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Posts posted by MobileContent

  1. I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam, but please for the sake of future generations, find the courage and do the right thing.

    Which is...?

    Be openly anti-Muslim. By which I mean be intolerant of their noxious attitudes customs and mores. I do not mean be openly unpleasant nor threatening but why should we permit halal meat production in our countries for example?

    Because we also offer it to Jews to slaughter meat for kosher food. I think that is the least problem that the European countries are facing. I have many Muslim friends in Berlin but they are very open minded, bang around, smoke pot and don't give a damn about Islam.

    Then I know some nuts cases from Turkey that have been 3rd generation Turks and they try to tell me that Erdogan has 200,000 soldiers in Germany that could be activated within minutes if he wants it.

    I grow up in Kreuzberg/Neukolln in Berlin and I can tell you a lot has changed in the past 28 years since I moved to Thailand.

    Many Muslims from Turkey and Iran are very well integrated and I am still very close to some of them and its them they ring the alarm bells that Germany is going down the toilet and they even get abused by the fanatics for drinking a beer, having a German woman etc.

    Kosher or Halal food is not really my problem and I am often eating out at Arab, Greek or Thai restaurants.

    The real problem is those 2-5% fanatics which are walking time bombs in Germany. I am surprised that Berlin has not been hit yet but it is just a matter of time before the big bang comes.

  2. I was 22 years old when I dated a 36 year old Singaporean woman with children. She was a stunner but when she turned 54 years old I had to let go of it.

    My biggest mistake was raising her kids and also they were great at a young age they became nuts at an older age and still expected me to pay up the bills.

    I wouldn't do it again in my life.

    Now I have my lady which is half my age and we have a 3 year old boy and have been together for the past 5 years. Karma at it best !!

    • Like 1
  3. My Mrs is daily abused by a farang manager and another Farang and I asked her if I should call Thonglor Police station or the immigration department.

    Her response was that she can take care herself about the situation and she prefers me not to get involved.

    As for me I trust her 100% and I am sure she will handle the situation very well.

    As for the OP let your Mrs take care of the situation and don't get involved.

  4. I cleaned the filter of the WM of my in-laws which I bought for them 4 years ago but it was to late already.

    I am now only buying the washing powder for everyone and I just court my mum when she cleaned the toilets with it but I just smile and let her do it.

    Here are some other AMUSING facts from today.

    Monk comes in today at 10am and wants us to contribute money for his travel. MIL says no and ignores him because he sees nice home of farang and me too. One of our dogs barks at him and he still things he wants to enter our compound to get some money. The monk was alone and no layman was with him. One of our dogs that has currently puppies attacks the monk and bites on on our premises.

    Monk ask for 2000 Baht and I tell him how about show me your card that you are a real monk. I tell my MIL dont give him any money but MIL gives him 200 Baht to get an injection for rabbis.

    Monk talks about calling the police and I told him let me call them now. Within two minutes he was gone.

  5. RIP to the three and for the hubby may he rot in jail.

    According to German media reports, the mother had a gik on the sideline when the hubby worked during shifts but this is no reason for him to kill his wife and his two adopted daughters.

    As for sending the bodies back to Thailand it will need to be paid by the families in Thailand or friends of the family in Germany. It is very expensive to send three coffins back to Thailand which could cost 200 - 300,000 Baht.

  6. Apparently a German born of Iranian Descent. People going he is Iranian so he is not white. Please define white? Spaniards and Portugese are not always pale in colour are they white?

    I have Olive skin but blue eyes and brown hair . Am I white?

    The Guy might be a Shiite or he could be an Iranian Kurd. What if he is a Christian of Iranian descent? Does that make a difference.

    The innnocents this man murdered if most are Immigrants does this make it ok?

    He is said to have said he was born in Germany, Living in a depressed area of Munich.

    He yelled anti immigrant statements.

    Yes He is a Nutter in any ones books. Murdered innocent people. We will have to wait and see if he was radical. Was he inspired by that crazed Butcher Anders Brevic or by those deranged Camel Humpers ISIL we will have to wait and see

    Germans are greedy and stingy. It's immigrants they called once as "guest workers" when they needed cheap labour force. Now they feel they don't need them anymore, so immigrants (even in the 3rd generation get marginalized.

    ISIL is greedy. The organisation known as Daesh and self-proclaimed founders of a self-proclaimed "Islamic State of Iraq and Levante" is a sponge for young men marginalized in Europe. Daesh even pay their warriors, they say the wage is about 500 EUR per month. The expectation of 70 virgins in paradise is a nice but doubtful add-on, but 500 EUR p.m. should do as a baseline for further negotiations. This amount should be paid by the Europeans that marginalized the inhabitants of Arabia, Germany being the richest of all.

    But: Germany is still greedy, and it's still stingy.

    I found this posting from you stunning.

    Immigrants in Germany have the same rights as Germans and are protected by the German constitution.

    If 3rd generations get marginalized this will have to do with their past educations but they still get Unemployed benefits or later Hartz 4 (Minimum 404 Euro).

    Adult: 404 Euro

    Additional Adult who lives in the same apartment/HOUSE: 364 Euro

    Additional Adult who lives in another apartment/HOUSE: 320 Euro

    Teenager between 15 to 18 Years: 306 Euro

    Children between 7 bis 14 Years: 270 Euro

    Children until the age of 6 Years: 237 Euro

    So lets assume that a family of 5, Husband and wife, 2 children at age 3 and 9 and a 19 year old who lives in another home but is the son or daughter of that family they would receive the minimum as per law:

    404 Euro First Adult

    364 Euro 2nd Adult

    270 Euro 9 year old child

    237 Euro 3 year old child

    320 Euro 19 year old sun or daughter

    1595 Euro per month = 62,205 Baht per month

    Not included is the apartment or if they have more then 2 children or take in their parents the bills per month can be over 3000 Euro per month. For a new child born they will also receive extra money.


    The Munich massacre was carried out by 18-year-old Ali Sonboly. While the murder spree had no apparent connection to Muslim ideology, the BBC didn’t take any chances. As Raheem Kassam of Breitbart News documents, the BBC doggedly referred to the killer as “David Sonboly,” David being his middle name:


    The German Spiegel still refers him as David Sonboly

  8. Not sure what to say all about this. I am sure it was a lone wolf and he was discussed with his life in Germany but this is the second incident in a week in just Bavaria and I am sure that next week their will be more attacks. A lot of migrants have almost no future in Germany because they are not integrated and are possible a ticking time-bomb.

    How on an earth this 18 year old teenager could get a weapon makes me think he had other people that sold him the weapon.

    The German government will do anything (Mutti Merkel) to make it sound he has no Islamic links and German media has a blackout for over 6 hours that it was a German Iranian which makes me think the German government is fueling the situation and if those attacks happened more regularly I don't think Merkel can hold on to power.

    As for the victims RIP

  9. This is getting out of control! Complete madness! sad.png

    More to come, the trojan horses (10000s of them) are in. I am staying in Thailand.coffee1.gif

    It looks like the attack was done by right wing terrorists (Neo Nazis).

    18 years old German with Iranian origin. See the last news.

    Sorry my mistake. The news is very confusing in Germany and it looks like both Spiegel and Focus don't report what the International media has been reporting already.

  10. And in a further development Sanit said that interviews with 16 policemen suspected of wrong doing at the Prachcheun station in relation to the case have now been concluded. A committee set up under the leadership of senior officer Thanapon Sonthet will look into the fallout from the interviews and decide what action to take against the officers involved.

    This whole case is a farse. If the Chicken lady is charged so should be the police officers.

  11. What a pity they didn't landed in Singapore and by lunch time they would be sentenced already to at least a year in prison.

    And likely three strokes of the cane as well.

    Surprisingly this is not the case.

    I was on a flight to Spore and a pac got off his face and rowdy. On landing the cops came and took him off. They held him up long enough to miss his connection then let him go Scot-free.

    Indonesia will just sit on them till they pay enough in bribes to get out.

    When you flow to which country did the airline diverted the flight and which airline was it?

    If they don't divert the flight it surely is a slap on the back but once they divert the flight to Singapore to make a landing to get rid of the passengers they surely will prosecute.

    I think you should mention to which country your flight was diverted.

  12. What a pity they didn't landed in Singapore and by lunch time they would be sentenced already to at least a year in prison.

    Don't be so sure - the Indonesians do not like drunks, especially fighting drunks. Personally, I would prefer Singapore as they speak English and are not religiously against alcohol.

    At the end of the day, such losers might prefer to spend a year in jail so as to have bragging rights when they get back to Oz. Much better to hit them where it really hurts, in the wallet. How about 10,000 Aussie dollars each to get them to cool their jets? or more if they are rich low-life!

    My guess they will be for two weeks in jail and pay a fine of 10 million Rupiahs.

    They will plead guilty and get a slap on the back. By the way alcohol is not a problem in Indonesia. In Singapore they are serious about problems on an airplane.

  13. Their are many good monks in Sakon Nakhon. The problem is to many monks are getting younger and younger and on top of that many monks have just been ordained into the monkhood.

    Our neighbor who has been drunk for the past 3 years decided to become a monk three days ago. Our village wat told him no way we will take him in, so he shot off to another wat 15km away.

    They actually asked me to come to the small party before he moved to the wat but I told them no thank you. Expect a lot of headlines coming out in the next 3 months as the wild season just started for monk-hood and it will continue until October.

    I do have respect for monks and we have some good monks around but they are all very very old.

    To many unemployed youngsters that join the wats.

  14. After working in the hospitality industry here in Thailand for years, it seems to me that many people in this forum are sadly mistaken about the state of the tourism industry over here.

    In all of the hotels I've worked at (4-5 stars), 90% of the clientele are couples and families. Only 10% are single male travelers. Those 90% also tend to spend a lot more on average than the other 10%, at least within the confines of the hotel (spa, food and beverage, excursions, etc...).

    The same is true on the other end of the spectrum, in very cheap guesthouses. Those tend to cater mostly to groups of young people or young singles who typically can find sex without having to pay for it and mostly tend to hookup with other foreign travelers anyway.

    That leaves the 2-3stars hotels, which are where most single males stay. In such hotels located in tourist destinations, it's about a 50%/50% ratio, with 50% groups and families and 50% single 30y+ men. I sincerely doubt, however, that travelers who can't spend more than 1,500 to 2,000 baht/night for accommodation spend a considerable amount of money while they are outside their hotel.

    Edit: Those ratios apply to places where I actually have hands-on experience (BKK, Phuket and Samui). Pattaya, on the other hand, probably has a much higher single men ratio, but that's only one town out of about ten major tourist hotspots in Thailand.

    Your analysis is good but it needs some numbers. I assume 4-5 star hotel tourist amount for a tiny fraction of the total. Maybe 2% or 5% or 6%. Where is the rest of the tourist dollar supposed to come from?

    I think WaffleIron was spot on. I often stay at a 4 star hotel on Sukhumvit Road and a room goes for around 3000 Baht and they have 400 rooms and have an occupancy rate of 92%. Those 3 star hotels on the same Soi have only around 70 rooms on average and often the hotel has just an occupancy rate of 35%.

    The hotel has over 150 staffs and boost the economy of the whole Soi but the smaller hotels have an average of 20-30 staffs plus hire a lot of illegals which means their are no taxes paid for it.

    Even the restaurants on that Soi are surviving because the hotel is always fully booked.

    I would highly suggest that four and give stars hotels are contributing at least 25-35% at any day to the Thai tourism industry.

    Just make a simple calculation:

    3000 Baht x 400 rooms x 30 days x 12 months = 432 Million Baht in revenues plus all the revenues it generates for that Soi. In addition their are daily functions and MICE meetings plus they run 4 restaurants on site. Single males are maybe 20% of total revenues and they are not spending much inside the property but do support the local restaurants in the Soi, also the mini marts and of course the massage shops.

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