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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. I was always given to believe that the seafaring Bugis people (from the Malay peninsular and the north-western islands of Indonesia) named many of the places around S.E Asia some stuck, some didn't, and some even changed over time, the Similan Islands being one, as it apparantly derives it's name from Sembilan (the number 9 ) in Malay and Indonesian.

    That, supposedly was how the Similan got it's Malay or Bugis name, and one famous street in Singapore got it's name.

  2. Don't do it Mr.T.

    Retire gracefully and become ann armchair critic, it is far less painful, and you get to say "Now in my day.............." a lot....... :D

    :o It's to late, I've comitted myself to it. I've even gone and sorted out the kit and roped in a bunch of over 35's to suffer the pain with me. The only problem is, that most of them have been playing regularly, whereas tihs will be my first game for over a year. :D

    I think I'll open a physio clinic near your place, sounds like business could be brisk.... :D

    Cheers & Many Happyyyyyys

  3. '

    If you are in a position to do so, I would recomend a trial period of at least 1 year to see if you can cope with a full low-season in Phuket.

    Also, there are many that I know who spend half a year here and half a year in Europe, is that a possibility for you ? As this may be the solution to your problem then you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

    Just a couple of thoughts,

    Cheers & Good Luck.

  4. The greatest trick the samui taxi's ever pulled was convincing us that they are honourable! a slightly edited line from the usual suspects.

    Twice in the past week have gone into chaweng, soi reggae once and Green mango once, as i don't want to drive home the worse for wear i get a taxi with the 90b meter surcharge, will they use the meter, will they my Ar@e !!!!!

    no, to bangrak 400 Baht, sweet baby jesus, they really do take the p!ss. i'm only getting one as i dont want the possibility of killing some of their country men on the journey back, i should get a b!oody discount for that!!! managed to get one in the end for 250 baht after a lot of hassle and felt almost threatened by my attitude towards their rip off prices

    what do i do, i cant boycott them when i go out and have one too many but i will probably tell every tourist i see not to use them, the greedy conniving b@st@rds

    rant over feel better now, options for my predicament and opinions welcome!!

    It probably sounds expensive if you have lived in Thailand for quite a while, but please remember that the price of gasoline has more than doubled in the last 5 years, coupled with the fact that all basic food stuffs have increased in price, and the repayments on the taxi are probably crippling.

    300 - 400 baht for a taxi (maybe late in the evening also) in 2008 on a tourist island for a "Farang" is probably quite reasonable.

    Unfortunately these are expensive times, for all.



    P.S. Perhaps after you had got it off your chest you did feel better, Thai Visa is a wonderful thing. :o

  5. Hi Migs

    It's only a suggestion, but don't you think it's time to change your avatar again.

    How about something more "new season", or even the "Kirribilli Look" in Green & Gold :o:D

    Cheers Ken

  6. I think Deco has just signed for Chelsea.

    Anyone know how old he is, in his 30's perhaps?

    Hardly a youthful aquisition, but more than handy in the midfield and in this day and age of big squads, probably very necessary for rotation purposes.

    It will be interesting to see how he gets treated in the Premier League.

  7. .

    Please would the OP consider retitling this thread as it is misleading when first read.

    OK - how about "Phuket infrastructure sucks for silly rich farang investors and other alien residents"?

    Why am I sitting outside Don's Mall (thankyou Don!) sending an urgent email to a client on the otherside of the world - risking being mugged in the early hours? Because I can't get a phone line to my house and all other satellite technology is blocked for one reason or another~

    I give up.

    I have tried to understand.

    Now I refuse to follow this diatribe as I fear the OP is only inviting agitatation, IMHO.

  8. I think I read some where that Australia get to play 3 of their last 4 games at home, with the last game being at home to Japan, if Australia need to win it, then expect about 80,000 plus to turn up to watch.

    "Go The Roos"

  9. There is or was something similar in S'pore called Devils bar. To be honest it wasn't exactly a football place, more like a trendy night club to hang out.

    Although I'm a United fan, I doubt that I'll be frequenting it very often, will stick with watching the games in the usual places with a mixture of fans of different clubs. Spending a Saturday night watching a game with a load of plastic fans is hardly something that I'm interested in.

    I have to agree with you totally Mr T.

    To me there is something more appealling about a mixed bar with mixed races, mixed age groups, mixed races and even mixed drinks..... :D

    I couldn't face the football without the banter (that's half the fun)


    So it is still the "Happy Bar for me"

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