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Posts posted by MobileContent

  1. Thai women still prefer a Thai man above faran, most normal thai women wouldn't been seen dead with a farang

    That's a real troll post ☺

    Yeah everyone knows that poor Thai women are brought up with the notion that the only way out of poverty is to take up with a farang

    Absolute rubbish. I know some bar girls in our village and they wouldn't even bring those Pattaya farang <snip> back to their village. A good looking woman can make 100-150k a month and once she got a farang he might give her 20-40k a month. GoGo bars is easy money for the good looking one and they play the game to make money.

    If some fat bolded guy comes by and want to marry her and is that stupid to build the house and buys a car she sees it as good luck to take his money and then dumps him.

    Just two weeks ago an American came by our village and stayed for one day in a Bamboo hut with his new found love from some Pattaya GoGo Bar. This is the third guy that came by the last 4 years but that smart lady keeps bring the farangs to the bamboo hut but no to her 2 homes she have already. When I met her last week I asked her how much he gave her and she told me she skinned him for 350,000. I told her well done and she opened a few bottles JW. She now left back to Pattaya and hopes to fish another farang sucker in Pattaya.

    At least Thai guys are not that stupid as most of the farangs that fish for love in Pattaya.


  2. Troll post or not anyone who has spent time in Thai villages will see many men in hammocks, gambling or drinking all day while the women work farms or go to the city to work in shops.

    I have been living five years in a village and my neighbor runs a casino but it is mainly used by womans who have nothing to do plus those farang wife's that gambles the money away.

    Of course you will see guys that get drunk on Lao Kao and they behave very uneducated but surprisingly many own or have a lot of land. You can't blame the Thai guys for not having a job as this year they are only allowed to plant once a year.

    But I do agree Sakeo and Sisaket is very extreme and I would't stay their for any honey.

    Some blame the Thai guys in those villages for all the problems but I blame the government for it.

  3. An interesting post,

    But when I read "Compared to women, only only 3% of men work in positions that contribute taxable income to the society."

    It made me wonder how many of us farangs in Thailand fall into the same category?

    I myself could be seen that way.

    I have an income form outside of Thailand that is not really taxed here as income, and I have a Thai wife who works and pays taxes on her income.

    If we are being honest, I think a lot of foreign husbands of Thai women are "samesame, but different.

    And, now..

    It's time for all of you "Yeah buts" to reply.

    Complete Bs, most men work in other countries.

    A large number of Thai men too work as well here.

  4. I have around 150 Thai friends of which maybe only 10 are females.

    I got to be honest Thai guys can be great friends also their wife's seem to be a pain in the ass. My bodies are mostly teachers, army, police, managers and some government officials. If you ever had close Thai male friends they will go through thick and thin with you.

    Now back to this Post. The OP is a troll.

    Oh yes, I stay normally away from farangs as friends as mostly here in Isaan are retarded.

    Bangkok is a different story so maybe its time for me to start a Farang bashing post.

  5. Kind of a risky business methinks. You only need 1 big sore loser and the whole thing falls apart. As you know the odds are usually stacked in the houses favor. The odds here of getting caught seem extremely high considering that one sore loser will run off to the cop shop and spill his guts and maybe even get a reward of sorts. I would guess its to late to take out some "insurance" against being raided. Next time they set up it would be wise to contact Brown & Company for anti raid coverage.

    The issue is that those guys didn't paid up their fees.

    Every Soi has a Football gambling guy running around with a leather bag and taking bets from hundreds of people's daily.

  6. I don't think you will be banned, mate. Yes, immigration has the ability to ban you, but I don't believe it's mandatory.

    maybe your right

    this is to hard for married people with children

    my plan was to go in airport pay the fine 20k

    fly in Cambodia,to get a new 3 months tourist visa

    return in thailand

    send all my stuff and go back home

    but right now i will not risk a trip in Cambodia before i send my stuff home

    or i have to find a way-company to send them without valid visa

    Their is a Thaivisa agency on this website and you might be able to clear your overstay at Nongkai border and get a new visa. Savanakhet might give you a one year ME - O visa

  7. Great, the politicians need to learn that they too can go to jail maybe next time then they wont rouse up people to burn or to bomb and kill. Once they understand that not only the lowly food soldiers can go to jail but they too they would calm down a bit and the country would be a lot better.

    All those amnesties are a bane to this country.. getting one for Thaksin is what started all this. Politicians keep thinking they are above the law and by doing so keep breaking up the country. In normal countries those that fired up the protesters for burning BKK would be in jail and a bombing campaign against anti government protesters that is just un thinkable in normal countries. All because politicians think they can't be touched.

    Now a good point is made that the general gave himself an amnesty, so be it but its politicians that got us here in the first place, without the amnesty for the crook from Dubai there would not have been street protests and the army would not have had to step in. Or maybe the PTP should not have unleashed their killer squats bombing and shooting up protesters.

    Rob I agree that there should NOT be any amnesty for politicians that have broken serious laws.

    Unfortunately there are politician's as well as students, academics, political science members protesters mothers, people with a red bowl, people commenting anything at all regarding politics, clicking like on FB, criticizing the junta/the referendum and the public are being condemned as "political offenders", sorry mate but most of the country and the world would think they are NOT "political offenders" but they are people with a conscience and stand by it even when threatened with gaol.

    Then some could say most of the country and the world would think this is a morally corrupt regime that thinks it's self is above the law and hypocrites' of the highest order.

    So Rob, just who are innocent "political offenders and whom are guilty?

    And I'm afraid that being a politician dose not mean you do not have the right to your conscience and to express it, but the junta has made that a crime.....

    "Now a good point is made that the general gave himself an amnesty, so be it" Seriously is that it?

    If it walks like a hypocrite and talks like a hypocrite then it's a ________!!!

    Oh i agree about the red bowl and student leaders, I am more talking about the people like Jattuporn / Suthep and others that get away with almost anything and keep stirring up trouble.

    Thing is mate the general was forced into the coup by the AMNESTY for Thaksin and the protests that followed. Without that he would not be in this mess. So I can understand that amnesty for him and the army as they were forced into this. But I agree it looks quite hypocritical. However in most countries if your forced to commit a crime because of an other crime it is usually looked upon much more favorably then when you were not forced into it. (there are cases of people killing murderers of their kids that walked ) i see this in a similar light he was forced to act.

    So I can understand that amnesty for him and the army as they were forced into this

    Do you really think that the army was forced into it? Their have been so many coups in Thailand and the army always changed the constitution and passed an amnesty for their crimes and this has been going on for the past 70+ years.

    Their are more people killed in the deep South as during the last protest of Suthep two years ago.

    The EC is biased, the constitutional court is biased and the problem really is that the elite treats the peasants from the North, Northeast and the Deep South as shit.

  8. Good on him.

    10,000 would have been more appropriate considering the amount.

    I think 5000 Baht is ok. In Germany if you leave your bag in a taxi the driver gets actually nothing. Its the same if you leave your bag at a restaurant. Their is no finders fee for that in Germany.

    If you do find a bag in Germany with lets say 5000 Euros inside you will report it to police and they will keep it for one year. If no one reports it lost after one year you get the bag back with the money. If someone reports it lost the finders fee is 10% or 500 Euros.

    Japan and Germany are the two places I would feel confident about having it returned. Maybe Singapore. It would be a bit hit or miss in other places.

    In Germany each driver makes sure you have nothing left on the seat. Singapore I would also feel confident and I found Singapore taxi drivers to be very polite.

  9. A little historical perspective -- up till the 1980s or so Bangkok taxi drivers were a pretty rough lot. A lot of them drove like maniacs and had all kinds of ways of cheating passengers. Anything you left in a cab was likely gone forever.

    It's hugely better these days Most seem like decent people, basically trying to do a good job. So stories like this don't surprise me at all. I suppose the knee-jerk cynicism is supposed to sound knowledgeable. In this case, for the great majority of drivers, it's just plain wrong.

    You hit it spot on. I remember the 80's when their were no meters or the meters were not used and they speeded like hell.

    A lot has changed in the last 10-15 years. Often was stucked at Villa Market around Soi 33-35 and I had to waive a 100 Baht note when trying to stop a taxi.

  10. Good on him.

    10,000 would have been more appropriate considering the amount.

    I think 5000 Baht is ok. In Germany if you leave your bag in a taxi the driver gets actually nothing. Its the same if you leave your bag at a restaurant. Their is no finders fee for that in Germany.

    If you do find a bag in Germany with lets say 5000 Euros inside you will report it to police and they will keep it for one year. If no one reports it lost after one year you get the bag back with the money. If someone reports it lost the finders fee is 10% or 500 Euros.

  11. As far as I know the mother would always have a way to get to the money.

    As an example if you are the sole legal guardian you could open a bank account Fixed Deposit with Kasikorn Bank and they would put your name into the account as well.

    My boy is 3 1/2 years old and I am consider putting him as the owner of my small studio apartment in Bangkok but the condo management company is a bit slow due to the management fees. If my boy is the owner of the studio and I am late with management fees which can be paid yearly their could be a problem.

    My suggestion would be talk to a good lawyer in Bangkok recommended by your local embassy to explain what options you have. A better option might be to give him some offshore options and you put the money outside of Thailand.

  12. I seriously doubt those figures

    It would suggest a high degree of efficiency from the thai authorities

    Even if it only cost 1000 baht to process each individual, 100,000 would mean the government spent 100 million baht on this

    I too doubt those figures, however immigration and police are known to confiscate everything they can turn into cash from mobile phones and of course the cash.

    Many of those foreigners are getting court in provinces near borders so they can be send direct back to the border. What I do not understand is why they don't get prosecuted and send to court.

    If a foreigner is illegal in Thailand the law states that they must be presented to a judge in court who will put a fine on them or jail them.

    Something surely is missing in this story.

  13. I found it funny how some of the posters think that Scotland is the key to everything.

    Been to Scotland many times and also Edinburgh rocks but outside Edinburgh I see nothing that can compare to England.

    Of course Scotland has oil revenues but BP and Excon seem to be controlling the oil output.

    Now Scotland is asking for being part of the EU, let them be and take the Euro as their official currently and get dictated by Germany and France. As for the other countries in the EU they have really nothing much to say and follow the orders from Berlin and Paris.

    My guess their is no more EU in 10 years time as it becomes irrelevant.

  14. &lt;deleted&gt; - When I do work I always take 50% upfront before I even lift my finger. Those contractors should have asked for a down-payment. If Donald doesn't agree to a down-payment they could have walked away before they even start working.

    I have done this approach in Thailand for the past 28 years and I only accepted projects with a down-payment.

    Have a lot of farang friends in Thailand that trusted Thai companies and they lost it all.

  15. I think with the attack on Istanbul's airport this will not only ruin the tourism industry in Turkey but as well Turkish Airlines.

    I have seen a documentary last week on the BBC that the tourism industry is going through chaotic times with occupance rates by just 20% in the Antalya region. The Russians and Germans left and it looks like the Brits are also not coming more in big numbers.

    Greece and Spain are the ultimate winners this year. Turkey is much cheaper as GR and ES but security concerns is the biggest issue.

  16. Why on earth does this UN stories keep coming in the news with Thailand wanted a seat. Last year it was the UN Human Rights Commission where Thailand wanted a seat and this year its the UNSC. Kazakhstan surely is also not a very democratic country but I am sure that the Western countries and CIS countries backed Kazakhstan against Thailand. Thailand mostly got ASEAN, Asian and some African countries.

    If I were Thailand aka the General I just would keep a low profile at the UN.

  17. I just can't believe that due to the drop in Sterling every UK citizen has to leave now Thailand.

    I am sure many retirees in Thailand still have overseas investments and some cash put aside for days when it is needed and they can use it to topup their funds to either 400 or 800k or a combination of cash and monthly pensions.

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