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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. researched my old man's collection for this LK!

    Cuddle up a little closer............Doris Day

    C'mon own up you're a closet Doris Day groupie aren't you ?.. :o

    and if you are.......

    "Give A Little Whistle".........................Doris Day

  2. '

    Lots of patience and a sense of humour !.. :D

    Dividing your time and splitting yourself in two is never easy, but hang in there and what ever you do stay calm. You'll see the funny side later, but at the time it must feel like the aliens have taken over. What is you other half doing at the same time or have you been landed with 2 for the duration. ? Perhaps you need some help are there others in the family can lend a hand and ease the burden a little.

    In the meantime a routine and a little discipline might help. Cheers & stay sane I'm sure it will be worth it in the long term.


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