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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. First of all, the topic here is gun control, not abortion, so please cool your jets and stay on topic. And contrary to what almost all Republican law makers would have you believe, Democrats are not out to take everyone's guns away. Just a few very sensible gun control rules would already go a very long way, like background checks, and raising the age from 18 to 21 for people who want to buy a gun. People can't have a beer in many states until they're 21, but they can buy an AR-15 when they're 18. Doesn't that sound just a little ridiculous to you?
  2. And NewsMax. And OAN. And Breitbart. And so on, and so forth...
  3. My Thai girlfriend bought a house in Cha'am in March 2020, but apparently it was not put in her name yet. She paid a down payment of 100,000 baht, and has been paying 4,400 baht per month ever since, not directly to the bank, but to the owner. Now it turns out the owner hasn't paid the bank in quite a while, and on 21 June there will be a court case of the bank against the owner. If the owner doesn't pay the bank the money, the bank will seize the house and my girlfriend will have to move out. If that happens, she's going to lose more than 300,000 baht: the 100,000 baht down payment, 118,800 baht in 'rent' payments for 27 months, plus at least 100,000 baht that she put in the house herself in improvements and renovations. That is quite a lot of money. My question to you is if there is anything she can do to get her money (or part of it) back from the owner. It's quite obvious that the owner has been taking my girlfriend's money, and has not paid the bank with that money. What the owner has done is wrong and illegal, and there must be a way to hold the owner accountable. The problem is that my girlfriend doesn't have a lot of money, certainly not enough to pay a lawyer to go to court for her, to sue the owner of the house. Is there anywhere she could go for free legal advice in the Cha'am / Hua Hin area? My girlfriend feels quite ashamed of herself, since most of the 300,000 baht mentioned above has come frrom me, and she feels she has let me down. She is quite hesitant to look for legal aid herself, but I think it's ridiculous to let the owner of the house get away with this and just walk away from the house and the 300,000 baht that we put into it. Any and all help and/or advice would be highly appreciated. Rudi
  4. Mr. Kuleba is 100% right. Russia is the aggressor here, they have already committed countless war crimes and will no doubt commit many more. They deserve everything that they will (hopefully) get, and Russia needs to be put in its place. They can not be allowed to gain anything from this war.
  5. So if your house was raided by your neighbors, your wife and daughters raped and killed, your sons tortured and killed, and your neighbors occupied your house and kicked you out in the street, that would be OK with you then? Just territory exchanged, right?
  6. Yet still the vast majority of Republican senators and representatives are in the pockets of the NRA and refuse to even consider any form of (further) gun control. And I don’t think that’s about to change any time soon. Completely pathetic.
  7. They were probably looking for some easy tea money. Only wish they would stop transferring these corrupt cops to inactive posts and just can their sorry @sses.
  8. Denmark has voted in a historic referendum to take part in EU security policy, scrapping its 30-year opt-out. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61644663 Another clear sign that Russia shot itself in the foot, and that Putin is getting the exact opposite of what he had hoped for. First Sweden and Finland, now Denmark.
  9. My thoughts exactly. But don’t put the noose around his neck, put it around his junk, then hang him high and see if he’s still such a ‘tough’ guy. Human excrement, needs to to be dealt with accordingly.
  10. The ones who give the orders are usually not the ones who get caught.
  11. I think that’s extremely optimistic, but I will keep my fingers crossed…
  12. What the article fails to mention is that the flag waving Israelis chanted ‘death to Arabs!’ https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/29/israel-jerusalem-march-death-arabs-00035862
  13. Russian soldier gives Ukrainian drone the finger. Just see what happens next…
  14. Russian foreign secretary Lavrov comes to mind. I’m sure I can think of a few more. Not necessarily all Russian, by the way.
  15. For whom? They certainly look after their own, but what about doing some good work for the people for a change?
  16. Very brave men. It’s completely surreal to watch footage like this while eating my breakfast in a peaceful country less than 2,000 kilometers away from where they are fighting. Hope the Ukrainian army get better and more advanced weapons, and a lot of it, as soon as possible, so they can kick those Russkies back across the border, where they belong.
  17. Yes, that’s your good old uncle Putin for you, turning more into a Hitler (or Stalin) clone by the day. The scary thing is that there are even crazier guys than Putin chomping at the bit to replace him.
  18. The lower age limit will probably follow soon. Like Hitler in the last months of WWII, enlisting 60-65 year old men and 14-15 year old boys. Pathetic.
  19. Russia’s highest ranking airforce commander killed: https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-botashev-commander-killed-1709596
  20. Agreed. But the choice between going back to Russia and asylum in Switzerland is not a hard one, IMO. Just look at what happened to Navalny when he went back.
  21. If I were him I’d stay put. I think he would qualify for political asylum, even in a country like Switzerland.
  22. Less air pollution, higher minimum wages, better education system, less trafficking (drugs, human, wildlife), the list just goes on and on….
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