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Posts posted by husskydog

  1. Hi, been reading numerious threads on buying and reg`ing your own motor bike in your name on the forum...

    I will be arriving soon and want to buy a big bike(possibly from red barron) but want to reg it in my name.

    I will have a non "o" visa but thats about it, as i will be staying initially at my g/f parents house and not renting for a while what will i need to get the job done.

    The same problem applies to get my thai driving liciences (bike and car), again not renting to start with and my international permit will run out on january comming...

    Advice please on the best way forward, if it helps will be applying for thai driving licience at prakhon chai more than likely...regards :o

  2. Thanks for the speedy reply Jingthing,

    still not sure what type of visa you mean from now until 2010, please advice...the money side should be ok as i have a kasikorn internet account up and running now and have funds for either part and part or full cash if needed, i did read earlier too that if you have a letter from pension fund +cash the cash need not be in the back for 3 months prior...thanks

  3. I wonder if i could have some suggestions or opinions please...best way forward.

    Moving over to LOS soon and will be 50yrs old in april 2010 , i would like to be there by the end of November/December this year 2008. I realise the best option and really the only option for a retirement visa is being the holder of a multi entry "o" visa from hull current on the date of retirement in LOS, but i dont want to return to the Uk that soon, meaning, i know that i can get a multi "o" extended and effctively give me 15 months in total but thats cutting it fine and i dont think i would get a retirement visa in LOS if my "o" visa was in extension? mode.

    What is the longest time that hull will issue an "o" in advance and can i get vistors visa`s extended long enough to get me within a year of the retirement date.....thanks for your thoughts

    p.s. i hope you guys understand what i mean...cheers :o

  4. Live and Let LIve , there seems to be more and more anger shown on threads these days, not only on Tv but on other thai forums too....is there an overall regret from the mass on their life choices? or is it just the overall loss of control of ones choices...lighten up guys ......please :o

    I`m about to take the plunge and move to thailand and give up on life in the Uk, burnt and better burnt...

    Each to there own, whats right for YOU at the TIME .......no different here too i guess

  5. i just downloaded garmin city navigator and garmin v8 thailand map free of charge on minova torrents, instaled them on my nokia n95 8gb, added patch/reg file, bought an external gps receiver (although not req'd)...... and off i went around issan in my hired jeep without a problem...Also used them around bankok and bangna samut prakan chonburi and rayong area's ....great for nowt..

  6. Just setup an internal IP on the workstation you want to download torrents on. If your router internal IP is say, then set your workstation to for example (but best to set it outside of the DHCP range especially if you have other computers on your network). Then forward the azureus ports on your router to your internal workstation IP address of, or if you have DMZ on your router, set that to this internal IP number. It is not recommended to use DMZ for security reasons, but if you are a beginner and don't know how to configure port forwarding, it is an easy setup option. By the way, the internal IP number you allocate to your router and machines on your network has nothing to do with the external IP number your ISP allocates you when you connect.

    Thanks Kiwi ! Well still having trouble. When I run the NAT test in Azureus then

    Testing port 61181 ...

    NAT Error - Connection to (your computer) refused.

    That IP is the external WAN IP.

    So not sure where to head from here. I used the portforward.com directions for my router. Even though I changed address pool to a address but still kicking out range w/reboot. That may be the issue right there. Only one computer on my network.

    I am getting decent download speed with just the Azureus port configured and router port forwarding. upwards of 700kb in my supposed 2K maxnet service. Seems to avg maybe 300k download.

    Is the AZ test supposed to come back OK?

    Having used Utorrent for years, i find if you are using windows xp PRO sp2 it`s better for my traffic if i open up more (half open ports) using the patching program from LvLLord.de. As microsoft limits half open ports to 10 on xp Pro sp2 http://www.lvllord.de/?lang=en&url=downloads..cheers

  7. Heading out to LOS in July for 20days plus, i have my international dvl and full uk dvl..Just looking for comments on the quality of the vehicles from Budget and Thai Rent A Car which appear to be the ones thai visa use..

    Is class A insurance included (i want to be 100% legal), and has anyone used the service at burriram for collect and drop off there..

    Will be doing lots of driving e.g samut prakan-changmia-rayong-burriram-bankruat-pattaya oh and bangkok, please give any good avdice, or would anyone know of a good alternative.

    Also, i would like to hire a large motorbike, i was told that an international car dvl would suffice, but i do not have a uk motorbike dvl just a uk car dvl, whats the correct req`ments please..

    Also if i hire a motorbike or car can i get thaivisa car/bike insurance for the trip only as the premiums quoted are for yearly cover, it would appear.....thanks again :o

  8. Yes i know a lot of the questions are/were specific,

    just hoping that some of the guys on here would know the specifics rather than working off web sites with little or know detailed info.

    Yes i`ve been to burirUm and beyond that is ban kruat (town) of which i`ve stayed at...

    1/ No big bikes anywhere on the www`s. -hoping that someone local would know.

    2/ It also doesn`t give any details of short term motorcycle insurance on TV, only per anum.

    3/ Regarding car hire, only asking has anyone used TV`s car rental in that area, and what are your findings.

    4/ As far as house rental is concerned, OP suggested checking rental sites, done that and also found nothing. That`s why i`m asking here.

    5/ If i wanted to hire a car/motorcycle from bangkok i would have done that. On my last trip i did just that and drove up to ban kruat and over to cambodian border and around the area and back to bangkok......thanks jimjim for yor kind advice.

    Thanks Boater for your genuin efforts..

  9. Hi looking for some informed info regarding my next trip to LOS..cheers

    1/ Is there internal flights to Burirum from the New Bangkok airport ? what cost?

    2/ Looking to rent a large motorcycle in Burirum, does anyone know if there is availability.

    3/ I`ve hired many on my visits to pattaya, R1`s , Honda blades, Suzuki Gxr`s etc. but they state on hiring not to leave the province and they are all on the dreaded red plates.

    4/ I would like to have proper insurance too, and would like to travel more than the beach resort places...does thai visa do short term insurance for cars/motorcycles?

    5/ Has anyone tried the car hire from thai visa in and about burirum, bankruat etc

    6/ Has any member got any rental property`s in the bankruat are for rent for say 1-2 weeks.

    thanks for any replies..cheers :o

    Any chance of some info....please, cheers

  10. Hi,

    I have previously told you about my problems with Abnormal Oil Consumption, and i thought i would continue the story now.

    I went back to the place where i repaired my car to see if i would get anything out of the warranty since the car still consumed quite a lot of oil.

    I told them that the car would consume more oil on one long trip then a number of shorter trips over a few days. They then recommended me to change the oil and see how the problem would develop over a few thousand kilometers. So i asked them "What about the possible leak at the valve seals?", and why didn't you change them while the cylinder head was off? They answered me that they thought they were ok, and that they could replace them later without removing the cylinder head if the leak remained.

    A few thousand kilometers later i returned to ask them to replace the valve seals as the car would rather consume more and more oil. They then told me that they could only change the valve seals if the cylinder head was off!

    I went back home to start to research about this in the internet, but stopped at another place to check if their capabilities were better.

    They said that it would be no problem at all to replace the seals, and that they had done that several times before. By now i was confused, so i asked them how they would do it. They told me how they would just lift the cam off, replace all the seals, and put it all together again.

    Well back at home, i lifted off the cover to have a look at the cam. It would definitely not work to lift off the cam, because the cam is fitted with the same bolts as the cylinder head! So, i put it all together and went to research about this.

    I found out about spring compressors and how to use them to replace valve seals. I thought this would be the way to go, but i went everywhere without finding a shop selling them.

    I went back home and decided to design a spring compressor on my own. I then went to my friend's workshop to have it manufactured.

    I went home to try the spring compressor when i finally got it from the workshop. It all seamed to work after a little bit of tweaking at home, so i went back to the place where they repaired the car in the first place to see if they now thought they could do it.

    They wanted to give it a try, so they opened up the cover. A while later they gave up and told me that my tool was not working.

    A while later, one of the guys came back to my car and put the cooling water on the floor, and another guy appeared at the cylinder head. I asked him what he was going to do, and he replied that he would take the cam off.

    I was prepared to tell them to put my engine together again, but i told the guy not to continue and went to have chat with the manager.

    I told the manager that i was very confident that my tool would do the job, and asked him if i could help him with the springs and let him do the rest of the job. He thought about it for a while before he told me that i could go ahead.

    He was suspiciously "around" as i removed the first spring. After that he replaced the seal, and i put the spring back.

    I tried to involve him more and more, as i proceeded with the other valves, and tried to teach him how to use the tool as well. I think he appreciated to get involved, because he got more and more interested to continue after every valve we finished. :o

    He told me to start the car when it was all put together again, and then he went to the exhaust pipe. I speeded up the engine a few times before he came back to tell me that i don't have any oil leaks at the cylinders anymore. I asked him how he would know that, and he told me that he could tell it from the smell from the combustions.

    What do you think about this? Could this be the end of the problem, or is the leak more likely to be elsewhere?



    Firstly, when you have black smoke coming out the tail pipe continually (worn piston rings/bores etc)

    but if it`s the valve stem seals in usually is more evident when changing gear, have someone follow you up a sloping hill (easy to see oil/fumes when under load)..

    I changed my stem seals every year on my old 5.7ltr chevy comp ski boat, by making a flat bar with a 2 holes ( 1 hole to bolt the bar onto the rocker post, and the other hole to fish out the collets while levering down the spring with the flat bar )ensure you turn the engine by hand until piston at tdc to avoid losing the valve down into the cylinder bore..... :D

  11. Hi looking for some informed info regarding my next trip to LOS..cheers

    1/ Is there internal flights to Burirum from the New Bangkok airport ? what cost?

    2/ Looking to rent a large motorcycle in Burirum, does anyone know if there is availability.

    3/ I`ve hired many on my visits to pattaya, R1`s , Honda blades, Suzuki Gxr`s etc. but they state on hiring not to leave the province and they are all on the dreaded red plates.

    4/ I would like to have proper insurance too, and would like to travel more than the beach resort places...does thai visa do short term insurance for cars/motorcycles?

    5/ Has anyone tried the car hire from thai visa in and about burirum, bankruat etc

    6/ Has any member got any rental property`s in the bankruat are for rent for say 1-2 weeks.

    thanks for any replies..cheers :o

  12. As the title explains, are there any good satnav maps of thailand for this phone..and could someone recomend a good gps bluetooth to work with this phone...thankyou.. oh! p.s best mobile network to get my sim from..regards

  13. I hope the lady concerned is Not a member here on Tv, as some of the reply`s would suggest it was her fault.

    Did she have a t shirt on saying " i`m swedish" come and rob me and my daughter...i no think.

    A crime is a crime, and until it happens to you, do not belittle it. Support and help overcome . :o

  14. Having recently been on a trip to the USA, I had some spare cash left over that I want to change back to baht now that I'm home.

    However, on one of the $50's some knucklehead has drawn a mustache in biro.

    Now, nobody (of the half-dozen money changers that I tried) will change it for baht. Besides using it when I NEXT go overseas, what can I do with it now? Anyone know anywhere that's more lax in the quality of bills they will accept?

    Ill give you 40 quid for it ! :D

    That's about $80 :o

    The brake fluid does work, tried and tested................used years ago with car tax dogers in uk, to swap tax disks between cars as the car numbers were written in biro!!!! :D

  15. Having recently been on a trip to the USA, I had some spare cash left over that I want to change back to baht now that I'm home.

    However, on one of the $50's some knucklehead has drawn a mustache in biro.

    Now, nobody (of the half-dozen money changers that I tried) will change it for baht. Besides using it when I NEXT go overseas, what can I do with it now? Anyone know anywhere that's more lax in the quality of bills they will accept?

    See if the US embassy can help you convert it too Baht. Go see the cashier near the ACS section.

    Soak it in a saucer with brake fluid overnight, then rinse and allow to dry.... :o

  16. The reply`s here are just what i was looking for, i`m hoping to be in Los within 3 months. But my magic 50 years is not for 2 years....So i get a multi O from Hull for 15 months add 6 months tourist which will only get me to 21 months, what will i need for the last 3 months... p.s returning to uk is not really an option for me to get visa`s....thanks

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