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Posts posted by OZONE

  1. Most likely she will do some time for manslaughter. Because this is Thailand, and she is poor and a whore. So the court will think little about putting her in prison for a little while, just to make an example to the rest of the hookers, that stabbing foreigners with knifes regardless of the situation, is a no no, because it can lead to undesirable news attention directed at Thailand.

    But she most likely won't even get charged with murder, if it didn't happen in the beginning and there are no witnesses.

    Whether it was self defense or not it probably of little concern to a Thai court in this situation, ruffing up a Pattaya whore, would probably be viewed by a judge as not really a terrible thing to do, something like less than shoplifting, as she is at the very bottom of the social scale, and they will probably take the attitude that if was being beaten up a little she probably deserved it for some inappropriate behavior.

    Gosh, talk about a waste, 25 a dead all for what, some Pattaya girl.

    Idiot :o

    Again, my sentiment exactly.

    Can't believe you have the nerves to accused someone of being a "whore / hooker" without knowing her. Shame on you :D

  2. I am feeling so sad for the young man...He should live happily in Germany with his good family...why had to devote life to temper prostitute ?..But life is just like that...I wonder why most foreigners never take a working woman from the office who have good education and more mature...or they are not good in bed?....pity !!!!!

    Shut the door on your way out :o:D

    My sentiment exactly.

  3. I would add to what Sheryl has said and stay away from ANY fatty &/or spicy foods...thats what the specialist told me anyway.

    Omeprazole or Losec (Trade name) is just the bees knees too

    Stay away from Spicy food? :o no way no way.

    Nothing more satisfying than eatting a super spicy "som tom" or "Goi-tiew" while downing a nice cold brew on a hot summer day :D

    Can't imagine life without spicy food :D

  4. Thai women have a habit of cutting of penises and things like that with jelousy.  They treat you so bad and then somehow expect you to be faithful.  likely she was just a spoilt jelous nut whore.  No offense.

    Experienced are we?

    Good god stop with this bullish generalization crap. This is an extreme case and you will only see it on the news.

    You should go home if you feel this way about Thai women. Obviously its not safe here

  5. IMHO, "JARUWAN (Iron Lady) MAINTAKA"?. She's educated, experienced, The king likes her honesty and you not going to find anyone more honest.

    She went after corruptions in Thailand with a vengence and not fearful of Toxin's repercussioned as well. Thats the kind of person you need to make a better Thailand

    She gets my vote. :o

  6. I have been living on my current village for over a year now. In terms of expense the village is not in the top bracket, but is well above the average Thai village. To give you an idea the cheapest tiny bungalow costs around 1.3 million Baht. Probably 90% of the residents are Thai. I have spent quite a lot of money and energy to get my house almost right. I am now extremely annoyed to have the house over the road housing an large extended family of Thais that have no regard for anyone else around them. They have also collected a large pile, of what can only be described as junk, in the garden. The garden is also normally over grown and strewn with rubbish. As well as this they have several old pick ups parked in the garden and on the drive. In contradiction to this the owner of the house recently bought a brand new Camry! They live over the road to me and I must suffer the noise and mess every time I sit outside the house. An old women and her daughter live directly next door to the bad neighbors and have commented to us about their unhappiness at the situation.

    The problem is that I want to have a word with them, but my wife isn’t keen on this. I also have the usual feeling of being the ferang and therefore have no rights. In my own country I would do something to sort the situation. Indeed I have in the past.

    Far from being paradise I feel I may as well be living on a bad council estate in the UK. 

    Here in Thailand there seems to be a reluctance to complain or confront.  ‘Mai pen rai’ seems to cover everything.

    If I'm not happy, I tend to make the effort to correct the issue(S). In this case, I would politely talk to them and see what happens. Politeness goes a long ways in Thailand so I think it could lead to resolution. Also, may be ask you neighbors to come with you, since they're Thai, It might help eliviate any negative feelings?

    AND, I thinkI don't see why everyone should suffers due to their lack of respect for others. :o

  7. I've never been to a country so stuffed full of gorgeous young ladies before, if I hadn't got one of them for myself I think I would have gone blind a long time ago!

    Have you ever been in Japan?

    I have lived in Japan - and there is no comparison percentage wise.

    What do you mean?

    Independent, self catered Japanese women could be admitted to be a par to Thais?

    IMO, Thais (not only mine) can only sweep the floor to Japanese.

    Than you should leave Taiwan and come to Thailand :o

  8. This is what happened when you put CEOs or self-made billionaires at the top. Never trust businessmen to run a country effectively. They just can't. Politics and company politics are two different things.

    Good point. A good example of that would be the US vice president "Dick Cheney" and his company "Haliburten". What a disgrace to the country he is. I'm a republican and I hate this dual of Bush & Cheney. Shame Shame

  9. Let them argue among themselves. As long as Toxin is removed from the office, I'll be happy.

    With any luck, The King will step in, take control and nominate a qualify honest individual. If there is such a person.

    Personally I would love to see Jaruvan "iron lady" Maintaka nominated as PM. WISHFUL THINKING?

  10. Let's not rush to judgement here. 

    There's another possibility.

    Perhaps this is a family of unscrupulous opportunists who wanted money from this guy.

    Something like:

    "You gives us this much money.  Or we'll tell our daughter to say that you raped her.  We know that this will ruin you.  Whether you're found guilty or not, we know that nobody will believe you.  After all, you're a foreign man in Thailand who was in custody of a Thai girl.  Give us the money, or we will ruin you."

    Not exactly far-fetched.  Why was there not enough evidence?  Lack of credibility of the accusers? 

    Let's not hang him yet guys.

    Lets not judged the accuser but "perhaps this is a family of unscrupulous opportunists who wanted money from this guy".

    Sounds to me like you're judging the family? Lets give them a fair shake as well

  11. Thats a long time to be away from home :o . When I'm away from home, I mandate myself to go back home every 2 years at the very least.

    Hope you enjoy yourself when you get home. I'm sure your family will be more than thrill.

  12. The subject of discipline is an interesting one. Although thai children get a fairly free rein, its unusual to see a thai child throwing a tantrum in a shopping centre or public place, whereas in the west you see children throwing tantrums a lot more often.

    ON discipling note: I think Thai children knows that a wooping is what they'll get if you embarassed your parents in public by misbehaving. "You make me lose face, Me spank your arse when we get home". Therefore, I hardly believe the Thai kids gets free rein. I think they just know whats good for them :o Well, atleast this is what I see from my close friends & wife's relatives. Their children practice good behavior as I can see. They bend down as they walk by, always says "krup & kha", never touched my head ....etc.

    One other point I have to make is Thai kids accept their responsibility to take care of their parents as they get older. The children were taught since young and willing to accept that responsibility. I can't say that about US children. As far as I'm concern, they must be doing something right.

  13. So you want to teach others with your life experience?. Now thats silly.

    I didn't say that now did I?

    Specific training is all well and good, but a degree in flower arranging probably won't help you a great deal though.

    Again, how can you teach others when you haven't been taught yourself; In otherword, how can you educate others without Education?
    TEFL, TESOL, TESL, CELTA, etc. Far more helpful than a degree in landscape gardening IMO and IME!
    If you're not formally trained

    I agree with this.

    or without a college degree at the minimum than you're not a teacher.  You might want to call yourself "over-paid baby sitter".
    But this is nonsense. As I said you don't need a degree to teach EFL/ESL in the UK.

    If you have a TL you're a teacher here, simple as that.

    Enough of this "just winged-it attitude because we're here temporary". These people deserved better. They want to learn proper english not be the test subject for someone who needs a couple of dollars to survive.

    No one is saying to wing it, I believe in specific training, but just 'cos you think you're degree in History helped you to be a teacher doesn't mean it's the same for everyon.

    Just my opinion and experience is all.

    We'll have to agree to disagree on this subject. I think w're both could go on for days. You have some valid points and I do respect your opion, but I still must stand by my opion. Peronally, I would not want my kids to be educated by an untrained personel. Just because you're a native english speaker does not qualify you as an english teacher ..EFL, TESOL, TESL, CELTA...or not.

    BTW, flower arranging degree? . welll, i think you might be right :o

  14. Most Thai students are lazy and boring,with no interest in learning English.Just go in teach them and bugger off home don't take it to heart, and just think about your salary.:-)

    Thats a terrible gereralisation of Thai student isn't it?. Perhaps you bored them with your teaching methods?

    "bugger off and don't take it to heart, and think about your salary?". Now theres a good attitude to have. Why do you bother being a teacher?. Your job is to motivate your students, if you can't than may be you should change career.

  15. kenkannif

    Most students in universities in the US, UK, or Australia have teachers with zero formal education in teaching, but they have some great teachers.

    That's not completely true. In USA, You are not permitted to teach in public school without being certified and recognized by the states; regardless, if its elementary education or not. In order for you to achieve this, you must be willing to teach as teachers-aid for 4 months without pay. You may be a temporary substitute teacher but you must follow the sylabus developed be the staff.

  16. So you want to teach others with your life experience?. Now thats silly.

    Again, how can you teach others when you haven't been taught yourself; In otherword, how can you educate others without Education?

    If you're not formally trained or without a college degree at the minimum than you're not a teacher. You might want to call yourself "over-paid baby sitter".

    Enough of this "just winged-it attitude because we're here temporary". These people deserved better. They want to learn proper english not be the test subject for someone who needs a couple of dollars to survive.

  17. I have English Lan, Lit GCSE Grade A, Maths B, GNV Business STUDIES Grade Merit this is the same as 2 A levels back in England and I speak French as had to take language with it I also have other 6 other GCSE... I worked in England as an IT consultant.

    Based on my experience the Thai head teacher would ask you what the above means. They don't know an A level from a Q level. (I don't either) Are you a high school graduate? Or University?

    Those are all non degree qualifications.

    So once again we have someone with no degree or experience and who worked as a "consultant" wanting to come here. :o

    No disrespect to anyone, but, I hope the Thais wisen up and stop hiring non-degreed, non-experience teachers so their future sake.

    again, you shouldn't be teaching others if you weren't taught yourself :D

    BTW, this post is not meant for you BlueBear :D

  18. having thought the old fridge was the reason all my food (pork, chicken, fish) would go bad in 3 or 4 days, but it seems to go just as quickly.  What is the deal?  I really dont get it?  Anyone else feel like the food in thailand goes faster then in farang land?

    ...because it is not kept cold before you buy it... don't be fooled by the fridges in farang style supermarkets in BKK, the animals are usually slaughtered outside BKK, transported in open trucks/pickups etc and is already infected when it reaches your local supermarket. If you go out driving on the highways between Nakorn Pathom and BKK on a Sunday night you'll see hundreds of "dead pig trucks" where your next week pork chops are exposed to the elements.


    :o thanks for that useful information. I think I will not be having poultry for dinner anytime soon :D

  19. On the next Thailand Today,

    A report reveals half of Thais don’t wash their hands before eating and four in ten don’t wash after going to the toilet. I’ll offer a simple solution.


    Where did this character "Jim wellington" get his informations?... obviously picked out of his arse. I don't know too many people not washed their hands before & after dinner. Not recognizing the kids ofcourse.

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