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Posts posted by Udox

  1. As for your question. I have flown Thai Lionair. I found the whole process absolutely fine. Booking, paying, check in, punctuality, aircraft standards, etc. The seats were a bit cramped but its a budget airline and similar to air asia seats. What i did like was that the price you see is inclusive. No silly extras for baggage, checking in at the airport, convenience fee etc. The price includes 15kg of checked in baggage and 7kg of hand luggage. I would definitely use them again.

    • Like 1
  2. When you successfully get your ED visa (outside of Thailand), although it is for a year validity, you just get 90 days and then extend it every 90 days (and pay, of course) until your years schooling is up. Usually this is between 180 and 200 hours of lessons spread over the year (4 hours per week). At the end of this year and providing you pay the school again for another 200 hours, they will provide you with documentation to continue the 3 month extensions for another year (of course paying immigration again every 3 months. Then for the third and final time you can get a third years worth of extensions - providing you pay the school for another 200 hours and immigration every three months.

    I have always been told that 3 years is the maximum you can do in succession on an ED visa, however I have seen schools advertising up to 10 years possibility on an ED visa (not sure how)

    The new 'rules' announced this week have yet to take effect and will entail people proving how they can support themselves financially whilst they are here (and studying). Apparently this is because there is suspicion that some people are working whilst on an ED visa. In my humble opinion - the same could be said about people on a married visa or retirement visa - why single out those on an ED visa, as suspected of working illegally?

    I think if you are on an ED visa and you attend classes pretty regularly, then you have nothing much to worry about. If you are bending the rules however, then you take the risk and accept whatever happens in the future.

  3. Indeed I don't know of anyone that has been so much as thumped by a taxi driver. Then again I have only been here 20 years so give it time.

    Remember the girl a few months ago who was 'abducted' and driven around Phuket for hours? well the same thing happened to my friend in Bangkok. She was driven to the outskirts of Bangkok in a taxi with locked doors and when she tried to call for help - the driver turned around and hit her, telling her to be quiet.

    Just because you haven't heard personally "of anyone that has been so much as thumped by a taxi driver" - doesn't mean it doesn't happen

    It does.

    Exactly. And just because someone of TV says it happened to their friend, doesn't mean it really happened either.

    It happened. I was the one who took the phone call and had to pick up the pieces afterwards. You cannot imagine the trauma that the person endured for that 30 minute ride. She was terrified of getting into a taxi for weeks after that.

    Seems like you disbelieve my contribution.

    That is up to you my friend.

    Nothing more to be said is there.

  4. Indeed I don't know of anyone that has been so much as thumped by a taxi driver. Then again I have only been here 20 years so give it time.

    Remember the girl a few months ago who was 'abducted' and driven around Phuket for hours? well the same thing happened to my friend in Bangkok. She was driven to the outskirts of Bangkok in a taxi with locked doors and when she tried to call for help - the driver turned around and hit her, telling her to be quiet.

    Just because you haven't heard personally "of anyone that has been so much as thumped by a taxi driver" - doesn't mean it doesn't happen

    It does.

    • Like 1
  5. I have often watched people who are meditating and thought to myself that it can't be possible, kind of like hypnotism - there's always that skepticism of something we cannot comprehend to be real.

    I always think that the best way to squash the intrigue is to indulge yourself in it - be it for a short time or a long time

    Therefore if there was an opportunity to experience meditation and see if it really is all that people say it is - I would like to try.

    My only stipulation is that there is no religion involved, I can't cope with that.

    And yes, I'm in Patters.

    What do you think meditation is and why would it not be possible?

    verb: meditate; 3rd person present: meditates; past tense: meditated; past participle: meditated; gerund or present participle: meditating
    think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.

    What do I think meditation is personally? hmmm, In my ignorant (bliss) - I think that there are those who meditate in a religious form, with chanting or repetition of prose and those who simply wish to ascend (temporarily) to a relaxed state for the purpose of calming and peace. It would be the second one I would want to acheive, in this crazy life of mine and the crazy place in which we (temporarily) call home.

    I'm not saying it would not be possible, I am saying I am curious to know if it IS possible (for me). Wherever those people go when they are on their 'journey' - I want to go there too - but personally think I could not empty my mind for long enough to even get on the bus.

  6. I have often watched people who are meditating and thought to myself that it can't be possible, kind of like hypnotism - there's always that skepticism of something we cannot comprehend to be real.

    I always think that the best way to squash the intrigue is to indulge yourself in it - be it for a short time or a long time

    Therefore if there was an opportunity to experience meditation and see if it really is all that people say it is - I would like to try.

    My only stipulation is that there is no religion involved, I can't cope with that.

    And yes, I'm in Patters.

  7. As long as you have a re-entry permit - then everything will remain unchanged and when you come back - they will stamp you in up until the date of your last extension stamp validity, as if you were never away. I suggest you check the stamp date though when you come back - I, and several others have had the wrong date stamped in at the airport immigration arrivals.

  8. The Ed Visa course is structured to run over the course of a year so that students get the full 12 month benefit of their Ed Visa. That equates to about 180 / 200 hours of tuition a year which breaks into 4 hours per week. With this method you will get the full 'value' of your Ed Visa (utilising the 3 monthly extensions) for a year.

    If you were to do any "trade off' (if it were possible) then surely your hours/time would be be cut accordingly - which would of course affect your Ed visa/extension validity as the 200 hours are spread over the year. (You get the extensions as you are still mid-course, so to speak)

    If you paid the same fee - then consider that the teacher in a 'normal ' group class might have at least 6 students. Then surely if you had 1-1 lessons you could expect your course fee to be used up in 1/6th of the normal time (equating to 2 months)

    I know some students who do the 4 hours per week group class, then take additional private lessons on a 1-1 basis (at extra cost). The two seem to compliment each other and it seems to improve their Thai much faster.

  9. I have tried both Walen and Pro language. Their teaching methods are very different and I guess you have to try both (free trial lessons) to see which one suits you.

    I have to admit - I learned very little with Walen in my year spent there, except how to spell words.

    It appeared as though they had a very high turnover of teachers and it was not often we got the same teacher to keep the flow going. In fact in a weekly four hour lesson period - we would have four different teachers, one each hour.

    I learned from the experience and made sure that at the next school I enrolled in, the class would be taught by the same teacher every lesson and that the teacher was in fact a real teacher - with qualifications and experience, not some dolly bird just out of University, and also that teaching materials (textbooks) were included in the course fee, which they are at pro.

    try them both - or more and see which one feels most comfortable for you!

  10. Tried the search function but the results given were several years old, so:

    Need a builder for a relatively small job (Car port extension) in Banglamung

    Can anyone offer any recommendations - as I don't know where to start looking.

    Thank you in advance

  11. Yet another high ranking official who is 'suddenly' appalled and shocked to find out something terrible is happening which they have been responsible for, for quite some time

    Exactly the same happened last week with the ferry disaster in Pattaya - officials were 'shocked' to learn that ferries were overcrowded and did not carry enough life jackets - something the rest of Thailand's citizens knew for years.

    it's been said time and time again - any rule is useless unless it is enforced or even adhered to.

    Those whose job it is to oversee such things are often the worse culprits.

    Last week I saw a policeman riding his motorbike without a helmet and smoking a cigarette

    Today I saw a police saloon car sit in the lane for turning left, holding up all the traffic behind him - then when the lights changed - he did what everyone else does and forced his way into the correct lane for going straight.

    It ain't gonna change anytime soon but I wish people would be honest about it instead of stark denial.

    • Like 1
  12. The governor of Chonburi can confirm that :

    1] Boat hit a rock before the captain tried to continue on to Pattaya without warning the passengers.

    2] Boat was a construction transport vessel. Not designed to be used as a commercial passenger vessel therefore it is illegal.

    3] As of 2 hours ago, yes both captain and deckhand are on da run. lock.gif.pagespeed.ce.HUpoQX69cx.gif

    I cannot believe the governor of Chonburi said the boat was illegal, and not designed for passengers.

    1==How long had it been operating ????

    2==Where did it get it's license from ???

    3==Who issued the license ???

    4== Who were the actual owners ??? not the captain/ crew. I am guessing they are only paid.

    5==Who knew besides the governor the boat was illegal ???

    My take on this for what it's worth, news flash stated that the captain was under the influence of alcohol and drugs, He wants stringing up--TOGETHER WITH THE BOAT OWNER. and the issuer of the licensed of an illegal vessel.bah.gifw00t.gif

    Isn't it astounding that AFTER any incident, those higher up the chain claim they did not know rules were being broken. Every person with at least one eye and half a brain knows exactly what goes on here, day in day out but, (for example) the Chief of Police is 'shocked' to find prostitutes working in Karaoke Bars, 'very shocked' to hear that traffic cops would rather take a back-hander than give a ticket, and just as much as the man (men) responsible for turning a blind eye to dozens of unsafe boats leaving Pattaya every day will claim he/they wasn't aware that rules were being broken: well Sir, you shouldn't be in your job then! because just about every other Thai in the country knew it. You should stand your day in court.

    • Like 2
  13. Edit:


    Tourist boat sinks outside Pattaya - At least 5 foreigners dead, many seriously injured

    Full story here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/679160-tourist-boat-sinks-outside-pattaya-at-least-5-foreigners-dead-many-seriously-injured/

    I was just leaving Bali Hai pier today at about 5.30pm. As I approached walking street there appeared several emergency vehicles and ambulances screaming down towards the pier. I estimate about 12-15 ambulances and half a dozen police vehicles. Am not one to get in the way so continued where I was going.

    I am told by a Thai friend that a Koh Larn tourist boat had capsized near to the pier, full of tourists

    Has anyone heard anything about this

  14. For years now I have been reading about these bus and minivan crashes.

    There usually follows a plethora of posts, some positive, some negative and some - downright insensitive.

    Why do people try so hard to make a cheap joke or highlight a spelling mistake in the text - when people have just died?

    There often follows a 'crackdown' or other 'good idea' from someone high up.

    Point is - what changes? After years of similar incidents, what has actually changed ?


    I was on a bus yesterday from a large well known company. There were no seat belts on that bus and the driver could only be described as downright dangerous.

    Seatbelts are the 're-active' measure why not start with a 'pro-active' measure (improved roads/drivers) and those seat belts would never need to be relied upon.

    It's not going to happen, I realise that.

    It kind of makes one hardened to the news when you read about "yet another bus crash"

  15. Firstly, the 1998 Labour law is still the current one, although there have been 3 or 4 small amendments which can be found as PDF files on the labour dept. website.

    The rules for service industries are slightly different and in the document, you will see which rules affect which industries. It will say something like 'this does not apply to hotels, restaurants etc......'

    This is pertinent for working on Public Holidays where if the employee is required to work (such as in hotels) then he is entitled to have that day off another time (not exact wording).

    The 8 hour working day rule is a benchmark UNLESS the employee has previously agreed to the alternative hours and this could be in the form of his contract or other document. (My staff used to work a 12 hour day)

    Overtime kicks in when you work in excess of those nominated hours and has different rates depending on if you do O/T on a normal working day, if you do O/T on a normal rest day or O/T on a P.H. (Between 1.5 and 3.0 usual hourly rate)

    If O/T is to be worked then the employee must have a 20 minute break between his normal hours ending and the period of O/T commencing.

    It is normal for a one hour break in an 8 hour working day.

    All this is in the Labour Act mentioned above.

    If the Labour Act or the individuals contract has been broken, then the very helpful local Labour Department can investigate and start a claim against the company if the employees rights have been violated.

    They are usually on the side of the employee.

  16. I changed over to 3G about 2 months ago.

    I travel a lot between Bkk and the Eastern Seaboard

    I haven't noticed any improvement whatsoever, especially in Bangkok where I often can't even get a signal (any signal).

    I was hoping for a faster, stronger more reliable service than the previous (2G?) where I always seemed to get 'Edge' only

    Hard to see what all the fuss and the hype was about.

    I read also that 3G packages will be up to 15% cheaper than 2G, as part of the conditions for the 3G licence. My bill hasn't changed at all.

    Much ado about nothing

    I use AIS.

  17. I wouldn't listen to all the stories of "I heard that" or " a mate of mine...."

    Most of those who have gone through it have reported a pretty fair 50/50 split. This, I was reminded is the Thai law.

    When I was in court the judge told us to divide our (Thai) assets up between us and show him our 'list'

    He said if we couldn't decide - he would do it for us!

    Once we showed him the list - he asked if we both agreed. And the job was done.

    Her request for my assets gained or tucked away in another country - went in the bin :)

  18. Tour groups seem to be far ahead in the type of visitors to Thailand (not only Phuket), such as Chinese, Korean etc.

    These groups use their own contracted buses, stay in contracted hotels and go on pre-arranged contracted tours with their own contracted buses and minivans.

    That leaves the genuine 'tourist' - finding his own way to Phuket, booking his own hotel and deciding what tours to go on when he arrives here.

    As it's impossible to 'muscle in' on the tour groups, then the only people they can screw are the individual tourists, at the mercy of touts, rogues and the local transport 'associations'.

    Those who have no knowledge or choice have little option, pay the price or walk.

    Lets screw the visitors now, who cares if they come back next year. I need money today, will worry about next year:- next year.

    People continue to go to Phuket but many are '1st timers' who love the scenery and attractions - but after experiencing the extortionate pricing and ridiculous transport infrastructure - I wonder how many return year after year?

    I have been there many times starting since 1985. The visits are getting fewer and fewer as I have seen it constantly shooting itself in the foot, year after year.

  19. This topic has been discussed a couple of times this year but the OP's comment about it not applying 6pm-6am is new to me - does anybody know for sure?

    Coming from Pattaya Nua Road on Sukhumvit, towards Takien Tia / Laem Chabang the first lights you come to outside the SCB bank, have a huge sign in English and Thai "Red light stop here". Thats where I stopped and was at the mercy of irate drivers behind me.

    I have now clarified that the new, very small sign above it - in Thai only, says that between 6pm and 6am, you can go straight through on a red light. Contrary to the huge sign below that says red light stop here.

    I go through this junction every day - even the Thai drivers are confused. If you want to see road rage, just watch the traffic here for a few minutes when the lights go red.

    The outcome is then - that some you can go through, some you can't, some have a sign, some don't. Some you can turn left, some you can't. And most (Thai) drivers will do what they want irrespective of any sign or lane markings. It's Clear as mud!

  20. Didn't those junctions used to have a sign saying something like "left lane through" ?

    Wouldn't it have been a little clearer to put 'red light stop here except left lane through" ?

    And what constitutes a 'far left lane' ? far left of two lanes or three?

    seems like if i stop now I am wrong and if i go through I am wrong also. :(

    seems like they are trying to remind Thais that red light means stop (except in some circumstances) - I need a lie down :(

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