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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Russian forces tortured Izium detainees. Survivors describe beatings, electric shocks and waterboarding. “The cruel violence and abuse in Izium were not random incidents,” said Belkis Wille, senior crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Multiple victims shared credible accounts with us of similar experiences of torture during interrogation in facilities under the control of Russian forces and their subordinates, indicating this treatment was part of a policy and plan.” https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/10/19/ukraine-russian-forces-tortured-izium-detainees
  2. Not to mention being shot in the head, execution style. These are not just ‘accidental’ civilian deaths, like Plus 7 would have us believe, but deliberately killed and often raped and/or tortured first by Russian soldiers, probably ordered to do so by their commanding officers. How anyone can justify, defend or gloss over something like that is beyond me.
  3. How much more personal can it get? And all this achieves is an even deeper hate for everything that is Russian, and an even stronger resolve to defend their country and kick the Orcs out.
  4. Hopefully “beaucoup de temps dans une prison” as well (that’s “lots of time in a prison”, for those of you who don’t know French).
  5. Iran denies delivery of drones to Russia, and Russia denies using Iranian drones. The EU is searching for evidence that Russia actually uses Iranian suicide drones (shouldn’t be too hard to find, I think), and if the evidence is there, Iran can expect to be hit with (more) sanctions.
  6. Apparently Girkin is somewhere at the front in Ukraine now. I hope some of his ‘buddies’ there read/hear about the $150,000 bounty and decide to hand him over to Ukraine. How cool would that be?
  7. LT Lapin was being a dick and should have known better. Calling Allah a coward is never a good idea, especially when you do it in front of a couple of Muslim soldiers holding a gun. Sounds like the death of LT Lapin (if he was one of the victims of this shooting) was not a great loss to humanity.
  8. Over $150,000 raised in a day in crowdfunding in Ukraine for the capture of Igor Girkin, a prominent Russian nationalist who led Kremlin-backed separatists suring Putin’s first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. He is also wanted over the downing of flight MH17 in 2014. Hope they catch the s.o.b. soon. May he live to be 115 years old and spend every miserable second of the rest of his life behind bars. https://www.ft.com/content/7c425499-3673-4a22-84ee-f02e4bc62a23
  9. This is a so-called Islamic state, supporting the barbaric regime of a country that actively suppresses Islamic minorities and more or less destroyed Chechnya, killing tens of thousands people there. If anyone still had any doubts about what the mullahs in Teheran want, this should clear that right up. The hypocrisy is appalling.
  10. I think what Placeholder meant was that Putin gets laughed at far more than Zelensky…..
  11. Putin alone will probably not be enough, unfortunately. There would have to be a whole lot more caskets with all the Russian war-mongering idiots in them.
  12. Just another one of Russia’s many, many war crimes: Yurii Kerpatenko, principal conductor at the Kherson Music and Drama Theatre, has been killed by Russian occupiers in Kherson. His death was announced on 14 October, said the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy. The ministry said Yurii Kerpatenko had been shot dead by the Russian military in his own home after he refused to cooperate with the invaders. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/10/15/7372099/
  13. Two Finnish guys have ‘annexed’ the parking spot of a Russian diplomat in the town of Turku, after holding a ‘referendum’. There is now a big Ukrainian flag painted on that parking spot. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10160562681689948&set=a.10150145169469948&type=3
  14. Can’t find the link, but apparently the BBC has a phone call from a Russian soldier to someone back home. He said the new conscripts were nothing more than cannon fodder, being sent to the front straight away, without any training, and even without decent weapons. He said there were dead bodies of Russian soldiers everywhere. I feel sorry for those poor guys, but not sorry that Russia seems to be losing more and more ground.
  15. There are simple psychological tests that applicants could be required to do before joining the RTP. Or they could even make those tests mandatory for everyone already in the RTP. But then (at least) half the police force would probably be sacked, and there would be hardly any new recruits either.
  16. Over 90,000 Russian soldiers have died, cannot be accounted for, or have suffered such serious injuries that they are unable to return to service, independent Russian media project iStories reported on Wednesday, citing sources close to the Kremlin. And Putin thought his little ‘special military operation’ would be over in a few days….. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/10/12/over-90k-irrecoverable-losses-suffered-by-russian-soldiers-in-ukraine-istories-a79070
  17. Like some posters keep/kept repeating here: if only Ukraine had surrendered or given up a sizeable chunk of its territory to Russia, this whole war would not have been necessary. Madness!!
  18. “Interior ministry and police force declare war on drugs” Yeah, right, and kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? Not in a million years. Both police and army make way too much money with the drugs trade, so maybe they will make some token busts, as per usual, but other than that I wouldn’t hold my breath.
  19. Wow, 23 million baht! Talk about a drop in the ocean. How about scrapping that ridiculous plan to buy submarines and doing something good for the people instead? But the military gotta have their toys, no matter how the people are suffering.
  20. I read that this guy is an extremely brutal and also very corrupt general, even by Russian standards, which says a lot. So Ukraine knows what it’s up against.
  21. Psychopaths, narcissists and madmen only see the evil in others, never in themselves. It’s always someone else’s fault, they are never to blame for anything.
  22. Be careful what you wish for, with the likes of Prighozhin and other such sinister figures chomping at the bit to take over.
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