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Posts posted by khunron13

  1. The guy in the blue shirt in the pic does not look to THAI to me. the army will not budge with a few hundred people. they will need to see a hell of a lot more to be convinced to COUP which will destroy thailand as a tourist haven for a long while.

    This is not easy for the army as they p[robably like me, can see no side is good for this country.

    Do you seriously think the RTA takes the tourism sector into account when coming up with their defense strategy?

  2. Amazing TV... cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif I missed all Your chicken-livered Yellow apologists & Corporate shills' reactions when these political flyweights shut down both airports... xpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS. probably thought it was just, Oh! so peachy...pfst. ;-} rap. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

    It was a demonstration that shut down the airports... This is your government shutting down the train lines. By the way you must have just set a record for the most emoticons ever in a TV post.

    *According to SRT governor Praphat Chongsa-nguan, demonstrators have been obstructing the railroad in Bangkok in order to force the trains to stop and let passengers who want to join the demonstration get off at Sam Sen train station.*

    You just made my point, thanQ BTW: need some maths lessons...you clearly can't count NOR read... .clap2.gifgiggle.gifw00t.gifemot-kiss.giflicklips.gifangry.pngclosedeyes.gif NOW! maybe I broke the record? what a dolt... ;-} rap.

    Mods, please stifle this clown!

  3. If it happen what you say. Some Farang mean they are VIP or somebody better if they run a business here, maybe they not succeed in his home country because of arrogance cheesy.gif

    If somebody come from Isan better let fall down in front of shop a plastic bag with "Cow or pig manure" much better and longer effect as you propose with cigarettes etc. and still natural product with an excellent long lasting smell ! crazy.gif


  4. Ah ah in thailand I buy 2$ a sim card and can use it for 1 month without any problem.

    In usa, 30 bucks and your money is gone after 3 months... Even if u don't call.

    What a country of joke. No wonder why they reach fiscal cliff...

    Thailand beat them with my great respect....

    Chuck, if the US is such a joke, then why do you continually bother to make comments? Why don't you just put it out of your mind? Besides, most of your posts make no phucking sense whatsoever, so why don't you spare us all.

  5. That's why John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich. Leaving one hand free to do other things.

    Thais have never cottoned on to the sandwich. If somebody can figure out how to get som-tam and sticky rice between two pieces of non-drip edible polystyrene, you're on to a winner.

    Maybe a som-tam and sticky rice pie might be a better idea. Everybody knows that back in Farangland you can drive while eating a pie, drinking coffee, and talk on your cellphone at the same time.

    The Japanese invented this long ago, but don't tell the Thai's they weren't first! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onigiri

    • Like 1
  6. Are the drivers going to be female? Otherwise what is the point? The point of the women only buses is to prevent sexual harassment. Female Tax drivers for only female passengers make sense. It provides a rape-free taxi experience while also protecting the female taxi driver from male passengers.

    Once the Tom's figure out they have a captive audience, that idea will be out the window!

  7. Forget about the tourist baht and put peoples lives 1st. CLOSE the bloody line, indefinitely suspend all operation until the system is fixed properly. People are going to die and Thailand couldn't care less, what is a few dead farangs, more will come.

    So any Thai lives that might be lost don't matter? I'm not defending the incompetence of the Thai government, but I'm just amazed how you've tied this issue to tourism. I don't have the numbers, but I seriously doubt that the number of foreigners is even close to the number of Thais who ride the train, and are infintiesimal when compared to the number of tourist who fly to Chiang Mai versus take the train.

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