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Posts posted by khunron13

  1. I am about 4 months out from making my retirement move from the US to Thailand. I have been researching the visa requirements for a couple of years trying to determine which is best for ME, to the point I'm suffering from analysis paralysis. I had pretty much made up my mind to go the O-A route when I saw a "Non-Immigrant Category O (retirement)" visa on the DC Embassy site (https://thaiembdc.org) last night. I really don't remember seeing this before and thought the Non-O for purposes of retirement had to be done in-country. If I go to the e-visa site (https://www.thaievisa.go.th/) I don't see an option for this. This would actually meet my needs better than the O-A or visa-exempt to Non-O route, so I have a few questions for the forum.


    1. Is this a new option, or just another TIT moment for whomever created the websites and doesn't really exist?
    2. Insurance is required for this visa option, which I'm okay with since I would like some kind of supplement to my Tricare coverage. Will I still be required to show proof of insurance when I request the one year extension?
    3. This visa is good for 90-days, so would I only need an initial 90-day insurance policy?
    4. If I went the visa-exempt to Non-O route is insurance required when requesting the one year extension? I think not from what I've read, but wanted to verify.

    5. From what I've read the THB 800,000 option for the Non-O visa does not have to be "seasoned" before submitting the initial application, correct?
    6. The O-A visa requires "a guarantee letter from the bank and a copy of bank statement" for the financial requirement. My credit union has no clue what a "guarantee letter" is, so does anyone know what they actually want to see?
    7. My primary care physician is an LPN at a smallish VA clinic. She's willing to sign the medical certificate, but does anyone have experience not having an MD sign the form?
    8. The criminal records check is also causing me to consider other options. I've got a clean record, but it seems like such a pain in the <deleted>. Does anyone have experience with the process and know any tips to simplify it?


    I would appreciate any answers or feedback to my questions above. I know my options, except for the Non-O issue I mentioned, so please don't tell me I'm wasting my time and money considering the process of getting a visa before I depart. I know the cost of insurance and it's not going to ruin my financial plan or wreck my budget, so please save those comments. Cheers!


  2. How/where do you want to store your data? You could store internally in your PC/MAC by installing multiple HDDs or use an external Network Attached Storage (NAS) device. Personally, I think a Drobo is the way to go. You decide how much storage you want/need and the redundancy is built-in. There are plenty of other options to include the WD MyCloud.

    You've also got to figure out how you're getting that data from the storage device into your TV. Do you have a "smart TV" that will accept streaming media or are you planning to connect the storage device straight to the TV via USB?

    There are many of options and decisions to make, but again I would recommend a Drobo device connected to your network and streamed wirelessly to your TV.

  3. I have 3BB Fibre Optic here in KK for a year now. Infact, I was one of the first FO users in KK. The do run a separate cable from the box to your house. Two of my neighbors installed it and separate cables were run as well.

    I pay B1284/month for 30 down and 3 up. I get 36 down and 4.5 up. I only had the service go down for a couple of hours during a huge rain storm we had last month. Other than that it's been up and steady.

    Is that 36 gig download and 4.5 gig up?

    What is the use of having high speed fibre if only get those bandwidth allowances?

    A blue ray movie is about 5 gig and streaming would soon use that up in a few days.

    Sending your cam on skype or yahoo will eat into the 4 gig up too.

    That's speed, not bandwidth allowance. Jeez!

    Thanks to enlighten me jeezsus

    You're welcome. I enjoy enlightening the ignorant.

  4. Strange that on one hand there are new measures being taken to catch all the gamblers but here they are force-feeding the worlds most corrupt sporting event down people's throats - using R & D funds.

    Lets hope there is a comparable amount spent on decent programming, perhaps even one or two comedies without puerile sound effects...

    How about English subtitles on English movies?

    That would benefit the population more than this exhibition of greed and egotism.

    No one is forcing you to watch it, so......

  5. I have 3BB Fibre Optic here in KK for a year now. Infact, I was one of the first FO users in KK. The do run a separate cable from the box to your house. Two of my neighbors installed it and separate cables were run as well.

    I pay B1284/month for 30 down and 3 up. I get 36 down and 4.5 up. I only had the service go down for a couple of hours during a huge rain storm we had last month. Other than that it's been up and steady.

    Is that 36 gig download and 4.5 gig up?

    What is the use of having high speed fibre if only get those bandwidth allowances?

    A blue ray movie is about 5 gig and streaming would soon use that up in a few days.

    Sending your cam on skype or yahoo will eat into the 4 gig up too.

    That's speed, not bandwidth allowance. Jeez!

  6. "Meanwhile, traffic police in Bangkok have vowed to strictly enforce a new campaign starting on Monday that focuses on strong enforcement of traffic laws.

    The blitz will include towing away vehicles, locking wheels, arrests, detention - and traffic cops being polite, Royal Thai Police adviser Lt-General Wuthi Liptapallop said."

    I guess The Nation editor finally sobered up, as this portion of the article is no longer in the article on the webpage.

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