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Posts posted by Udox

  1. That is the first I have ever heard of that happening. It must be something new they just started at Nong Kai.

    You will not be turned back at the airport.

    On my last trip through Nong Khai immigration a couple of months ago, one of our party had the same problem. They wouldn't let him exit Thailand with his (almost expired) ED visa and he too had to go to Nong Khai immigration office and wait for a fax from his school to 'cancel' his visa before they would allow him to exit. Because of that he was late arriving at the Thai embassy and couldn't submit his paperwork for his next visa before the lunchtime cut off and ended up staying a few more nights in Laos waiting for the next visa minivan trip to arrive. he (rightly or wrongly) assumed that once he left Thailand through immigration his visa would be dead anyway (because he didn't have/didn't want a re-entry permit), so any remaining validity would automatically be 'lost (he was wrong)

    Some clarification is needed here I think - others with (uncancelled) ED visas and extensions were allowed out without any problems, so don't know what was special about this guy.

  2. I think half the problem with their image is the use of the word 'Police'

    Without getting into discussion about who they are or what they do (or think they can do)

    Why not have 'Beach Patrol' - in a more 'relaxed' uniform - and portrayed as someone to help Tourists with directions, First aid, lifesaving and in some cases helping with information in disputes or to victims of a crime.

    Far too many look (and think) like Rambo - because they are allowed to - and have the word 'POLICE' displayed prominently.

    The very word 'Police' is the problem (in my humble opinion)

    • Like 2
  3. I was at Nong Khai border last week on my way to Laos. One of the people in our group had an ED visa and was going to get a different visa, he assumed ( as we all would) that if he left without a re-entry permit, the unexpired portion of his ED visa would simply be invalid (cancelled by virtue of him leaving Thailand without a re-entry permit).


    He was refused exit from the Thai border and spent several frantic hours corresponding with his school and several other people to get his ED visa 'cancelled'

    After a delay of several hours and a visit to Nong Khai immigration office - he finally got allowed out!

    Not sure what 'cancelling' entails - but just a warning for people to check beforehand.

  4. On crappy days when there are grey skies and it is overcast, the air pressure lowers and this can trigger low esteem in the body.

    I used to get migraines for years but couldn't pinpoint the reason until I was told it could be the lower air pressure and sure enough after monitoring my attacks I realised that on dull / overcast days I am almost guaranteed to have at least a headache, possibly a migraine. I am 100% convinced after several years of monitoring the 'triggers' - that I found the cause.

    So, yes the weather can have a drastic effect on some people health or simple well being.

    Moving to sunny Thailand was a tonic - apart from a few horrible grey days in the rainy season but it's a small price to pay

  5. The only time I ever had to go through something similar was when I wanted to register a bike I had bought from someone else in another province. I had to get the bike re-registered in the new province (with a new number) and then change the owner details after that. For a simple change of address only (on another vehicle I have) - the land office were completely uninterested and told me to go back to the province I first bought and registered the vehicle in. (They haven't heard of online databases yet).

    They told me - "no need mister, nobody do dat"

    After 10 years of tax and insurance renewals and countless police checkpoints - never ever had anyone ask me a question about that.

    • Like 1
  6. I lived in Phuket (twice) and have now come back for my third time to Pattaya.

    I rent a house just near to where the Sukhumvit Road intersects with Hwy 36, not far from the huge lit up sign across the road "welcome to Pattaya"

    I really do have the best of both worlds here. The city is 15 - 20 minutes by car or M/c - and the ring road is minutes from my door making it even easier

    It is far enough out - to be quiet, and I mean really quiet. You only can hear the birds sing.

    There are many small villages around here, most have security features and it's not for me to say which is best or worst, you have to make your own mind up and how you feel when you are there.

    The prices here are much cheaper than near the city (and Phuket) and (dare I say it) it's appears to be much more safer

    I have got True cable net installed at 12 mb. - for 699 per month (including Thai TV) and it has (so far) been down only twice in the last year - never more than 3 hours.

    near me I have 2 7-11's and a Tesco. lots of restaurants and Regents school is approximately 5 - 10 minutes drive, as is the motorway to Bkk.

    I have lived in several different parts of Pattaya and I think I am have found the best compromise now and I love it.

    Ultimately it depends on what you are looking for - and willing to pay. You are going to have to drive round and I think most villages will have houses for rent but only with a small sign hanging off the gate. Thats how we found our current place.

    Good Luck

    • Like 1
  7. Note the 2nd part as it pertains to the OP. Source - Siam Legal

    Guidelines to be followed in searches and seizures with a warrant
    1. The search warrant must be shown to the occupant before the search is conducted;
    2. The officer must give his name and title to the occupant prior to the search;
    3. As much as possible, the search must be conducted in the presence of the owner or occupant or a competent member of his family;
    4. If no owner/occupant/family member is available to witness the search, the police must secure the presence of at least two independent and competent witnesses before the search is conducted;
    5. The items found in the search must be shown to the witnesses, who must acknowledge the items found.

    Police may conduct searches and seizures without a warrant when he has reasonable grounds to believe that the suspect has in his possession:

    1. Articles that may be used to commit a crime;
    2. The fruits of a crime;
    3. Illegal items (like illegal substances).

    I will add that (according to my lawyer) even if there is NOT a search warrant, the person being searched still has a right to know rank and name of the officer requesting the search and this would usually be by requesting to see the officers police ID card, and he (being searched) also has a right to have an independent (non police) witness present. If the officer refuses either request then you should all go to the police station where he can inform his boss why he does not want to comply with your request of your right. Tried this once or twice in the notorious Thonglor area, when singled out for a random spot search - and after a while and a lot of hesitation they eventually gave in and showed me their police ID card.

    • Like 1
  8. Was'nt there an arrangement recently , where to stop all these scams, the Jet Ski owners had to pay for a damage insurance. If this is so why is'nt it a matter between the insurance company and the jet ski owner and the insurance company ? and not the JS hirer.

    Ah yes, wasn't that not long after the arrangement that motorcyclists had to wear crash helmets and car drivers had to have licences ?

    In any dispute - it needs someone to referee and point out the right and wrongs. If out beloved police simply told the Jetski Operator - sort it out with your insurance company - what's in it for anyone?

    I don't think any of us here can profess to know exactly what the deal is and who gets what, who is involved and at what level when these scams occur

    All we can do is assume and draw our own conclusions - but what is strikingly obvious is that it is worthwhile to somebody somewhere, otherwise (as another person said) - this could be stopped in one day.

    Why do people continue to rent jet-skis ? because they are on holiday, want some fun and genuinely didn't know (or expect) that Thailand is only the Land of Smiles until you are singled out and another victim of this plague which in time - will kill the tourist industry, but those doing the cheating have the mentality to "reap what you can today and tomorrow - well we'll see what happens tomorrow, it's not important".

  9. And this data does not cover the huge number of women and children who are too afraid to report the crimes committed against them, out of shame, obedience or fear - or a combination of all three. When you are severely traumatised you often stop acting rationally, and start fearing everybody - including the agencies who are there to help you. This problem is global, although I feel that in countries where confidence in the authorities is low, this problem is much worse.

    Sexual assault of a child should carry a mandatory life sentence, life meaning life, and this should only be handed down when the evidence is as clear-cut as possible. I am at my most hard-line on this issue, I don't believe in second chances or forgiveness for this particular crime. Rape of adults should also carry heavy sentences, again following a fair trial with sufficient evidence. In all cases the victims should be offered extensive counselling, and assistance with relocation if they want this.

    In addition to your list of reasons why the crimes may go unreported, I think you should add the reason that: there is very little faith in the police here and many victims of crime, sexual or otherwise feel it's just a complete waste of their time and emotions. Sad.

    As you stated- the problem is much worse where confidence in the authorities is low. Perhaps that is in the minds of the offender when he is on the prowl.

  10. Thank you for that.

    I was trying to emphasise that yes Bangkok has it's good side, but equally has a bad side and can be quite stressful - depending on where you live/work.

    Getting refused countless taxi's because they don't want to take you for whatever reason, waiting for 2 or 3 BTS trains to pass before you find one that has room on it and you are late for work, getting stopped when walking or driving for no apparent reason, finding that your nostrills or ears are full of black dust you are ingesting, trying to walk behind people who have a phone glued to their ear or sending messages and are incapable of walking in a straight line. All quite apart from the criminal side mentioned previously.

    But then there were Sunday afternoons in Lumpini park, listening to Bangkok Philharmonic at the bandstand, there were ferry trips up the river for just a few baht, watching the world go by, there was the vibrancy of Chinatown, the hope of a bargain in Chatuchak market at the weekends. Yes Bangkok has a good and a bad side.

    Is it a darker side than HK? - well I have lived several years there too and rarely witnessed any (petty) incidents (which doesn't mean it doesn't happen) but there was plenty of 'organised crime' - although I only ventured once into the walled city behind the airport, that was scary.

    If I had one recommendation to people coming to live in Bangkok - I would suggest they don't stay in the centre of town (and be careful walking around Sathorn) !!

    • Like 1
  11. I guess I should have expected people to discredit my post as another of "my friend told me".......... etc etc.

    So, it never happened to you - so it obviously never happens (ed). Have I got news for you !

    Just for your information; I took the phone call myself from the girl who was locked in a taxi being driven to the far outskirts of Bangkok, I was on the phone when the taxi driver hit her and told her to be quiet - but I don't need to prove myself to anyone.

    I was walking (with the same girl) in Sathorn near Chong Nonsi BTS when a motorcycle on the pavement rode up next to us and stole her handbag, I gave chase, of course but lost them. But I don't need to prove myself to anyone.

    I was walking together with her on Sukhumvit when a passing male grabbed her innaproriately as he walked past.

    I was the one, yes me, myself who was stopped 9 times by the police in the 2 years i lived in Bangkok, always in the same district and even consulted a lawyer because it was getting ridiculous.

    Are these "first hand" stories enough for you?

    But maybe I am, as you said either not "street smart" or just very unlucky.

    But then 'I guess everyone sees things differently' !

    I just wanted to pass on my experiences 'first hand' and let people see beyond the 'rose tinted spectacles' - thinking maybe Bangkok is not always how it seems.

    Perhaps when my friend has finished trying to replace her bank cards and ATM cards and get a new sim card this morning - I will ask if she is sure it really happened? or tell her maybe she was 'just unlucky' to be robbed at knifepoint last night is Sathorn. Bangkok is such a lovely calm and safe place - apparently !

  12. I lived in Bangkok 2 years and it was exiting at first but then really got me down.

    I have lived in big cities before such as London and Hong Kong and thought Bangkok would be similar. it is, but there are many things to deal with.

    I was constantly stopped and searched by the police for no reason (9 times) and all in the same district (Mid Sukhumvit). The motorcycle taxi drivers seem to think they have the right of way on the footpaths. There are rats in many areas running around, especially as locals dump their rubbish in plastic bags on street corners. There are some very nasty people in Bangkok and I could tell many stories about sexual assault, theft, abduction in a public taxi, verbal abuse, threatening behaviour etc.

    Yes there is plenty to do (especially if you have a good budget) and its a 24 hour city but choose your location well.

    Oh, and just to prove a point, a friend has just informed me that she was robbed at knifepoint last night (18 March)by 3 motorcyclists in Sathorn. And the police were their usual (un)helpful selves. Even sending her to a different police station as "they didn't deal with thefts at this police station".

    Most of the people I know who live in Bangkok and are content, tend to live on the outskirts of the city. Consider that.

  13. In what way does it make no sense ?

    The salesgirl told me I can only buy another remote alarm key if I have lost the original. And in that case (if I lose the key) I must take the bike to the Honda main dealer shop.

    I asked her that if I have lost the key and the alarm remote - how was I supposed to get my bike over to the main Honda shop (the bike is locked and alarmed and parked somewhere else)

    Hence the reason I wanted to by a spare alarm remote/key BEFORE i lose the original, not after.

    I don't know how else I can explain this. Does it make sense now?

  14. Further to the original post - I spoke with Mityon Honda who were doing a display of bikes outside Big C. I asked if I could obtain a new (spare) remote alarm key.

    First girl tells me - no way

    Second girl tells me if I lose the remote - just go to the Mityon Honda shop and order another. When I asked how I would get there as my bike is locked and alarmed (supposedly) and I have just lost the key and remote (for example) and the bike alarm is set on - she gave my a wry smile and repeated that they can only get me a replacement if I have lost the original

    So I told her - OK then ....... I have lost the original then (if she wants to play games)

    She told me - no problem then - just come to the main shop and we will get you one.

    Finally !

  15. Pulling my hair our out at the moment (which is something I could definitely do without doing) trying to find a shop to buy a tin of furniture wax.

    I bought a tin years before but can't remember where from.

    Its solid wax for rubbing into dry (untreated) wooden furniture with a cloth ( a little bit like shoe polish)

    Furniture shops have been no help at all and the DIY stores and hardware stores keep trying to sell me (liquid) clear varnish or wood preserver, they can't grasp the concept of solid wax to rub into the wood and stop it drying out so much.

    Anybody help me out ?

    Secondly, trying to find a jewelry repairers and again tired of going on a wild goose chase.

    I need a very minor repair to a silver bracelet (not real), probably a tiny, tiny solder join would do it.

    The last suggestion a shop gave me was to try a TV / Electronics repair shop and gave me directions to one opposite Friendship supermarket - but it didn't exist (what a surprise)

    Any suggestions anyone?

    Thank you.

  16. Just acquired a PCX but it only has one alarm remote, yet has two keys.

    Is this normal for Honda?

    Our household has had it's fair share of lost keys in the past and I am concerned 'what if' the key with the alarm remote got lost, especially if the alarm was 'set' on' at the time

    Is it possible to obtain a second alarm remote from Honda, just in case? (I have the original keys and aluminum number tag that came with them)

  17. I am really curious how these thefts we read about on here (such as this one) are reported and actioned upon so fast.

    Within what can only be a few minutes after the theft - these two are spotted as fitting "the description" and (eventually) apprehended. How?

    When I had a loss in the same circumstances, I had to report it at the police station, which entailed sitting around for half an hour or so until somebody was 'available' to take my statement and write me a report.

    My offer of supplying the offenders motorbike number was rejected as "not needed"

    So, when an incident like this occurs and the culprits are arrested just minutes after the theft - who do we call to get immediate assistance such as happened in this case

    I am genuinely interested. (which means spare me the jokes)

  18. Thanks for the replies. You guys affirmed what I already knew, but didn't want to admit :(

    Ten years is a good innings for a PC and I shall submit it to the trash can where it belongs.

    I too was worried about what else had been fried and would it happen again if I had changed the board.

    Bought another one already, 12k for 3.6 ghz cpu and 20" LED screen.

  19. I have an old (but trusty) PC which is a spare setup and is used a few times a week.

    Its almost ten years old and has served me very well with just a couple of hardware changes (H/D, Ram and DVD player)

    Last week after smelling smoke, I took the side off to see the (Gigabyte) mainboard smoking and emitting sparks - I think it has cremated itself

    The CPU is an AMD Athlon XP 2000 (K6), socket A

    I live near Pattaya and went into town today, to TukCom to see if it was possible to purchase another mainboard.

    The only thing I came away with was several smiles and chuckles from the store owners

    Am I wasting my time and money here

    I am wondering if the CPU might have been damaged in the smoke and sparks session and would be terribly unhappy if I bought a new mainboard and then found the CPU fried as well

    Any advice or tips? Will I ever find a Socket A mainboard? - or should I just accept the inevitable and bin the lot?

    Common sense tells me to wait until a cheap old system comes my way and use whatever can be salvaged from the two of them.

    I hate throwing anything away :P

  20. In the last 6 months - I have witnessed 2 occasions where tourists are in the process of being scammed by the Jet ski's and on both occasions the same municipal officer turned up on his motorbike to appear to be the 'friendly cop' and help the tourists out. How amazing he was at both scamming sessions and just in case anyone else sees this going on - he is an overweight chap - very distinguishable. I advised one group to go to the police station nearby and take the case there as the fat guy is not actually a policeman.

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  21. I find it hard to believe many of these stories of such quick apprehension. The German was able to give such a good description of two guys on a motorbike going past him, so he only saw them from the rear, then was able to call the police and explain to them in German or English what the two guys looked like, then the police were able to ID every motorbike in Pattaya/Jomtien with 2 guys on it. And what is it with these thieves, why do they always seem to hang out a few blocks away, waiting to get caught. Wouldn't you think they'd go hide for awhile.


    I had a small gold bracelet ripped off my wrist when riding my motorcycle in Naklua. I gave chase but lost the scumbag.

    Went straight to the police station within 20 minutes and had the description and the motorbike number - but was told to wait to see someone.

    It was almost an hour before the old guy behind the desk graciously allowed me to tell him what happened as he wrote his hundredth report of the day in the report book.

    I offered the description and motorbike registration number - but he told me he "didn't need it" however promised to contact me if they ever recovered my gold.

    No radio call to other cops, no interest, and still waiting that call.............. (not)

    so yes, astounded to read that this guy called the cops, even more astounded that they answered the phone. Amazed that they took the call, got the description and radioed out to every cop in Pattaya to 'keep a look out for ....'

    and absolutely bowled over to read that almost instantly the cops hunted the thieves down and arrested them.

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