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About jastheace

  • Birthday 03/11/1952

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    sattahip. not near. not far

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  1. about 300 baht...assuming seller passes on the reduction.... source.... couldn't easily find it without going through loads of documents posted online, but IIRC duty on finished luxury goods was in the order of 300%. so say 1000 baht less sellers mark up of (guessing) 150 baht gives a cost of 850 baht, a quarterof that plus mark up. 300 baht more or less..... plus the usual farang tax. edit. cut and paste from original article... These tax cuts are expected to significantly reduce the cost of imported wines in Thailand, a country that has traditionally imposed an average tax of about 250% on wine, including import tariffs, excise tax, municipal tax, and a 7% VAT.
  2. and let me guess.... you've been in Thailand 25 years... gave up on the first night?
  3. NO even durian has a more pleasing aroma....
  4. same system in use for many many moons in bkk. read the signage (posted in thai and english languages). alternate days for alternating sides. stops people using the streets for long term parking. added..... the article should read 'dates' not days... hope that makes sense now...
  5. So... I'm hoping to soon plan a trip to Thailand around my sons 18th birthday. It's been too long since our last trip, so do not really want to wait any longer. There seems to be a grey area around the ages of 18-20 to where and what you can do. I've noticed some signs around the sois of Pattaya stating minimum age for entry into some establishments is 20. However, there are also signs outside the same business advertising for staff at age starting from 18. Any ideas what is allowed and what is forbidden, whether legally or otherwise. Seems to me this maybe an subject which will vary from light gray to dark gray. Maybe differences also between provincial towns and cities to major tourist destinations. Son is half Thai BTW, if that makes a difference... ??? In particular would welcome comments from bar/ entertainment venue managers/ owners. TiA
  6. BB on soi 6 clap clinic 10 days later killed the initial excitement. would go again though...
  7. there was nothing wrong with 'metered' taxis, great value, until the ' can not do' 'meter not work' mob began. then metered taxis earnt the same respect as the tuk tuks. i guess that was the rise of bolt and grab..... ?
  8. planned by a person with a grudge in a country where it's your right to bear arms. time for change.... over to you Mr Biden... no... Congress...?
  9. good advice ^^^. i too have done around 700km in a day on a click, but beware of aches in the (very) lower back region for a few days after. also done pattaya to khao khitchakut (chantaburi) and back (sometimes same day) several times. you'll be topping up the fuel regularly, so use that as proper breaks to stretch the legs and hydrate. the bike will be ideal transport to explore the island also. enjoy !!!
  10. not surprised about bling closing. soi bk and that area has been known afaik, for the last 20 years as a bargain basement beer and food grovel to accommodate a certain demographic, sorry if that upsets some, but i remember crazy daves.... YEAH!!!!
  11. Let him do it. The rest of us have. He has a 50/50 chance of the relationship going well or having another aseannow sob story.
  12. falang overstay versus thai with guns. which party is easier to approach for the requisite 'tea money'....?
  13. pretty much, if 'all' is agreed.
  14. its fine. 4k for low rise, 6 k for high rise. a little more if newly done out or higher end. handy location to entertainment and shopping. cheap because it always has been.... say no more.
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