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Posts posted by MobileContent

  1. I am not an expert of course but no of the following:


    1) A friend of mine fathered a child with a Thai woman and his name is on the birth certificate. He sponsored her visa to come on a tourist visa (Schengen) to Germany. The child was around 4 years.


    2) After a few month his Thai GF was bored and told the German BF and father of the child that she wanted to return with their child but the parents of the BF told him to get possession of the child.


    3) He went to the Jugendamt which looks after the children in Germany and they told him a) Your Child has no German citizenship and the birth certificate wasn't even officially translated into German plus the child wasn't even registered officially in the German birth register.


    Lawyers kept telling him they can do work for him for a good fee of course and he paid a lot of money but on the end his Thai GF just took his child back to Thailand and he had no contact to them for the past 6 years.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, onemorechang said:

    Ha Ha

    Go and have breakfast with the Chinese tour groups.

    you will be enlightened very quickly.

    Truly a most  disgusting experience,  all round the world.  :sick:




    We bring around 75,000 Chinese tourists per year to Thailand and when I stay at the Dusit Pattaya or Royal Cliff most  of them are Chinese.


    I am considering open a Chinese restaurant, minimart or a Karaoke bar in Pattaya serving only Chinese of course. 

  3. 2 hours ago, bark said:

    Have you never been  in a plane with Chinese people. Talking ( yelling)

    Have you never been at a restaurant buffet with 20-30 Chinese people.

    Have you never heard the term " Zero Tourist ? "

    Have you never etc. etc.


    1) All the time. Its funny when at take off they want to go up to take their camera off. For me its the movies.


    2) All the time in four and five star hotels. Never had a problem with them and some birds look really nice.


    3) Never heard the term Zero Baht tourists but I guess they don't stay in properties which I frequent. I do have to say that in the hotel I am always staying are currently 35-40% Chinese FIT users but they dont come on tours.


    Had a hell of problems with some horny farang guys on Jomtien and Pattaya Beach but thank Buddha I had no problems with the Chinese tourists at Dusit, Royal Cliff etc. As they say if you pay peanut you get monkeys. If some 1 Dollars Chinese tourists walk around in Pattaya I have no problems with them.


  4. I don't eat anything from the sea except some chips with seaweed. I love sharks and the hammerhead are fantastic to see on Discovery Channel but here in Isaan I have seen many baby sharks for eat at the market but I am used to it.


    The Japanese kill thousands of Dolphins every year so if someone eats a hammerhead, shit happens.


    I certainly will not eat and prefer maybe to eat a puppy dog if I have to chose between something from the sea or something that is barking around in my neighborhood. 

  5. A lot of Nuclear scientists  got killed over the past 10 years and most of them died via car bombs. The West didn't said shit about it. Let me guess the 5 scientists  that died via car bombs didn't wanted to cooperate with the West so they had to go.


    One that seem to have spied for the West was court by Iran and the world cries foul that he got executed.

  6. 3 hours ago, scorecard said:

    North-East in rounded numbers:

    Yes 49%

    No  51%


    I'm very surprising it wasn't a bigger % for No. IMHO it shows the red machine was at work but didn't convince all that many.


    Or maybe it means the paymasters thugs are no longer capable of frightening and/or brainwashing so many Issan folks. 


    Interesting message 


    In our village the PYB and Kamnan pushed to vote for a Yes. 

  7. On 7/29/2016 at 3:05 PM, bark said:

    When you only pay 50 baht/hour; you get what you pay for. Better to pay a working girl at Nana Plaza.

    Why waste your money for language lessons ?


    I know some farangs that learn the Thai language from bar girls and as soon they talk Thai everyone knows that they are mingling around with bar girls.

  8. Also a bit far away in Kamtakla is the German Restaurant that is run by Georg and his wife. Every Sunday a lot of farangs come for his German food.


    PS: I am not related to the restaurant but often drop by for a couple of beers and the German food.

  9. 6 hours ago, abrahamzvi said:

    That is absolutely untrue. I do know Germany quite well and I would estimate that in Germany the driver would get at least BHT20,000 . Why do you make misleading statements of this nature?


    Not true. If you loose a bag and the driver finds the bag of the passenger he would call the Zentrale (the Taxi company) which most of the time have the phone number of the passenger. Furthermore a driver is required to return the item to his taxi company and the bag will be stored their or if the client drove the passenger to a hotel he MUST CONTACT the hotel. If the hotel has a name with the passenger, he/she will come down to the reception and claim that bag.


    A tip is not required but surely appreciated but not expected because taxi is expensive in Germany.

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