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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. It could be that the door itself is acting as a sounding-board.

    Is it one of those with a very thin skim of ply over a cardboard honeycomb inner ?

    If so replace it with a good solid door and seal all gaps with draught excluding sponge advesive, this should help considerably.

    Cheers & Good Luck

  2. No it was actually an abstention. :D

    I just happened to wander in the wrong room and thought I back out quietly without getting into into a 46 page heated debate about the pros & cons of T.V. games final position in the Grand Scheme of Things.

    Sorry I must go as my cocoa and creative crochet catalogue await without..........

    ...........me. :o

  3. It's not broken - Why fix it ?

    But it doesn't really bother me either way - Life rolls along and I can cope with or without change.

    Can't see what all the fuss is about - if you don't like a topic just scroll onto the next one - some people like to have a little moan about little things and others like to right a few wrongs.

    ah well I'll get back to my pipe & slippers - "Night All"

  4. This piece is a classic, I've posted the link as it's the comments after that are really revelaing about the popularity of our favourite player :o .

    I actually thought that the heading of the article was being ironic, but it's obviuosly written by either a Chelsea fan, Jon Terry's babysitter or a non-football person.


    What is even more illuminating Mr.T. are the comments after the article where I think 3 readers agree with the journo and about 87 reckon it's a load of "<deleted>" all seem to agree that JT is Not a good sport. Not a leader and certainly no role model for the young.


    Why not "In Praise of Ryan Giggs" - now there's a real role model.

  5. '

    My finger-nails have been chewed down to my elbows.

    Winning by penalties doesn't do my old heart any good.

    All in all I have to agree with Macclad, 1st half was ours and the 2nd was theirs and all pretty even in E.T.

    Thought it was all over when Ronaldo missed ( I wish he would stop doing that stutter run - it's now a dead give away) and my heart went out to J.T. when he fired wide - but when Van der Sar saved the shot from Anelka I was ecstatic.

    Well Done Lads - Same again next year please.......... :o

  6. The monsoon/wet/green season weather is always a guess. For sure you can expect some rain showers on many days, but not all days. You can expect clouds on most days. You can expect some sunshine. You might be unlucky and have a week of clouds = no sunshine, but you'll still get a more even tan if you stay outside through most of the day. Just your luck .... :o

    I have to agree with all the above - the only thing that LivinginKata forgot to mention was :-

    It will never be cold ......... :D

  7. You made it very easy now LeungKen:

    Sapporo :o


    Yes post enough hints and make it easy, as it's time someone else had a turn.

    For those who have never seen images of the Sapporro Snow Festival try "Googling" it.

  8. Nagasaki ....... Horoshima, were flattened, so that older building??????? may have been restored

    Sorry, wrong again.

    Not too many big cities left in Japan.

    Hint, Vladivostok is closer to my city than is Hiroshima

  9. There are some clubs along Walking Street where large melons are being shaken all the time. :D

    Idiotic upper case item from nungnatee tossed to trash.

    Thanks Dr Pat for not subjecting us to some of the worst cases of the Queen's English.

    Proof-reading and editing are a vital part of every publication. :o

  10. The one place that hasn't been mentioned is Bali & I know for a fact that there is a large expat community living there - perhaps it is worth investigating.

    It may pay you to contact Donna (a Mod here ) who has recently gone to live & work there, perhaps she can point you towards a bit more useful information.

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