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Posts posted by husskydog

  1. I think you could live quite comfortably on 60K per month.

    The question to ask is what about the long term - is your 60K a fixed income or is it going to rise over time. Inflation in Thailand is a significant factor and since you are planning to rent, you are subject to inflation on you single biggest monthly outlay.

    Yep, my pension will be rpi`d to the UK. And hopefully i might find some kind of work to top it up, but i must allow for that not to happen...thx for the fast reply

    ps. to avoid confusion the 60k is before my rent is paid...ta

  2. Will 60k baht be enough to live on a month with say 25k for rent, looking at bangsaray area.


    Is changmai a better option at the above mentioned figure, really worried about the cost of living issue for long term.

    Been on frequent hols in Los but not really took stock of spending...gentle advice please..thx

  3. Will have enough for a good down payment and regular pension (company) payments, i just dont want to waste standard monthly rentals eating away at my income when they could be used to pay back the balance....surely there is some option.

    Would it be best to stand as reference for my tee rak and try and get the mortgagae through her, she`s only 20years old (little sweety) and has a low payed job and no real money status...and i worry about putting it all in her name of course....what you think..ta :o

  4. Hi, i`ll hopefully be moving to Samut Prakan shortly and will need a fast isp (hopefully with no ports blocked for p2p)

    My questions are

    1 Which one is best for price speed and service

    2 How long to connect up the service g/f shared house has a telephone line to it but not active anymore, Bang na , a soi off teparat road.

    3 Is there contract periods like here in uk, on zen here and only 1 month contract.

    4 Would also like to watch some internet tv.

    Sorry about the list, any advice would be helpfull....oh ps. 5 can i have the bills made out to me as i need proof of res to satisfy offshore account ......thanks so much

  5. This may be a daft question but i cant find any examples of the term RENT TO BUY in Los.

    I was looking at putting say 3/4 cost down on an off plan house when i move over to Los shortly, i dont mean usual short term installments on off plan houses, i mean like the balance paid like a rental sum over say 6 years...Ok please dont laugh to loud..... :o

  6. All you people NEED to know is that this guy is a close friend of mine. If you are family like you say you are you would know the cause of death. Please do not hang around here speculating that my friend is a drunk drug addict. He was one of the top guys you could want to have in your life. Its been devastating enough without speculation on his untimely death and publishing the pictures on the net - this man had one thing with him in that room - his dignity and pride - and it was robbed by blood thirsty paparazzi.

    This is a very difficult and emotional time for anyone that knew him. A very sudden and tragic loss.

    This guy loved thailand and travelled there for many years.......never once would he speak badly of any locals


    have some respect and show some compassion for his family and his very large circle of friends( who may be currently travelling and this is what they find on the Net)


    May he rest in peace.

    Very well said....R.I.P

  7. Hi, please help.

    My little darling cant receive my mms messages from my voda here in the uk to her one-2-call mobile in thailand. I`ve checked with voda and all is well. How and what do i tell her to do to get the mms`s delivered to she in thailand.....thanks

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