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Posts posted by bkkdawg

  1. .Once again we have a farang breaking the law by buying illegally, a prescription drug and transporting it around the country then whining about the fact he has been saved from prison by police relieving him of money. far from it giving the Thai police a bad image it to me gives the tourists visiting the Country a bad image. Like the farang crying foul for having to pay the police money for not wearing the required crash helmet ? It would be a different story if they had planted the viagra on your friend but they didn't. Your friend has learnt a valuable lesson and needs to think himself lucky I think!

    Viagra is LEGAL in Thailand Doughhhhhhhhhh!

  2. Get in the habit of putting your wallet in your front pocket. Almost impossible to get pickpocketed and not know it.


    Want to bet?

    I was pickpocketed on a little green bus in China Town BKK a few months back. I had just picked up my housing from the school (B5000), and it was in my wallet in my front pocket of my work trousers - and they were quite tight trousers too.

    I sat at the back of the bus where there was two ordinary looking Thai people - the one I sat next to had a labtop bag on his lap, as I also did.

    When I got off at my stop I took out my wallet to go to the bank, and the five 1000 baht notes were almost all the way out of my wallet. If I'd have been on the bus for one more stop, I think I would've been relieved of that B5000.

    There are some very highly skilled pickpockets in and around BKK so be careful!

  3. Be nice to people. Old, young, farang, Thai...just be nice. Smile. Offer a hand in help when one is needed. There isn't enough of this in the country lately (or any country for that matter) and the smallest things get noticed by someone who is looking for a caring love interest. I think you will get a lot of propositions with this very simple method, and in the meantime you not only feel good yourself but you also have a positive impact on people.

    Politics are a mess right now, tourism is down, jobs are at stake and life is hard for people here. Everyone notices a mushroom growing out of the dung or a bright soft swatch of fabric in an otherwise crusty feedsack texture city. I am no prize- overweight, not rich, and I am crabby sometimes. But I managed to hook a lovely woman who will be my bride soon, and not only is she beautiful outside with pouty lips and big dark eyes, but she laughs easily and sees the good all around her. It will happen for you. I would bet on it.

    That is the best advice given so far in this thread! Seconded

  4. Seems strange to me that whilst you sit highly perched in your car, farang hi-so, you only pass comment on the uneducated motorcyclist....havent you noticed that the car drivers are just as bad?

    You could always rack off back to ur home country, no doubt its so much better there. :)

    I would say Thai's can ride bikes better than anyone else, as for driving cars thou I'm not so sure!

  5. The two men were detained at Prachachuen Toll Plaza after police found 160 counterfeit credit cards hidden in the vehicle along with 70,300 baht in cash, two passports and car rental documents.

    The duo allegedly tried to bribe the police with 5,000 baht cash in order to avoid detention. (TNA)

    If nothing else, it serves them right for being so tight.

    Too right!

    That's obviously the Indian part coming out.... add another zero to the equation I think they would've been on their way unhindered. :)

  6. In Europe it's quite normal to get out alone and have it your way, havin' fun, here you're an easy victim. Cause of nature? Hierarchy? Money matters a bit more.

    I've gone out alone hundreds of times at night in Thailand and have never had any problems at all.

    Me neither,

    Maybe this is because I don't go to Pattaya at all, which is where most people seem to have problems.

  7. I am also a retired teacher who started teaching English in Thailand, decades after earning a real BA (in Christianity) from a real uni. I stood up for Mr Hippo's belated honesty and his guilty plea.

    Two main points here, IMHO - fake degrees are as dishonest as the real, accredited Thai scools who encourage teachers to get fake degrees.

    Are they trying to catch more people now that times are a bit harder, another nice little money spinner

    Exactly what I was thinking.

  8. You pose an interesting question. I do know that some officers have a list of accredited schools. I once had them question whether a school was legitimate or not, which it was. About a week later had an applicant who had a life experience degree from an unaccredited 'diploma mill.' When I googled the school it was under investigation (there wasn't actually a school--only a post office box). The person was not the best candidate for the job, but part of the decision was based on his having a 'dodgy degree.'

    I wouldn't hesitate to accept someone who is otherwise qualified and has a life experience degree from an accredited school.

    Anyone know if the MOE feels the same?

    Thanks Scott.

    By the way, which life experience degrees are the accredited ones?

  9. I suggest you try The Winning Tower on Sukhumvit 71 road. It's not in the soi; just next to pridi soi 40. I have lived there b4 and think its one of the better condo's in the area. Try to get them down on the price, as they always start high. Two bedroom should be 15-20,000 baht depending on floor and views etc.


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