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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. the forum software has a default list of stop words based on google's list of stop words.

    Do you never feel like pushing the barriers or railing against absurdity ?

    You evidently accept these restrictions and rather than upset a moderator I will do as I started off by saying, be judged by my peers, and hold my tongue.

    I will not disrupt the class again

    I will not disrupt the class again

    I will not disrupt the class again

    DAM 'N BLAST Mutter, mutter ..........

    Edited & Censored

  2. I have been given two answers.

    1 It is the Software

    2 It is the Search Engine (Take it up with Google)

    I am not meaning to be pedantic but the word in question is listed in The Concise Oxford Dictionary (English), Websters Seventh New College Dictionary (American) and The Penguin Macquarie Dictionary (Australian) and is being denied it's true usage in this forum, why then is Thai Visa allowing itself to be so severely restricted.

    Surely in this day and age we have the technology to overcome errors in software programs

    Once again I mean no disrespect and I am only advocating healthy and honest debate.

    Yours respectfully

    Leung Ken

  3. 3rd Favourite also from "Casablanca". What a great movie.

    "I've often speculated why you don't return to America. Did you abscond with the church funds? Did you run off with a senator's wife? I like to think that you killed a man. It's the romantic in me."

    - "It's a combination of all three."

    - "What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?"

    - "My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters."

    - "The waters? What waters? We're in the desert."

    - "I was misinformed."


  4. Whilst agreeing it is a little absurd in the 21st century there is a way around it.

    Just insert an underscore and voila #### becomes dam_n.

    Similar in fashion is hel_l.

    Sir, with respect, you only highlight the senselessness of the software.

    as i see that "Tv pissup in Cm" is acceptable

  5. That word is a so called "stop word" for the search engines, and we have opted for the default stop word list that comes with our forum software.

    My Dear George

    Then in this case I should like my peers to judge your forum software, but in my honest opinion, and as constructive criticism, I feel that the software could use a little up-dating.

    yours respectfully

    Great Uncle Ken

  6. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Let me first start by stating that I do not wish to be confrontational or quarrelsome I simply seek a logical reason why one of my posts was censored.

    I posted a line in "Favourite Movie Lines" which was from the award winning and financial successful film "Gone With The Wind" released in 1939.

    The last line of the movie uttered with disdain by Clark Gables character Rhett Butler "Frankly, my dear. I don't give a ######"

    The last word was hashed out. (Probably happens again here)

    Why, in 2007 is such an inoffensive word censored ?

    I am not advocating a total lack of censorship as I do believe certain standards should be kept and a little decorum is a good thing.

    I look forward to your explanation.

    Thanking you in anticipation

    Leung Ken

    P.S. As a piece of trivia, "GWTW" wasn't the first time this "scandalous" word (you seem to think the word is) was spoken, as it was first heard in "Alice Adams" in 1935 and in "Pygmalion" (The epitome of good taste) in 1938.

  7. 2nd Favourite"

    "Frankly, my dear. I don't give a ######"

    Clark Gable in "Gone With The Wind"

    censorship was strict when this movie was made in 1939 - lucky to get away with such a powerful line.......as he intimates more !

    He we are in 2007 and I see the original line has been censored by Thai Visa

    Work That one out Folks ?

    All it was was a "D" and an "A" and a "M" and an "N"

  8. Prelude ... "A L"Apres-Midi D'un Faun" by Claude Debussy

    London Philharmonic Orchestra, Serge Baudo.

    The first concert performance was given in Paris on 22nd December 1894 and the piece was received enthusiastically by those present. The response of the audience, some eight years later, at the premiere of the ballet created by Nijinsky for Diaghilev's Ballet Russes was quite different. Tamara Karsivina. a leading ballerina with the company, reports the production "raised a perfect riot of contending emotions. The audience clapped, yelled, hissed....Diaghilev's intervention restrained the frenzy.... and the performance was allowed to go on to the end."

    Love it. :o

  9. Paul is 33 years old and lives in England, one of the world's poorest sporting

    countries. This once proud nation has fallen to un-imaginable lows, well

    below anything that you or I could understand. Almost on a daily basis these

    people refer to sporting achievements that occurred nearly forty years ago.

    We cannot allow this to continue.

    There are hundreds of thousands of people like Paul waiting to finally support

    an England team that will win. If you want to help improve the life of a

    person like Paul, please become an England Supporter Sponsor.

    As an England Supporter Sponsor, you will receive a photo and details of the

    poor unfortunate England supporter you are sponsoring. We are dedicated

    to improving the quality of life of the world's poorest sporting nation.

    When you sponsor an England Supporter, the effects of your kindness spread

    across the whole community. You will provide life's essentials like a decent

    cricket team, a basic Olympic team, a consistent soccer team, a netball team,

    non choking tennis players, and a rugby team that can win the games that count.

    However, this will not be a short process. Let's face it, most of us will be

    dead before England have a team to be proud of, but we must try. You can start

    sponsoring an England Supporter today by completing an application. If you do,

    you will be linked with an England Supporter instantly. There are hundreds

    of thousands of them out there suffering today more than we will ever know.

    We'd like to link you with an England Supporter living near you so that they

    can learn from your example. If you wish, you may specify a preference

    to sponsor a cricket or a soccer supporter, as these are the ones in the

    greatest need.

    Please think about this request thoughtfully. Just remember all the great

    sporting achievements you have witnessed in your life time. Many of these

    England supporters cannot remember one, just the taste of bitter defeat.

    This is your opportunity to make a difference in the world, please don't

    ignore it.

  10. Aussie Customs wanted to see inside one bag of mine 2 years ago saying there was food matter inside - on opening there was an unopened packet of liquorice allsorts ! Which as it turned out wasn't a problem - the point was they had equipment sensitive enough to indicate something suss !! Australian Customs can be hot - always declare ANYTHING you think may be a problem.

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