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  1. There is a guy on here called Mike Bell who posts daily on every thread he possibly can that the local " plod " are inept and don't enforce traffic violations Why on earth then would you be worried about parking regulations ?
  2. Good to read Nams are protecting their staff from the nutters.
  3. If I tell you what to do, what do I get out of it ?. You don't expect this little black duck to give you free advice do you ?
  4. From the TAT Governor, " Indian tourists to Thailand stay on average 7-8 days with daily spending of around 5,500 baht. "
  5. Ask yourself why was it that City Hall, the hospitality industry and the local branch of the tourism association in Pattaya were crying out to the government to extend nightlife opening hours after COVID reopening if the City had actually transformed itself away from nightlife dependency. Utter fiction as usual from the Pattaya Mail.
  6. Why would anyone believe what the OP "news" outlet writes. It has a trolling agenda as far as the straight nightlife scene is concerned. During COVID it reported that it had it on good authority that Walking Street nightlife businesses weren't going to have their licences renewed because the powers that be wanted it cleaned up. So what has happened ? - absolutely no change.
  7. Correct, all my friends from the UK have taken advantage of the extension to 60 days visa free this high season. Similar situation with Europeans from the likes of Germany and France in my condo. I would class these as wealthier tourists and you said in an earlier post Thailand is turning away these quality tourists, when in fact it has encouraged them to stay longer by extending visa free. As I said before I very much doubt the high volume near markets like Malaysia, China and India are spending longer here, they are typically short stay visitors. You didn't answer my question about average length of stay in India compared to Thailand, I'm genuinely curious.
  8. Currency exchange figures possibly.
  9. The amount of spend is directly related to length of stay, so what was the average length of stay for tourists to India compared to Thailand ? Thailand's main, and growth, tourism markets are its near neighbours who are typically short stay tourists of 4-5 days on average. This is why an increase in tourist numbers doesn't necessarily equate to a large increase in overall tourism revenue.
  10. Anyone agreeing with you clearly hasn't done their research.
  11. The Chinese numbers are still 50% lower than pre-Covid so it is not them driving the tourist numbers. You are conveniently ignoring the fact that tourism from Western countries is back to pre-Covid numbers and in some cases now exceeding Pre-Covid. India may well have a lower GDP than Thailand, but just like poor Thais from the boonies aren't likely to holiday abroad so it is with Indians. You need to lose your blinkered racism.
  12. Haha what a load of rubbish. The figures are broken down by country and I can assure you Thais are not counted. As for moving hotels, what on earth are you smoking !!
  13. I can understand why someone who chose to leave the country would hold that view.
  14. What a stupid statement, you can hardly blame TAT for an adults inability to control their drinking. Ever heard of personal responsibility.
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