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Posts posted by husskydog

  1. Can someone confirm if the consulate in Vientiane will be closed or open on dec 10th

    Constitution Day....

    I have looked at the consulate web site, it has the day entered but it is not blue..same as kings holiday on the 7th today...and i can`t phone today as they are on holiday offcourse..thanks

  2. The recliner is part of the seat and part of what people pay for. It's use is normal.

    Its anti-social to use it at meal times.

    It's also rather anti-social to recline the seat quickly without warning the person behind, a gentle motion is fine.

    If you can't handle someone infront of you using the recliner when sleep time comes around on a flight you really should be upgrading yourself of flying less.

    Or take an airline which is known for better legroom not the budget carriers for the socially-uneducated passenger who doesn't possess any regard for his fellow passenger.

    socially-uneducated passenger ? i hope you are not reffering to me? :)

  3. The recliner is part of the seat and part of what people pay for. It's use is normal.

    Its anti-social to use it at meal times.

    It's also rather anti-social to recline the seat quickly without warning the person behind, a gentle motion is fine.

    If you can't handle someone infront of you using the recliner when sleep time comes around on a flight you really should be upgrading yourself of flying less.

    Or take an airline which is known for better legroom not the budget carriers for the socially-uneducated passenger who doesn't possess any regard for his fellow passenger.


  4. Fat tax will only feed the airlines, the person on each side of the said fatty should be told prior to boarding that they will have a said fatty spilling onto their space and they should be offered a cash discount if they remain in their allocated seats or give them an alternative seat...i`m sure someone on the plane with " the live and let live attitude" will be glad to sit next to them (not),

    ,,i`m not bashing fat people, eg. when they go to buy clothes oversize the need to pay extra, a plane seat in my mind is no different, have 3 or 4 extra large seats for them and charge higher for them...if not take the boat....oh and recliners should only be allowed to be used when the seat behind is empty or on an exit....i pay for my space in a flight NOT for others..... :)

  5. I do not see any issue with the tracert. Single NAT and devices working as seen in the ping times of the first 3 hops.

    Is there any software firewall in your comp or the firewall in your router blocking your port forward?

    Thanks for taking the time to look,

    I have tried, different methods, eg firewall on router off and ports forwarded thru windows firewall, windows firewall off and router firewall on and ports forwarded (i even did a factory reset on the router) and purchased the portfoward program from portforward.com, i also downloaded the latest firmware on the zyxel site but the router wouldn`t accept the bin file for some reason, my current firmware is as follows V3.40(BJE.1) | 07/23/2008,

    maybe i need to purchase a static ip address from CAT, what`s your thoughts please .....HD

  6. Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]

    Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\Users\Alan>cd c:\

    c:\>tracert www.yahoo.com

    Tracing route to www-real.wa1.b.yahoo.com []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms

    2 45 ms 45 ms 44 ms

    3 45 ms 45 ms 44 ms

    4 52 ms 52 ms 52 ms

    5 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms

    6 68 ms 221 ms 207 ms

    7 53 ms 52 ms 52 ms

    8 53 ms 53 ms 52 ms

    9 53 ms 52 ms 52 ms

    10 254 ms 254 ms 254 ms

    11 265 ms 265 ms 265 ms laix.bas1.lax.yahoo.com []

    12 265 ms 264 ms 264 ms so-3-0-0.pat2.sjc.yahoo.com []

    13 267 ms 269 ms 266 ms ae0-p161.msr1.sp1.yahoo.com []

    14 667 ms 674 ms 267 ms te-8-1.bas-a2.sp1.yahoo.com []

    15 690 ms 682 ms 684 ms f1.www.vip.sp1.yahoo.com []

    Trace complete.


    there you go ...thanks

  7. Yeah, I use VUZE (Azureus) as well with the Zyxel 660 and it works.

    I would really like to know how you manage that, i have been trying for days every which way, i use vuze on vista home premium, forward ports on the said router and firewall it just wont give me a green on vuze?? could you kindly post up your settings and your port number so i can try again please....thanks HD

    Did you set a static LAN IP address into your computer yet?

    yep, tried that and still no joy, does anyone know if cat disable port forwarding?

  8. Yeah, I use VUZE (Azureus) as well with the Zyxel 660 and it works.

    I would really like to know how you manage that, i have been trying for days every which way, i use vuze on vista home premium, forward ports on the said router and firewall it just wont give me a green on vuze?? could you kindly post up your settings and your port number so i can try again please....thanks HD

  9. Now if anyone could point me to where I could buy some hard shell saddle bags, that would be awesome. Need to fit a laptop, would greatly enhance my riding experience because my computer goes everywhere I go and is riding on the back at the moment.

    Givi Panniers would be the obvious choice but I'm not aware of any retailers outside of Bangkok so you'll have to make a trip to the big smoke or have them sent to you. Try Dr Bike, Khun Yo can get Givi V35 and V46 panniers for you: http://www.weloveshopping.com/template/a37...p;shopid=119543

    There are a couple of other Givi retailers in Bangkok but my google powers are weak this morning :) And some of the Kawasaki dealers (Udon Thani and Pattaya I believe, perhaps others as well) are also selling them. You're in Pai, right? Why not give Kawasaki Chiang Mai a call, I hear they are very helpful.

    Happy Trails!


    Kawasaki, korat have had givi`s in stock for about 2 months, he has 650r in the showroom with the correct bar and racks fitted along with the top box an solid detachable paniers....all givi...look good but omg to much money....

  10. Will be off to lao for my first 2xtourist visa`s in a few days...not done it before, and i will be traveling by car from surin with my thai gf who has a passport...can some one kindly tell me step by step what to do, no if or buts just a simple step by step 1,2,3,4and 5 kind of thing, eg hotel for safe parking in thailand for car, how long will i need to stay in lao, embassy issues etc...so much broken info on here my head is spinning...thanks so much hd :)

  11. I did a one hour test drive on a friend's rented 650R and was not really impressed... I thought it was upright to the point of having to struggle to keep it leaning in the curves. It kept trying to right itself unless I kept constant pressure on the handlebars all the way through. And any irregularity in the road surface made it wobble around, making me think "this is around 30% of a highside" many a time. Unsettling.

    Am I riding it wrong? My regular ride is the 250R and once you lean it over, it tracks nicely through bends without any effort. No pressure on the handlebars needed, a featherlight touch is all. It also feels much more planted on the road than the 650R when hitting irregularities. Is this a general bigger bike thing, say, because of the fatter rear wheel and greater weight? Or is it a 650R thing?

    A very good and perceptive observation, monkeyofdoom,,,,,,exactly what i felt when i first got my 650r...it didn`t want to stay down on the longer curves like my 750 inline four......but after lowering the front by 15mm and the flatter bars fitted there is a vast improvement, maybe by them trying to reduce weight in the engine/bike they have raised its center of gravity slightly???

    And the point of the build quality, i agree, not up to jap standards...take a look up inside the rear shock sleeve..rust is starting to show on mine, i wd40 it after each wash to keep it in touch, oh and why not chrome the gear and rear brake pedals, starting to lose covering already....but hey, still good value...hd...oh i nearly forgot one area to check for you guys, pull out the rubber bung on the underside of the fork yoke, and get some grease or wd40 up there too.......... :)

  12. ]the surin restuarant war continues...

    Funny that, we have been here 7 years, and The Farang Connection for 13 and never noticed ant " Surin restaurant wars"

    That's the problem, yet anther rumour monger saying we are at everyones throats. I guess though one more that can't read, as I thought I clearly stated that I told my customers other places to go apart from mine. Still, most peop[le on this forum only read with one eye. There was a time briefly, when a certain owner did try everything in his power to do away with me, and although he refused to tell his customers about us, I still; sent lots of people to him who wanted Pizza's. And I think I as well have tried every Falang restaurant in Surin. About 27 of them since I have been here.

    No, Mr Husskydog, Surin is quite the opposite, all the bar owners except one getting on great with, and more important helping eacxh other. The one exception though is no trouble to anyone at all.

    Sorry Fc,

    i think you need to step back a little, view your rants from a distance and if possible try and look as others see....

    and yes i know about your personal issue, but if you cant then no amount of replies via these boards will convince you....now over to you, "as a previous poster said, you like the last word"...chok dee

  13. I put in my welcome letter to all the Farangs coming this weekend, as well as Mikes, I did put Nobbies. And lots of people asked me where they were. I didn't think he had many, because once more I spotted him in the bushes seeing how many other people had.Although I use him regular,but it is well known in Udon, that he would never set foot in on of his oppositions places, except to shout abuse at his regulars going to another place. All that said, I still like the guy a little now. This diminishes month by month. It's little things like this one why people do not like him normally I once tried to help Norbie by putting him in my newsletter, when I used to write it and take it to all the hotels in town. I put there is a nice German restaurant in Soi Kola. The next time I went in there, he started shouting at me, " What the hel_l do you think you are doing. You are a <deleted>. I am not a German restaurant, I am a European restaurant. Get that f**ing <deleted> out of your paper now"

    Two days later a film crew came round, from Hessicsher Rundfunk ( a German TV network) that had been filoming Gunters story, a german that owns a petrol station in Ta Meuan. They said they would like to film a German restaurant they heard was in town.

    What could I say after my bollicking. I told them there was no German restaurant in town. They ended up staying a week, hiring one of my cars and spending a fortune. Thanks Norbie, anther reason to like him.

    Always had good food and service from him when i go, no problems at all....i suspect that certain eating places are loosing custom due to new and better ones opening up and people are voting with there feet or should i say taste...the surin restuarant war continues... a bit Monotonous now, strangly the best falang food in surin is outside, namely, shamrock,coffee corner and gary`s.....and yes i`ve tried them all, before you ask...

  14. Oh where have the good old days gone where Thaddeus or Jayenram would have added their humerous comments to this ridiculous post.

    Sorry mate, my forum activity has dropped off of late and my sense of humour has been taking a bit of a battering over the last couple of months ....... normal service will resume as soon as possible.

    Off topic, thaddeus "c"...i heard a little whisper that you where now a restuarnter, i popped in the other day, first visit for over a year, but didn`t see you....all the best

  15. Question: just where do you all your "scratching and popping" and "yer, I was nailing it, sweeeeet?, I tell you where, dribbling up and down, up and down, up and down Pattaya sea front that's where, or parked outside some bar beer trying to impress with your sweeeeeet ride! You know who you are!!!

    Owning a fast road bike in Thailand is like getting a new pushbike for Christmas, and being told by your Dad you can't go out and ride till Boxing Day... problem is every day is Christmas day in Thailand.

    Guys! There an't anywhere to "twist it" this is Thailand, not north Wales. If you were Fast bike riders you would know that! I would bet your idea of jetting it is putting a nosy can on it.

    Every fast bike I've seen in Thailand is mostly parked outside some bar with a nasty case of shaving rash on a square rear tyres, (look it up, as I'd bet you don't understand what I'm talking about)

    I've seen the fast bike riding in scene in Thailand.....Ha ha. I was behind some buffoon on a nice Hayabusa, shorts, no helmet turning a slow corner with his leg out, (motocross style) way to go!

    I will leave you with this to mull over: next time your posing on your "thug" that bloke looking at you maybe a proper fast bike rider and he's thinking "what a numnuts" If you just want to pose, well OK, knock your self's out, but please.... no more talk of "stopping power" bhp and thrashing, my sides hurt too much!!!!

    So what do you think?

    YEP so true, i`ve seen them too.....btw i take my squares off by doing angled burn outs....

  16. Looking at your pic closer it seems that bending out your bracket may not work, the fairing looks really close to the brake pedal already, will turning your can slightly on the clamps give you more room?...Maybe the arrow pipes are still designed for the earlier 650r`s with shorter fairings,,, that logo badge may get marked up over time...HD

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