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Posts posted by mjnaus

  1. You could... If your Thai spouse is on the government health plan (if they're working for the government) then family members can get on the same plan. However, you'll be limited to public hospitals, yuk. If that's ok for you, than by all means. I prefer a comfortable experience at one of the better private hospitals though.

  2. 2 minutes ago, jwest10 said:

    mjnaus  Thanks for info and believe one can get local Thai coverage  also and Bupa is it very expensive?

    In my 12 years living here, I have tried a number of the local alternatives. All of them turned out to be total shit. Nothing but trouble in times you least need it... I think we've tried four of five of these policies (I don't remember the exact names, but you can get them almost anywhere) after which we decided to get with a decent insurer. 


    I guess my wife could use the Thai free healthcare system, however looking at the typical state of public hospitals in this country... well, let's say they'll likely make you more ill rather than less :) Furthermore, we travel a fair bit and Bupa covers us anywhere we go (except for the US). 


    As for the expensive part, I honestly do not feel they're that expensive. Me and my wife still being young (mid 30's), I think we pay about 50,000b per year for the two of us. Does not sound too bad, does it? I realize premiums will go up over the years, but I am more than happy being them if they keep up the quality of service as they have for the past years. 


    They also have a number of cheaper, but still pretty decent plans, aimed mostly at Thai's I guess. We've got the in-laws on a cheaper Bupa plan with covers them up 500,000b per year (if I am not mistaken) for about 2,000b per month (for both parents who are both in their 60's). 

  3. As several others in this thread, myself and my wife are both on the 2 million Bupa plan as well and we've got nothing but good things to say about them. Never any problem getting anything settled, it's quick, painless and with excellent customer support. A year without any claims results in a 10% premium discount the year after. I personally wouldn't bother with the outpatient plans though, since the outpatient care is typically cheap as dirt. 

  4. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    Cryptocurrencies are intrinsically worthless and, as mentioned, they are the ultimate pyramid scheme. At least when you bought tulips in the early 1600s you got a tulip. Buy bitcoin and you just get a string of random numbers.


    Every single currency that exists today is intrinsically worthless. The fact that you refer to crypto currencies as a "pyramid scheme" indicates you either do not know the first thing about these currencies, or you don't know what a pyramid scheme is (or both). 

  5. Had a bit of a nasty surprise yesterday after returning to Thailand from a nice little vacation on Penang with my wife (Thai) and my parents. Upon trying to enter Thailand, we were informed in no uncertain terms we'd need to show a fat stack of baht or we would not be allowed to enter the country. The fact we'd only be in Thailand for two nights before leaving again (and I had the air tickets to proof this) did not seem to matter. I tried reasoning with the officer; but he wouldn't have any of it. Either get the cash, or no entry. The amounts we needed to show were 10.000b for each of my parents (entering on a visa exempt stamp) and 20.000b for myself (entering on a non-O visa). Fortunately, my wife was already stamped into the country and was able to take our car and locate an ATM to take out the cash. If my wife wouldn't have been able to do so, we would have had to head back into Malaysia (not sure if Malaysian immigration would allow us to re-enter, without having a Thai exit stamp?) to sort out the money. This indeed seemed the case for a few Singaporean guys before us.


    I am aware the cash rule exists; however I have never actually seen this enforced. I have crossed this particular border crossing dozens of times over the past 12 years and this is the first time I am seeing this enforced. Strangely, my parents flew into Hatyai (from KL) last week and upon entering Thailand then, no cash was needed. 


    For those using the Padang Besar border crossing (and possibly the Sadao one as well), be aware of this rule now being enforced (wether entering on a visa exempt or a proper visa, money needs to be shown).

  6. Same thing happened to my and my family upon entering Thailand through the Padan Besar border crossing. We were told we'd need to show money or we would not be allowed into the country. The amounts needed were 10.000b for both of my parents (entering on a visa exempt stamp) and 20.000b for myself (entering on a non-O visa). I've crossed the border here dozens of times over the past 12 years and this is the first time I have seen this rule being enforced. Lucky for us my wife was with us and we had our car as well, allowing my wife to locate an ATM on the Thai side to get the money be sorted. Others weren't so lucky and were sent back into Malaysia to find an ATM and come back with the cash. 

  7. We're currently using IPTV from ToT. Around 300/400 baht per month; fairly decent selection of western/English channels. Mostly HD, very little quality/buffering issues (using a optic fibre connection).

  8. Out of curiosity, how does one legally "own" a house in Thailand. We have official documents for the land which state the owner(s), however I am not familiar with any such documents for the actual dwellings on the land. There's the "house book", blue one for Thais and yellow one for foreigner, however these only indicate who officially resides in the dwelling, but not who legally owns it? 

  9. The idea that the weather has got anything to do with it sounds like nonsense. We're in Hat Yai and have been experiencing the same weather but our dogs are just fine. There's no reason why a healthy dog couldn't survive a few days of bad weather...


    Sounds more like a virus or possibly poisoning. If it was poisoning, the dogs will typically die within 24 hours after the first symptoms and it's a rather unpleasant sight with the dog getting seizures and being in severe pain and all. 


    At this point, you will most likely never know for sure. It would be good to keep an close eye on future dogs, as some dog viruses can lay dormant in the soil for a quite some time and other dogs can get sick as well several months later.


  10. As mentioned by recom273, Southern Hills is a very nice one. There's another good one right next to the military base on Kanjanawanit Road. There's another, basic one, right next to airport. Since this is right next to where I live, I often play there.


    None of these require a membership; Southern Hills and the good one next to the military base come with a caddy included in the green fee. The one next to the airport does not have caddies. 


    We're a group of three, not-so-great golfers, who often play a game on Sunday mornings for good fun. If you're interested in joining us, feel free to PM me. 

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