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Posts posted by mjnaus

  1. First point, supplies are not allowed, anything given for a prisoner is thrown away ( or split between staff).

    Ony money can be passed for prisoners, it is recorded in a book, then the prisoner can use it to buy goods from the prison shop.

    This is simply FALSE info. It definitely does not apply across the board; I know for a fact that in several prisons in the south inmates are allowed to receive food items from visitors. Some prisons also have in-house shops where visitors can purchase approved items and give these to the inmates. Different prisons might have slightly different rules, but I'm fairly certain that, in most prisons, inmates are allowed to receive certain items from visitors. This might not apply to maximum security prisons through (but since the OP's friend is in for a drug-related term, I doubt he'd in a max security facility).

    Have you been in prison in Thailand??

    Probably not well for your information i have FOOD / supplies are not allowed to be passed to prisoners.

    Please do not make stupid comments when you do not know what you are talking about.

    Wow... Bit sensitive are we? Guess someone needs a hug :)

    As I clearly pointed out in my post, I have indeed made a number of visits to prisons on Phuket as well as in Songkhla and in both prisons certain items are indeed allowed to be given to prisoners. The one in Sonkhla even had a small shop where visitors can purchase approved items and give these to the inmates.

    Anyways, no need to get your panties in a bunch my friend. Deep breath and get on with your day :)

  2. Thankfully plenty of foreign visitors WERE able to see what was really going on at the temple and had the stomach to step up and do something about it.

    I can understand people like the maker of the posted video though... Imagine you live a rather boring and mediocre live somewhere in the developed world and the only really spectacular thing you've ever done is go on holiday to Thailand and pet some drugged tigers in a "temple". Only to find out afterwards the whole thing was a massive scam and front for wildlife trafficking, animal abuse, etc... For some people, it's just easier to clinch to whatever they thought it was rather then face the reality.

  3. "City officials say that accidents such as these are harming the image of Pattaya and a meeting has been called to discuss new guidelines that will be implemented in an attempt to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities to foreign tourists in the Bay."

    Loss of live matters not, but the public image of Asia's armpit does...

  4. First point, supplies are not allowed, anything given for a prisoner is thrown away ( or split between staff).

    Ony money can be passed for prisoners, it is recorded in a book, then the prisoner can use it to buy goods from the prison shop.

    This is simply FALSE info. It definitely does not apply across the board; I know for a fact that in several prisons in the south inmates are allowed to receive food items from visitors. Some prisons also have in-house shops where visitors can purchase approved items and give these to the inmates. Different prisons might have slightly different rules, but I'm fairly certain that, in most prisons, inmates are allowed to receive certain items from visitors. This might not apply to maximum security prisons through (but since the OP's friend is in for a drug-related term, I doubt he'd in a max security facility).

  5. There some stuff that's just nonsense in the info you've provided:

    1. You can have your name on a house registration WITHOUT a permanent residence. I have my name in the yellow tabien ban and I'm on a regular non-O visa

    2. I seriously doubt the process to obtain a WP is easier for permanent residents, as far as I know, the process is the same wether you're on a non-O visa or permanent residence (if someone has other info on this please share)

    3. You DO NOT need a permanent residence to apply for naturalisation, having a permanent residence is not a requirement

    4. You DO NOT need a permanent residence to be a company director

    It's basically a permanent visa, and the only possible advantage I see is not having to renew your extension of stay every year. Other then that, really not worth the 200.000 baht they're asking for one...

  6. A simple broomstick is about as good as it gets for sliding window lock.


    This would only work if the second window does not slide. In my case, the second window slides on the outside rail, so a broom/wooden stick alone does not do the trick.

    Here's what I did:

    1. I drilled holes through the window frames so I can stick a nail or metal pin in there to lock the windows or sliding doors in place.

    2. On some windows I used a simple sliding to secure one of the windows in place and then place a wooden stick in the inside rail to secure the second window.

    It's not full proof, but these measures make it difficult enough to quickly enter our house. That said, I still feel that our 45kg German shepherd is the best security measure we currently have in place :)

  7. I feed my dogs only dry food of good quality (Royal Canine). I spoke with a Vet in Europe who told me that preparing a fresh meal is too much of a hassle, and he also feeds his dogs good quality dry food. According to him there is no much difference between the good brands, so pick 1 that is convenient for you to get.

    As mentioned already, I use Royal Canine - this is what the breeder I bought my dog from feeds his dogs, so I just continued with this brand. Now I have some puppies and I have to order food for them in advance as no shop keeps the junior version of this food. Still easy enough.

    Sorry to burst your bubble my friend, but Royal Canine is NOT a premium brand of dried dog food. If you were to peak at the ingredients, you'll see corn or some other grain as the main ingredient. If you were to look this up, you'll find plenty of info explaining why this is bad for any dog.

    ANF Holistic is a premium brand available in Thailand, for about 3000baht for a large bag. Some places also carry other premium brands like Taste of the Wild or Chicken Soup for the Soul.

  8. I'm so happy that I'm not an American.

    But I fear that the EU will copy this sytem soon. They all want full controll over us and let us work for them for peanuts to finance their pensions and their mismanagement.

    They already have. My EU friends are selling their condo here as their country wants to tax them on it. The US tax rate is pretty good. Compared to many countries in the EU. If you have $5MM to invest, you have good investment advisers who help you reduce your tax liability. If not, the tax rates are really low. Check it out here:


    how can you be taxed on a condo ? how does the EU get involved here in Thailand?

    They tax properties no matter where they are. Same as the US taxing your investments no matter where they are.

    They only do so if the person in question is still registered as living in his/her home country. If you are not living in the EU anymore (officially), you are NOT taxed on property, income or anything else. This is the case for my home country (The Netherlands) and I believe it applies to other member states as well.

    If you're living in Thailand and are paying in tax in the EU, you're doing something wrong :)

  9. Switching from Thai food to highly processed western junk? No, thanks!

    Thai food can be delicious and very healthy; just prepare your own/have your partner prepare it or pick a proper place to eat. There's plenty restaurants available that sell good, healthy Thai food with proper ingredients.

  10. Most fruits have either about the same amount of sugars or more sugar compared to the same amount of Coca cola (per 100 gram). Sure, more vitamins than coke (none) but still hardly a "healthy" thing to eat 5 times a day.

    Depending on what kind of fruit you're eating; changes are that 5 pieces per day would indeed be healthy... For sure way healthier then drinking 5 cans of Coke :)

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