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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Lot of Putin fan boys here, I would almost suspect someone at one of the Russian troll factories gave the order to flood this thread with bullsh*t and misinformation. They are all repeating the same old Kremlin talking points, trapped in their cocoon of Russian propaganda and lies, and at the same time accusing others of spreading fake news. This kind of shilling is just pathetic and so transparant.
  2. Maybe you could share with us where you do your research? Because your conclusion that Russia was undeniable forced into this sad conflict is at least a little iffy.
  3. As opposed to the visceral hatred of all things Ukrainian by Putin cum suis (including Lavrov)? They want to eradicate Ukraine and kill every Ukrainian who opposes that, or maybe they just want to kill every Ukrainian, the jury still seems to be out on that. And you call that statesmanship?
  4. Any Thai minister (or in this case a deputy Minister) would shake hands with the devil himself if there was a deal to be made. Despicable.
  5. No, they won’t. Ukraine right now is kicking some serious Russian @ss.
  6. How is this news? More like standard operational procedure and everyday practice in Thailand, where those in power have absolutely no shame, no morals and no ethics, other than lining their own pockets in every possible way that they can and they don’t care who they have to screw over
  7. The car of colonel Artem Bardin, the Russian military commander of Berdyansk, was blown up with a car bomb, apparently by Ukrainian resistance fighters. Bardin was severely injured and died later in the hospital.
  8. Agreed. And not just Ukraine, but the whole of Europe and possibly NATO. We’re seeing a new axis of evil emerge (Russia, Iran, North-Korea), just like in WWII. One of the problems is that lots of rich people are making lots of money off of this, and they really don’t give two hoots if they have to set the world on fire - literally and/or figuratively- to make an extra billion or two. Scary times.
  9. Ben Stiller, Sean Penn permanently banned from entering Russia. I’m sure they will be crushed…. https://variety.com/2022/film/news/ben-stiller-sean-penn-banned-from-russia-1235360858/
  10. Russian forces continue to suffer from morale and discipline issues in Ukraine. In addition to combat fatigue and high casualties, one of the main grievances from deployed Russian soldiers probably continues to be problems with their pay.
  11. Ramzan Kadyrov is taking an indefinite vacation. Could this have anything to do with his obviously and painfully overplaying his hand in the Ukraine war? I mean, he sent in thousands of his troops, they got their @sses handed to them, many got killed, they had to retreat in shame and Kadyrov’s lord and master Putin probably wasn’t all that pleased with that performance. He should probably count himself lucky that he didn’t ‘fall out of a window’ yet, or met his demise in some other unfortunate way.
  12. You can hit many people over the head with solid facts as many times as you want, but they still won’t believe you. Like the old saying says: “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”
  13. Drones that either malfunction after a few minutes, or that can quickly be hacked and taken over by the Ukrainians……
  14. Even in Kazakhstan, Russians aren’t popular. At least those who openly support Putin’s crazy war: https://youtu.be/g19jdzG19SY
  15. Of course it was the wet road! And not at all the 75 miles an hour he was driving at on that wet road. When the road is wet, you adjust your speed accordingly. But that is apparently too hard to comprehend for many drivers here.
  16. Ukranian family recalls deportation to Moscow: “you are Russian now”. https://youtu.be/IayBFjt4KHY
  17. Increasingly more proof of filtration: https://www.hrw.org/report/2022/09/01/we-had-no-choice/filtration-and-crime-forcibly-transferring-ukrainian-civilians
  18. Not a good time to be a Russian oligarch. Apparently fell out the window. Hmmm…… This is just one of many deadly incidents with Russian millionaires/billionaires this year.
  19. A fleet of decoys resembling advanced U.S. rocket systems has tricked Russian forces into wasting expensive long-range cruise missiles on dummy targets, according to interviews with senior U.S. and Ukrainian officials and photographs of the replicas reviewed by The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/30/ukraine-russia-himars-decoy-artillery/
  20. Not everybody will be disappointed, because the guy who will take his place is probably already licking his chops and opening several off shore bank accounts to hide all the money he’s going to steal.
  21. Exactly. And then fire the s.o.b. and make sure he can never work as a teacher again, not anywhere.
  22. It’s always hilarious to see the guys at the top of the food chain, who receive the most kickbacks, point their fingers at others and tell them they are not allowed to take bribes. Just read that the deputy head of Thailand’s corruption watchdog got canned for being ‘unusually wealthy’. You can’t make this stuff up. You can be 100% sure that EVERYONE at the top in Thailand is raking in fortunes in bribes, kickbacks or whatever, that is their only purpose to get in that position of power. Prawit, with his ridiculously expensive watches (“borrowed them from a friend”. Yeah, right!!) probably belongs to the worst offenders. And that is saying something, in a country as corrupt as Thailand.
  23. And now it can be tossed on the pile of laws that are not enforced anyway, or straight-up ignored.
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