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Posts posted by bkkdawg

  1. See my post in the 'Overstayers do they have to stay now' topic.

    The ban for overstays is not in effect yet. I called Thai immigration and was told it will be in effect by September, so you need to leave by the end of August at the very very latest to get an overstay sorted out.

    The clue you should have all had? There is no DATE on the notice that Immigration put up. There is always a date when a policy has been made official. The policy is going into effect, but it has not been approved yet. What you are seeing on the Immigration website is a warning, and the same acknowledgement notice you are now being asked to sign when you enter the kingdom.

    Honestly, 15 years in Thailand and I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the same gossipmongers on Thai Visa are still holding their gossipfests with no corroberative evidence as to what they're talking about, and not one person with the gumption to call Immigration to find out (and no, your Thai wife calling, who probably doesn't understand Immigration policy doesn't count).

    This is interesting and I hope this is true for my sake and others in the same position as me. I had my Thai wife call them yesterday and by the way she is by no means stupid as she has nearly finished her masters in Law. They told her it was in effect from yesterday. I would really like to know exactly what the situation is before I condemn myself to a year ban. I will have her call them again and see what they say.

    My gf called DMK immigration office at the beginning of July and they told her that these new rules will be in effect after 2 months, which is September. I left from Thailand by using DMK airport yesterday and They didn't blacklist me.

    i was told the same thing when I called this morning. A friend also just called Immigration and then called me, as he's on overstay and is worried about not getting out. He was also told the new ban is NOT in effect until September, but that he should leave as soon as possible to get his overstay fixed.

    Oh and by the way, I'm not calling your Thai wife 'stupid' smile.png I'm just saying most Thais don't understand immigration law when it comes to how it affects farangs, so a lot of the time they call immigration as their husband or boyfriend doesn't understand Thai, only to report back incorrect information as they're not always sure what they're reporting about.

    Honestly, I could tell this law was not in effect yesterday when I read the first post in this topic. There was no date as to when the law would come into effect, and there is always a date on a Thai Immigration notice saying that the law will be effective as of that date.

    You can also look for a Phuketwan article talking about interviewing the immigration commissioner in Phuket yesterday. He also said the ban is not in effect yet and they don't know the absolute date it will be, as it has not been approved.

    No worries mate I knew you weren't :) Anyway just called Don Muaeng and it is indeed not in effect till at least September. I'm going up to Laos tonight to get sorted. Thanks for the info

  2. Confirmed but not in effect yet. So when can we expect the new laws to be introduced?

    Personally, I've been here on various visas for the past 10 years and only ever had the odd day or 2 overstay. Having had my work permit cancelled 3 months ago by an unscrupulous employer and just had a baby with my Thai girlfriend followed by a whopping hospital bill I've found myself in the sh*t! 3 months over and I'm just about on top of my finances again and ready to do the Non B again up in Laos and pay the 20,000.

    I think a lot of people on here who are talking about "kicking the trash out" have never worked here and don't understand how easy it can be to be back on your arse and having to do expensive visa trips because circumstances like changing jobs etc.

    I don't want to hear from these bitter old gerry hatricks who think they've "earned" their right to be in Thailand (what a joke)

    My question is: Am I safe going to the Laos border at the end of July?

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  3. Russian Mafia definitely exist in numbers in Pattaya and Phuket. But, as someone else pointed out they're more on the corporate level of schemes. By the look of these boys they're a bunch of chancers that most certainly are not professionals. I mean come on, you couldn't have botched this anymore if you'd tried. And why 6 of them? Ammateurs.

    However, it is quite scary that this kind of scum are on street level in Thailand. I have only been to Pattaya a few times and that was a long time ago. Seems like it's almost everyday something happens involving foreign criminals there now. The big dude in the middle looks like a real animal. Think I'll keep my distance from that town. :)

  4. Basically, there was a mass culling of foreign teachers at my school yesterday as they are relocating and don't need as many teachers for the next school year. I was told on the spot yesterday (the last day of school) that they would not be needing me for the next school year. However, they are not willing to pay me for the months of March and April which would have been the paid holiday, but I do have a work permit which is valid until October.

    Upon hearing this, I immediately asked for a copy of my contract which I have misplaced. And, conveniently they couldn't find it in their filing. Too add to this, I received a phone call later that day from my employer who told me she had just cancelled my work permit.

    What I really need to know is. Where do I stand legally, and do they have to pay me anything? I know I don't have the contract in my possession, but because I do (or did) have a work permit, to me, this suggests there must be a contract to have even got the work permit in the first place.

    Any help would be much appreciated folks. Thank you! :)

  5. ....and then 450 days later after the divorce, she picks up her share of the house money!

    ...Would any of you be surprised if this was the case?

    ...no! TIT 55555

    My thoughts exactly - and less risky than paying someone to throw him off a balcony after he had been drinking.

    Have to agree with this theory, the wife definately set this one up with a bit of help from the local mafia or something. I mean who would really swallow this onw whole?! As someone already said, you really couldn't make a 'D' grade movie out this story!

  6. And stupid me thought this news was going to be about banning cars, collecting trash, making more green spaces...

    My thoughts exactly. How about making it so that there will be less need for all those upgraded medical facilities. Cart before the horse springs to mind.

    A good start would be to get rid of those crappy old red buses that spew black smoke into the city air. Those are the bane of this city.

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