According to the Oxford Dictionary it used to mean :-


    /trol, trol/

    • noun (in folklore) an ugly cave-dwelling being depicted as either a giant or a dwarf.

    — ORIGIN originally in the sense witch: from Old Norse and Swedish troll, Danish trold.

    "So take that you ugly cave-dwelling Scandanavian dwarf."......... :o

  14. Amanda,

    I think Huggybear was posting a warning for tourists who perhaps don't know the area.

    I thought it was sensible advice, as caution should be foremost when swimming in the waters off this west coast of Phuket during the low-season.

    If you are a strong swimmer and know your local beach intimately, then kindly disregard Huggy's well intentioned advice.



    P.S. Do you swim if there is an electrical storm happening ?

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