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Posts posted by Udox

  1. 18 minutes ago, Susco said:


    Just been of the chat with Lazada. So item has been released from Thai custom on 27/05.


    Tracking is still not working, and since this morning it shows as "shipped" in my order details.


    Lazada says I will get it by 10 June, which means 14 days from Bangkok to Pattaya. Really?


    Since this was ordered COD, I told them delivery guy gonna be in for a surprise, because it will go all the way back to China.

    I'll take a wild guess here and say the chosen courier (by them, even though you pay for it) is LexExpress (or something like that) ?

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    call Lazada .... chat with them on their customer service live chat.

    When you call them on live chat (the only way to contact them) you are placed in a queue - I was number 18 last week and they close it at 6pm.  Then you get to speak to someone who will tell you "they will pass on your comments to the relevant department who will contact you back within 48 hours" (but probably won't). I just got a standard email from them where only my name and the staff name had changed (it was a different font and size)  saying we apologise... blah blah blah, rest assured we are looking closely at this problem, blah blah blah.  I felt I had just wasted my time contacting them at all as they really don't give two f***s.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Did Lex Express phone before they allegedly tried to deliver, the same as Kerry always did?

    I'm just asking, for when that joyous day arrives when they try to deliver my overdue package.

    No they didn't phone. During my complaint to Lazada customer services about them - they asked me twice to confirm that LexExpress did NOT call. Neither on the date they allegedly said they came, or a week later when they finally could be bothered to bring it.  I guess a lot depends on the driver / rider, but I don't think they are employed for their ability to think on their feet. Maybe they couldn't get a job with Grab Food like everyone else seems to have done, so joined LexExpress instead.

  4. When LexExpress allegedly tried to deliver my item (they didn't - my CCTV proves they didn't) it was on the website that they tried to deliver it, apparently. Doesn't say 'how' they tried to deliver it (physically turned up at my house or. just thought about it .?) Anyway after that alleged 'failed delivery' - it was another 6 days before they could be bothered to try again. And I am paying for this courier service !!! Complaints to Lazada resulted in lots of 'sorry' but little else with a promise to follow it up within 48 hours (that was 10 days ago). Perhaps they have got a little complacent of late. Customers can decide with their feet (or mouse buttons) ????

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    After all these years of great service, things have just gone to pieces with Lazada these past few months.

    Couldn't agree more. Was once told its because of the virus. I can understand that deliveries from China etc. will be a bit slower but once it is with the courier (in Thailand) - there is no excuse. Lazada seem to be moving away from Kerry who were once their exclusive couriers and are using others - especially their own setup LexExpress who have the honour of being the worst couriers I have yet experienced. I have switched to Shoppee who are often cheaper and also let you choose your courier if there is a charge (and why not if you are paying for it?) - although many items are free delivery.

    • Like 2
  6. Fast-track cannot help with checking in (apart from showing you where the check-in desks are for your airline), but they will 'hold your hand' and take you through to immigration fast track desk (which might save you a lot of time or might not - depending how busy it is at that time). They will escort you through the security checks but cannot speed that up as its mandatory, then show you where the departure gate is for your flight.  pretty easy stuff to do on your own.  Its the fast -track arrival that has the most benefit, especially with the current much publicised large queues at the (normal) immigration arrival desks.  Just my 10 bahts worth.

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  7. Why is nobody asking the question of how, the woman who is currently the most talked about woman in Thailand, manage to pass through a military checkpoint next to the border without one of those military on the checkpoint thinking something isn't quite right here. The woman who was allegedly being watched every time she left the house - yet manages to (at their own admission) pass through a military checkpoint and (supposedly) out of the country. Did she snip the fence and jump over the border un-noticed after that or were the same military on duty at the border checkpoint too?

    Maybe she just slipped them the customary 400 baht under the clipboard and was allowed to continue?

  8. Perhaps if the knobs at the top had to travel in a public minivan and experience the lunacy of most minivan drivers - they might think about doing something about it. But, no they travel around in 30 vehicle convoys with police escorts because "don't you know who I am?".  So, yet another minivan crash with 23 of the little people  dead today - oh dear they think, never mind, I wonder what shall we have for dinner tonight .... next !

  9. You can renew tax & insurance anywhere regardless of where the vehicle is registered. Its usually best to let one of the many 'authorised garages' (signified by the yellow gear cog sign) do it all (for around 100B fee), to save you going to the vehicle licensing office yourself.

    What they won't do (for a foreigner) without a lot of fuss is change the owners address in the blue/green book and if you change the owner (Sell/buy the vehicle) where there are 2 different provinces involved, you might have to re-register (new number) at the province where the new owner is located. But for simple annual  tax / test / insurance  renewal - any office/ garage will do it.

  10. The point a lot of people are missing here is that with the average daily wage around 300 baht per day (yes, some is higher some is lower), that 300 baht burger set or chicken set is a full days Thai salary. That in itself makes it an expensive 'treat'.

    Even at minimum daily salaries in the west (UK 60 pounds/ US $77 approx.) - A fast food meal does not cost a full days salary. If it did how many people would buy it?


    A fast food meal in the west costs around the same as the western one hourly wage


    Should fast food chain burgers and chicken here not be 30 baht a set then? - the average Thai hourly wage.  Pound for pound, $ for $. baht for baht - fast food here is very expensive in income relative terms.

  11. The majority of people have a deep mistrust of the police (or even hatred), and why not? when they see little or no action taken, even when crimes are committed under their noses. Even when officers themselves are caught doing something inappropriate, their superiors will make excuses for them or move them to the infamous 'inactive posts' until the heat dies down.

    Until people see a police force even trying to enforce the laws, as they are paid to do (by the very people who despise them), they will never start to get that much needed trust.

    When people don't even bother to report crimes because they know (or feel) it's a waste of time, and even the army now has to do some of the work of the police because they are incapable, untrustworthy or just unwilling - you know you have a massive problem and whilst those at the top continue to bask in the luxuries bestowed upon them without any morals or guilt, it's going to take some serious, serious action to bring about the massive change that Thailand wants and deserves. I suspect it won't happen.

  12. Doesn't it give you a nice warm feeling that the new immigration form asks for your bank account number, phone number, home and Thai address, facebook and email accounts, date of birth, passport No. & even your parents names.

    And then they re-cycle many of their forms to use as photo-copy paper for the next customer.


    It's only a matter of time.................

  13. To the OP:

    Suggest a polite verbal request to the management / JP manager (for whom you pay their part or all of their salary by way of management / maintenance fees) to see the CCTV footage giving them the date and approximate time of theft.

    To an experienced person - this can be done in minutes, by selecting the date and the time (with a few minutes either side) and is unlikely to be refused as nobody likes theft (of any kind or value) on their premises and promotes good relations and after all - what's the point of having CCTV, if you cannot, or will not review it when you have an incident?

    The previous references to 'the tape' are out of date and most CCTV now is recorded onto a Hard Drive.

    How long before it is looped and recorded over is dependent on, many factors - the size of the HD, how many cameras there are and how much motion there is (movement detection, or 'sleeping').

    More than a week can be expected though on average.

    The sooner you ask the management to view, the better - and put the clip on a USB stick if you see anything suspicious.

  14. Its 30 baht per day for a bike and 100 for a car

    a day does not mean 24 hours to them

    If you park today and pick it up tomorrow - thats 2 days

    The tiny entrance is next to the ATM machines where all the mocy taxi drivers congregate

    Pay when you park and don't lose the red ticket you will be given which is handed back when you leave.

  15. Ours took 6 days from submitting documents in Bkk

    They emailed first to say it was ready to pick up (anytime after a further 2 working days)

    but then they called to tell us it was done and we could collect it anytime. We went the next day

    We asked for the verdict on the phone - they can't / won't say.

    We picked up a sealed envelope containing the passport and all submitted documents and opened it outside the office

    We left smiling :)

    All I can advise is to give as much supporting documentation as you can. There is no 'standard list'.

  16. In reply to the OP

    I have always been told at the several schools I have attended that there was a limit of 3 years to study the same subject. the choice then was to either (apply and) change to a different subject matter, or take a break for about 6 months then apply again for the same course, starting the clock from zero again (for another 3 years stint).

    As long as you kept 'mobile' in either your subject or location - then there didn't seem to be an upper limit, however I don't know anyone who has studied anything for longer than a couple of years, so time will definitely tell.

    Since the new 'rules' earlier this year, students now have to apply for a new visa outside the country every year, instead of the old system of getting a local extension based the original visa, every 3 months.

    Does anyone yet know how many times people will be 'allowed' to go back to an embassy and apply for a consecutive ED visa, without raising eyebrows?

    Apart from the additional cost of going out every year, there is also the additional costs from the school - if the hours required for attending are doubled. Courses will be only 6 months long (for the same original cost) or course fees will be doubled to make the visa last the full year.

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