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About Tayida

  • Birthday 10/19/1980

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  1. If I don't pay the electricity bill on time, after how many days from the last day to pay, the P.E.A. cut the electricity? Or is it always two months (two unpaid bills), like years ago? Thank you
  2. Yes: at Phuket immigration detention center, back in February 2012
  3. I bought a new phone this morning and tried to transfer all my chats and contacts on line app. in the new phone. But this happen (as in the photo). Someone know how to solve this? Thank you
  4. Few years ago, right surname Buzzi, but Bucci on the ticket. Change the ticket with the correct surname for around 70 euros.
  5. I made an appointment for this Saturday: is it true that if I scratch the part affected by psoriasis and then scratch another part of the body, I can also infect the healthy part? It is currently evident on the right leg and I believe it has also appeared near the shoulder
  6. 1) Cannot if your destination bank is not listed. 2) It's a solution
  7. How you cure it?
  8. I think I am suffering from an initial state of psoriasis: obviously I will go to a dermatologist, but I would like to know if any of you have ever been affected by it and if it has healed over time.
  9. Today I want to try frozen pizza: better at Big C, Lotus or where? Does one taste better than another?
  10. Good to read another positive experience with RTP.
  11. Why did God, who is Love, tolerate, and sometimes endorse, so much violence in the Old Testament? One of the main criticisms leveled at Islam is that the Koran clearly instigates and encourages violence... Example: Sura Al-Imran, verse 127 «The Lord will make you overcome, and this is to kill and humiliate the unbelievers, who will thus be losers in this life and in the hereafter"... but the bible also contains similar passages... (I prefer not to report extrapolated sentences without the relative context, but you will agree with me that there are very similar sentences... ). So, I ask: if he really was as good as they say, why did He endorse that kind of violence?
  12. Something near Minburi will be great, otherwise any kind of place is ok if not in the centre. Thank you so much.
  13. Local told me 5 days.
  14. Go on for your daughter and for her only and leave the unhappiness that your marriage brings in your life.
  15. I am sorry for the "stupid request", but can't find a pet-friendly accomodation that is not in the centre of the city. I would like something out of the centre of Bangkok. Thank you.
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