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Posts posted by OZONE

  1. the muslims are winning their little battle and the civilised  world are not helping the situation.

    evry time there is a raid on these mosques to get known terrorists any where in the world let alone thailand the muslim's claim victimisation and we listen.

    why did the authorities get kept back by muslim women, the women are as guilty as the b++tards that killed these marines.

    muslims can not live together let alone live with other cultures. :o

    why don't they go back to their original country of their ancestors and stop forcing there sorry ethics down other people's throat, once thier they can happily murder each other.

    this is my rant for the day

    realistically this problem is world wide and their is no solution.

    A big hand to you lad. As far as i'm concern, an eye for an eye. You cut-off 1 of our head, we'll cut off 2 of yours :D

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