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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. My thoughts exactly. Someone higher up didn’t get their cut and ratted them out. Or maybe it’s just that age-old Thai adage: “a misunderstanding”.
  2. Russian McDonalds runs short of french fries. And Coke. https://guardian.ng/news/russian-mcdonalds-runs-short-of-french-fries/
  3. I always get quite suspicious when people feel the need to mention their IQ…
  4. Putin is recruiting prisoners as cannon fodder to fight for Russia amid shortage of frontline troops. Wagner is reported to be behind this recruitment drive. So criminals are trying to get other criminals to fight their fight for them. How apt. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10984135/Putin-recruiting-prisoners-cannon-fodder-fight-Russia-Ukraine-amid-troop-shortages.html
  5. Have no idea what you mean with that. How is it, by the way, that sometimes you sound like a person with just a very basic understanding of the English language, and in other posts you sound almost like an Eton graduate?
  6. Not true, a few other posters here still live in denial as well.
  7. Everything is all hunky dory in Russia. Not: Russian parliament passes first vote on war economy measures. The Russian government will be able to compel businesses to supply the military with goods and make their employees work overtime under two laws to support Moscow's war in Ukraine that were approved in an initial vote in parliament on Tuesday. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/duma-gives-first-approval-laws-moving-russia-towards-war-economy-2022-07-05/
  8. Supporting and/or justifying an illegal invasion and a terrorist regime that commits warcrimes wholesale and threatens to attack Europe with nuclear missiles does tend to be frowned upon here on this forum…. The whole true picture is already out for everyone to see. But some choose to ignore that and spin it to fit their own narrative.
  9. Unjust war, you got that right at least. Although I suspect that the reasons why you call it an unjust war and the reason why I call it an unjust war are very different.
  10. Thailand doesn’t seem to understand that it doesn’t have to be either/or. A country can cater to all kinds of tourists, those who are wealthy and those who have less money, those who seek luxury accommodation and those who seek cheap(er) or more affordable accommodation. I’m betting the latter are a much larger group that would bring in much more money.
  11. Of course not. This poster supports a regime that is corrupt through and through - and corrupt in every conceivable way as well - so I find it a little hypocritical, to say the least, that he should start pointing fingers at others.
  12. What about the trillions of dollars Putin and his corrupt sycophants have stolen from the Russians over the last 20 years? You don’t have any problem with that?
  13. Old Soviet-style repression is being re-introduced: lock opponents up in the gulag, or declare them crazy and send them to a “mental institution”.
  14. I get upset, like any normal and sane person would, when one country invades another one and fires missiles at mostly civilian targets on purpose, killing dozens, if not hundreds. I get upset, like any normal and sane person would, when there’s overwhelming evidence (does the name Bucha maybe ring a bell) that Russian soldiers rape, torture and kill innocent civilians by the hundreds. That’s not war, that’s terrorism. But all’s fair in love and war, right?
  15. What democracy? You’re not saying there’s democracy now in Thailand, right?
  16. And the Russians deny it was their missiles that did this. How stupid do they think we are? Who else is going to fire missiles at an apartment building in Odesa? ISIS? The Taliban? Or maybe it was those sneaky Martians.
  17. So they can arrest a Malaysian national for wildlife trafficking, but not the Thai kingpins in this highly lucrative trade? Guess the Malaysian dude forgot to pay off a couple of Thai officials. Wildlife trafficking is apparently more lucrative than drugs smuggling, and when you do get caught the penalties/jail time are much lower in comparison.
  18. MTG is a vile and ignorant racist white supremacist MAGA freak, an embarrassment to the House of Representatives, and an embarrassment to the USA as a whole.
  19. Sounds like your friendly neighborhood pedophile. Hope the victim’s relatives manage to exact a suitable form of revenge on this piece of scum.
  20. Bernie Ecclestone says he would take a bullet for Putin. It just goes to show that living to be 91 and becoming a billionaire don’t necessarily mean you have to be very smart. https://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/12642989/bernie-ecclestone-defends-vladimir-putin-and-says-lewis-hamilton-should-brush-aside-racist-slur-as-f1-condemns-comments-from-former-boss
  21. Give a million monkeys a typewriter and in 100 years one of them will write an excellent novel. So the military junta got one thing right, big whoop. They still suck at everything else.
  22. Whatever happened to Russia’s claim “we only attack military targets”? Oh wait, that was a big fat lie from day one. As there’s nothing but big fat lies lies and outrageous/hysterical claims coming from the Kremlin. Now Putin is in Tajikistan and it turns out Russia wants better ties with the Taliban regime. I guess birds of a feather (i.e. terrorist regimes) flock together. Pathetic. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/russia-working-taliban-ties-putin-tajikistan-85865468
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