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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. British defence intelligence: “Shoigu was full of sh*t when he said that Russia was deliberately slowing the pace of its military campaign in Ukraine because of the need to reduce civilian casualties”.
  2. When they fire off a lot of missiles in the hope to hit at least something, they are inherently taking into account the very real possibility that one or more missiles are going to hit one or more civilian targets. So I would say the question if they do it on purpose or not is moot, because they obviously don’t care. Either way it shows an utter disregard for the lives of innocent Ukrainian civilians. Orcs will be orcs, no matter what.
  3. Couldn’t agree with you more. Russia should be labelled a terrorist state, just like Iran and North -Korea, and treated as such, with a total boycott. They can not be trusted in any way, their words and promises mean nothing anymore. The crazies have taken over and they have to be removed (and preferably thrown in jail) before any semblance of a normal relationship can be negotiated again. My guess is that it’s probably going to get a lot worse before that is likely to happen, though.
  4. From the article: “Russian forces are being careful to avoid civilian casualties. Every effort is being done to prevent civilian casualties.” This according to Russian Defense minister Sergei Shoigu. Pathetic and shameless. How stupid does he think we are? From the first day of the invasion, the Russian military have been deliberately targeting civilian objects, killing thousands of civilians. Latest example: the missile attack yesterday on a Ukrainian train station, which apparently killed at least 20 innocent civilians.
  5. What a surprise, the criminals don’t want other criminals on their turf. The Rolling Stones song ‘you can’t always get what you want’ comes to mind. I’m sure the good people of Thailand want a quality police force, not the organized crime syndicate which call themselves the RTP.
  6. How many have gotten bail and then done a runner to escape justice? That’s what I meant by buying their freedom. And as for ‘innocent until proven guilty’: like I said, the guy killed two people over nothing, there were witnesses, he confessed, he’s guilty as sin. People like that should NEVER be granted bail.
  7. Just another one in a long list of Russian war crimes, a list that is growing longer every single day.
  8. It is really incredible how rich people here can literally buy their freedom. The guy killed two people, there are witnesses, he confessed, and still he gets bail. Unbelievable. Next thing we hear he will be in Dubai. Old lady gets 15 years in prison for picking mushrooms in a national park (or something like that, correct me if I’m wrong), but when you kill two people you just pony up 500,000 baht and walk out of jail, presumably never to be seen again. What a joke the judicial system in Thailand is.
  9. I think we can safely assume that this will be a huge show trial, probably broadcast live on Russian TV, with an outcome of (almost) exclusively death sentences for all involved.
  10. The question is, will Dear Leader give a toss? No, he won’t, would be my answer. Besides, he’s just a puppet, and can easily be replaced with another puppet to serve the same purpose. So I don’t think we have seen the last of this military regime, not for a long time.
  11. I think this gentleman (and the photographer) can expect a visit from some very peed off FSB officials shortly. Or maybe they have been shipped off to a prison camp in Siberia already, sho knows.
  12. Russian partisans were allegedly behind a car bomb which blew up the daughter of Aleksander Dugin, one of Vladimir Putin’s close political allies, on the outskirts of Moscow. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/21/ex-russian-mp-claims-russian-partisans-responsible-for-moscow-car-bomb
  13. Uh-oh, looks like someone didn’t pay their monthly contributions to the cop’s ‘retirement fund’.
  14. Not just an apologist, but a propagator and initiator: he thought up the whole ‘theory’ of why Russia has the right to invade and occupy Ukraine, and why Ukraine doesn’t have the right to exist as a country and why all Ukrainians should be killed. If you want to talk about really nasty pieces of work, Dugin is among the nastiest. And that’s saying something, when you look at the all-out craziness that seems to have spread throughout the Russian powers that be.
  15. Agreed. The man is as evil as evil gets, and the day he dies a horrible death can not come soon enough, as far as I’m concerned. But I also fear the damage is done, the genie is out of the bottle now, the craziness has spread to a lot of heads in Russia, including Putin’s, so Dugin’s death probably won’t matter all that much.
  16. Meet Aleksander Dugin, nicknamed ‘Putin’s Rasputin’, also the de facto author of Putin’s Ukrianian strategy, not to mention his hysterical rhetoric. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/05/12/dugin-russia-ukraine-putin/ Dugin’s daughter was blown up last night, the car bomb was presumably meant for Dugin himself (she was driving his car). No big loss for humanity, though, by the looks of it.
  17. I like what he says about Putin at the end of the video: (spoiler alert) that Putin shouldn’t waste any more time, take his medication, go to his bunker and rot to death there. My sentiments exactly!
  18. Talk about your tough old geezers, take a look at this Ukrainian pensioner who took on a Russian column. Priceless! https://youtu.be/jFrgPVLjddY
  19. I assume they removed the detonator before doing this. Otherwise they invented a whole new meaning of ‘Russian roulette’.
  20. Russian paratrooper exposes rot at core of Ukraine invasion: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/17/i-dont-see-justice-in-this-war-russian-soldier-exposes-rot-at-core-of-ukraine-invasion
  21. Actually both (could care less and couldn’t care less) are correct and mean the same thing, that’s what’s so confusing….
  22. Another Putin critic dies mysteriously…. https://www.thedailybeast.com/anti-putin-investment-banker-dan-rapoport-found-dead-under-mysterious-circumstances-in-dc
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