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Posts posted by OZONE

  1. Its no secret readers !!!!!!!    Here in Thailand over 80% of the Population are ALCOHOLICS.  They wake up drunk, are drunk during the daytime and go home drunk after work then they hit the bars and go home even drunker.

    Just the other day I was just walking out of a grocery store and watched a biker go whizzing right by me into a ditch and hitting the tree.  Didn't want to know what happenned to that driver, but I guess he either got killed or ended up with a group of broken bones for sure.

    Has any of you ever seen a person go splat right smack into a tree around 80 kilometers or more an hour??  The sound is like a thud of bones hitting that tree.  A definite weird sound for sure.

    As to that girl, pity.  Most pillon riders do not wear helmets.  So when her head hits that concrete, guarantee its lights out.

    Amazing.  Then they wonder why so many get killed here?????  The factories here are churning out that alcohol like its no tomorrow.

    As of 200,000 baht, that is around 5,100 usa dollars or 10 percent of total amount of Bail..  In comparing this to America the Bail would be around 50,000 USA.  However had this happened in America, that drivers bail would have been like 500,000 or more in USA or 10 percent would be 50,000 usa or more to bail out.

    USA does not tolerate Drunk Drivers at all especially the court system.  Just to let you know. 


    80% of the population are ALCOHOLICS? that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Where on earth did you ever get that silly information. Does this include women and children? :o

  2. I have 2 maids at my house , one take care about cook, wash+ iron. The other take care about garden, clean floor, wash car. I pay them 3,500b/m/each person.

    If you wanna find maid(real maid for working) . You can contract www.doe.go.th

    You can trust maid from there because it's legal and they have their history kept.

    Mostly maid in Bangkok are Burmese or Thai women from isaan area. If you have just one maid ,  she is not stay with you for long time but if you have 2 , she has friend and can stay with you for long time.

    keeNiew Keeniew :D. Thats alot of work for the amount of Money isn't it? :o

  3. Tuky, Is she a live-in or part time? part time, a few hours a week ok, but 2500 for a full time maid is peanuts! OK, wages are higher in the south but we pay our staff a starting wage of 6000/mo for an 8:30 am-9:30 pm job (hour and a half off in the afternoon) that is only full on during high season (Dec-Apr). Rest of the year it is easy between full moons. We also pay for their govt insurance and give them paid time off when they need it (min of paid two weeks off a year). I have found that by treating my staff with decency and generosity I get repaid in loyalty and good work.

    Thats makes a long day for 6000 baht a month if I may say so :o . I'm also assuming thats 5 days / week and allow them to have week-end off?. We have friends who paid 5000 baht / month for their maid, but she only work from 8:00am - 6:00 pm. She take her lunch and breaks when she needs to as long as the work gets done. The maid seem to enjoy her job and is very respectful.

  4. forget cracking down on the Booze, how about cracking down on the parents.

    They obviously need to do a better job at teaching these kids.

    You have gotta wonder what the parents can do. A couple of weeks ago we had a horrific prang here in Ban Dung. Somewhere between 13 and 17 in a pickup the driver 'stole' from his father, all drunk and refused entry to various bars and finished up wrapping the vehicle around a power pole. Thus far 8 dead with more not expected to make it. This gang of youths were notourious thugs and the general feeling in the community is 'Som Nom Nah'. A sad thing for the loved ones to hear. BUT will the remaining youth learn anything from this, I think not.

    "stole" a pick up from his father?. It just goes to show you how much respect the parents received their child. If he were taught better when he was young, he would not have disrespect them as so. I be willing to bet this young man had his ways since he was born; anything @ anytimetime he wanted, he got it. I do feel sorry for the younger kids in the pickup, but the others at 17 years old, you should know better... no excuses... som naam nah for the Thugs to be.

  5. Have a look at this thread:

    What It Costs Me To Live In Korat

    There are many other similar threads.

    thanks!! it is very useful for me.

    UBC Cable TV.............1,500

    KCTV (Cable TV)............350

    Max Net Internet...........750





    Auto fuel.................2000

    Car Maintenance......2000






    Happy Hour...............3,000


    Mobile Phone...............600

    Household Supplies.......5,000



    I guess, this amount just support the basic life.

    Am I the only one that finds it mildy amusing that someone itemizes down to the last 10 Baht yet does not have a 'Miscellaneous' line item?

    No inclusion of health insurance or medical expenses and visa status maintenance is also interesting, although the latter could of course be inapplicable.

    12,340 Baht on breakfast, lunch, dinner and 'Happy Hour', yet only 80 Baht on laundry? :o

    Excuse me but It's not very expensive to take your cloths to the river and beat it on the rocks to clean :D . Sorry for the smart ass comment. i'm just teasing

  6. Absolutely.  As much as I would like to feel upset for the inmates, I do not.  If you disrespect their country and any other country by breaking the law, you deseved to be punished.  By that I mean if you intentionally breaking the law.

    If you rape, sell drugs, kill...etc, you deserved maximum penalties  :D

    How about deliberately, intentionally engaging in criminal activities like procurement of sex (prostitution is oficially illegal in Thailand), should these people be locked up as well? :o

    Would be full flights in, and half empty flights out of Don Muang.......... :D

    Aslong as I was not with the women at the time than they need to go to jail also; otherwise, noway :D ....Oh stop it. My misses would cut my head off.

    c'mon c'mon you know thats not the same calssification as rapist and murderers. Ofcourse the girls need to go to jail just not as long. :D

  7. If they didn't get common sense from home, they are unlikely to find it at school.  Public service announcements on television and radio from the gov't and private sector, IMO are more effective than trying to teach common sense in school.   


    Spot on!

    Teaching common sense in school?. Where I came from, common sense weren't taught, It came naturally :o . If I may ask, what subject in school teaches you "common sense"?

  8. Sure they did the crime and boy are they doing the time. But, hey a little contact with someone from their own country with some fresh fruit, veg etc can't be bad. Surely, a two way gift.

    The beauty of these articles is reminds us how lucky we are in some ways. By that I mean we weren't stupid enough to do something in a country whose prisons well SUCK.

    If all prisons were like country clubs everyone would be breaking the law!

    Honest days work doesn't kill you!

    The harder the time the better...!

    Absolutely. As much as I would like to feel upset for the inmates, I do not. If you disrespect their country and any other country by breaking the law, you deseved to be punished. By that I mean if you intentionally breaking the law.

    If you rape, sell drugs, kill...etc, you deserved maximum penalties :o

  9. Yeah they need to revamp the education system because poor retards don't understand why they shouldn't be running up 2,000 Baht a month phone bills when they only make 6,000 Baht a month.


    I would imagine that the so called retards have had about a tenth of the education that you enjoyed. :D

    The point being that even if that 1/10 included 'addition' and 'subtraction' (no 'division' and 'multiplication' required) and perhaps 'counting' as an elective, they have all the knowledge they need.


    You're assuming that they are uneducated ofcourse?. I'm sure most Thai understand their economic situation and wouldn't be as foolish as you think. I also do not believe that the Farmers are spending foolishly most of the time. I'm sure the cost of Farming increased and the recent terrbile event(s) in Thailand didn't help much either (ie: flood, cird flu, Tsunami...etc).

    By the way, I personally know many educated Thai who has no choice but to accept the 6000 baht a month salary just because Employment are scarse. They're not too proud to accept these mediocre jobs just to feed their family. I respect them more so just because they realized what is actually important. In contrast to the states where people are too proud to accept a job @ McDonald but rather ask the gov't for welfair. Which would you prefer?

  10. I was curious as to what the underlying causes for diabetes are and why the propensity for it in Asia?  Are there steps one could take to reduce the risk?

    just not enough exercise . they sit around too much on their butts.

    the hot climate doesnt help.

    I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you on this. I think Thai people are more active than many westerners. However, I do agree with Ben@H3- Digital in regards to Thai culture adopting McDonalds and eating more Bread like the western countries. I don't believe The Sugar in the food or exercising causes diabetes, but i'm sure exercise helps eliminate just a little (very little). I think its more in your family history.

  11. Any suggestion(s) to a safer airline from New York to BKK?.  Note: Thai airways on the A340 takes 17.5 hrs

    NOT Northwest. Their mechanics went on strike, so they hired scabs, but the scabs were all qualified. Working on planes takes an FAA license. However, they replaced 4500 mechanics with 1200 or so. The FAA has stepped up their inspections of the planes, and the inspectors are finding many many problems with the maintenance work being done. Issues caused by overwork and lack of time. I would not recommend anyone fly Northwest for anything at this point.

    Its funny you mentioned Northwest, Typcially we flied with them / KLM. We hated to fly with them since their services are terrible. This is the first time weve considered ThaiAirway , long and behold, the story broke about the crash. Just goes to show you my godawful luck :o

    Any other suggestions would be great

  12. Thats a bit scary. My plans were to come back to BKK in April via Thai Airways, not sure anymore. This kind of news just gives me the creeps. My wife will surely not like hearing this news so I guess I better just hush :o

    Any suggestion(s) to a safer airline from New York to BKK?. Note: Thai airways on the A340 takes 17.5 hrs

  13. Ehh.... no where in the world have government intervention into free trade/free market forces been good in helping anybody in the long run - including the "poor".

    Sure; create a well fare system where ONLY the proven "poor" (whatever that is) get the cheap (or free?) food based on a well fare card or similar - that might make sense - but to dump food prices across the board just distorts the real problems out there (be it inflation based on a weak monetary policy or whatever).


    agree, its definitely not a long term solution, but, when your income is less than $200.00 /month (if you're lucky) and you have to feed your family. I would say a plate of food at 10 baht is much prefered and appreciated. However, since this is mr. PM's idea, we know that it won't last long, than this will give the poor a chance to have a few extra baht in their wallets and saved a bit. Providing ofcourse they don't splurge on other items such as "mekong whiskey" :o

  14. Might I suggest everyone boycott 12 call (AIS)?

    I'm fairly happy w/ Happy on a prepaid.

    It's not the porno necc - It's the CONTROL.

    Who does he think he is - Bush? -let's hope he meets the same fate!

    Dear God or Buddha, I hope he does not meet the same fate as Bush. We wouldn't want him to be re-elected :o

  15. That is the good policy of Thai government try to help people. Because of we spend too much money for an energy and make farang oil company rich richer and richest.

    just 10 baht for Thai people who got a bit salary. If you are farangs should to pay white taxes  included just a bit baht. If you compare with a bottle of alcohol and easy money you attend to use it in bar. This price of food is worst in your eyes.

    pardon me, what is a "bit baht"?

  16. Here's a thought !!

    Thailand has so many less fortunate people than there are "street vendors" , soooo, the "dumped" price will actually help majority of the people. i agree it does not do justice for the Vendors but It will defnitely help majority of the poor people (ie: all the cheap laborers who can't afford the vendors prices). Most people who can afford to pay 30-40 baht for a plate/ bowl of food will not bother purchasing the 10 baht plate anyway

    So before getting upset and sarcastic (unless its in joking manner), please remember the majority of Thai people are "poor"

    Not sure what "white taxes" is either but lets not bring race into these conversation. Its just not appropriate. :o

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