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No...it will not get off the ground. It was reported in the Bangkok Post today/8 Nov and TheNation last night/7 Nov that the Interior Minister formerly requested withdrawal of the proposal and the Deputy Prime Minister Prawit (the I Don't Know guy) accepted the withdrawal. Summary: the govt has done another U-turn...flip-flop...reneged on the proposal....another half baked scheme thrown out.
In doing my marriage extensions of stay all I have ever been required to provide is a copy of the marriage certificate (kor for 3) and certificate still married (kor ror 2). But since you are getting your initial Non O marriage visa the "certifying martial status" is supposedly required according to that list you provided. Expect only you or the "office you originally registered at" would have a copy.
All depends on your situation....do you need the LTR visa in your passport before arriving Thailand or can wait to after you enter Thailand on another type of Visa/visa exempt.. It's a two step process 1st step process is to apply and get approved at the BOI LTR website....and during that application process you tell them if approved whether you want to get the LTR issued (put in your passport) at the BOI Immigration in Bangkok (requires an appointment) or at a Thai embassy. Step 1 is the key step....the most important step....not getting approved in step 1 means there is no step 2. If your LTR application is approved you then can move on to the 2nd step in getting the approved LTR paid for and issued at BOI Immigration in Bangkok or a Thai embassy some around the world where you would probably use the e-visa system. You have 60 days from the date of the LTR Endorsement letter (i..e, approval) to apply for the visa issuance. As mentioned the 1st step is the most important...that is, applying for and getting approved for an LTR visa. The 2nd step of apply for/paying for it within 60 days of LTR approval is more of an administrative, sweeping-up operation. Basically, you've been approved--now take step 2 and pay for the visa issuance. If you can wait to pay/get the approved LTR entered in your passport at BOI then the fee is Bt50K versus a possibly higher fee (due to embassy used exchange rate) at a Thai embassy where you may have to use the e-visa system. But if you need/want the visa in your passport "before" arriving Thailand in order to get into Thailand then you pretty much must have it issued at a Thai embassy.
Thanks....ltr is still processing.....ain't got a clue if it will be approved....especially the Tricare insurance. I figure I will not know for "at least" another two weeks....probably three.
That's all you can do. Since the top of the checklist which you must include in the package is titled as snapshot below which requires your initials on the checklist I guess that good enough for them. The certified copy "might" include a statement somewhere on it that the certified copy is for application of SS/federal benefits which you will be sending to SS FBU Manila. Now "before" if you went to the embassy/consulate to get the blessed copy of your passport/naturalization certificate for SS benefit purposes the embassy/consulate would also send those blessed copies directly to Manila FBU for you....OR, you could have them back for you to mail/email. I said "before" because the last person I hand-walked thru this process (a dual U.S./Thai citizen) about five years ago I told her when getting the fee-free certified copies ask them if they would send to the Manila FBU since it part of the U.S. Embassy-Manila....and the U.S. Embassy-Bangkok gladly did such. They apparently used embassy to embassy post....it just went from embassy to embassy. "If they will still do this" when a person askes that can save a person money in mailing costs/time from Thailand to Manila unless the Manila FBU rep has said they will accept a scanned/faxed/email copy of the certified copy. When the person came back from the embassy we sent an email to the Manila FBU saying the Bangkok embassy had blessed and sent the docs to Manila. In only four days later after notifying Manila the Bangkok embassy had sent the docs the Manila FBU rep replied saying the docs had been receive via post and her application was approved.
No...it means just above the passport main page (main page is page 2 of passport...page with your photo) there is a place on page 3 for your signature where you are suppose to sign as soon as you get the passport. Summary: ensure you have signed your passport on passport page 3 signature line.
Below snapshot is a [artial quote of a Dept of State (DoS) Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) talking how the DoS (which includes its embassies) will bless (i.e., notarize) docs related to Social Security Regional Foreign Benefit Office (like Manila SS FBU) when that office requests it from the person applying. In the past this request would normally be a sentence in an email/docs from Manila saying they needed to see your original passport and/or naturalization certificate (or whatever doc) "OR" a certified/notarized copy. That was proof to the embassy you were indeed applying for federal benefits....be sure to show them the request from SSA/Manila in order to get the fee-free notarization. Now below FAM doesn't get into fees; just says the SSA reimburses the DoS for services. Additionally, there is a DoS regulation that states in a paragraph they will not charge a fee for notarization of docs required for federal benefits like SS.....and if I remember right it even applied to state and maybe local govt benefits....I have posted it once or twice years back in old AseanNow threads/posts relating to SS application and just can't find it now....I should have bookmarked that reg but I didn't. https://fam.state.gov/fam/07fam/07fam0530.html
If you clearly identified/proved you needed the SS papers for application of federal benefits (like an email/doc from SS/Manila FBU saying they needed to see your original or a certified/notarized copy of your passport and/or naturalization certificate you may want to try to get a refund. At the U.S. Embassy Bangkok website it even says no fee for SS application like when using their mail-in service to get your docs blessed. No fee also if you make an in-person appoint. There is a U.S. State Dept regulations that also says (or use to say...expect it still does) no fee for notarization of docs required for federal benefits...and it might have even been for state/local govt benefits also....today I google a little and see if I can stumble across that St Dept regulation again.. Below from US Embassy-Bangkok Website https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/notaries-public/certified-true-copies-of-original-documents-and-foreign-passports-for-use-with-social-security-applications-when-requested-by-fbu-manila/ And another US Embassy-Bangkok webpage talking notary services they "can" provide (and those they can't) https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/notaries-public/
The person doing it was obviously unaware they were not suppose to charge you per St Dept regulation.
And keep in mind those blessed/notarized copies are free when applying for federal benefits like SS pension....don't let them mistakenly charge you $50 per notarized copy.
@Billpro785 I think you may have the cart before the horse. As Misty pointed out you need to get approved for an LTR Visa by the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) before you can apply to have the stamp issued at a Thai embassy. Applying for a LTR Visa approval is a completely separate process from applying for issue of the LTR Visa stamp at a Thai embassy.
Regarding every year address reporting for the LTR Visa, I expect the BOI will implement similar reporting methods as for the BOI SMART Visa which also requires address reporting just once a year. A couple of methods are allowed for a SMART Visa: (1) reporting in person to BOI OSS or authorizing someone to report on your behalf. (2) By mail. See below BOI SMART Visa webpage. Now the SMART Visa uses the TM91 address reporting form....we've already seen the LTR Visa will use the TM95 form. And hopefully LTR Visa webpage information will grow to include a lot of the details and FAQ type information like on the SMART Visa webpage. Heck, there is even a popup message on the SMART Visa website saying if you have a hard time opening a bank acct with a SMART Visa just contact BOI and the BOI in turn will contract the bank headquarters to explain things. https://smart-visa.boi.go.th/smart/pages/how-to-manage.html https://smart-visa.boi.go.th/smart/index.html
Update: Known LTR Approvals as of 5 Nov 2022 based on posts in this thread I saw. Added stuarty's wife to the list as #7. I may have missed some...please speak-up if you have been approved. Poster & Date Approval Notice Rec'd 1. ThailandRyan 28 Sep 2. pepper402 29 Sep 3. gajah 30 Sep 4. mudcat 4 Oct 5. Misty 4 Oct 6. & 7. stuarty (and wife) 4 Oct 8. Boomer6969 5 Oct 9. BKKNono 15 Sep 10. Alotoftravel 4 Oct 11. aublumberg 12 Oct 12. James7 4 Oct 13. ashkale 28 Sep
Yea, the BOI announcement is not worded well regarding the $250K investment for below $80K but at least $40K pensioners as it can imply a person needs to invest $250K in something they don't define "and" then they start talking about an investment in bonds, investment in a company, or property which can imply an additional investment amount on top of $250K. What they really mean to say is a person must make an investment of at least $250K in bonds, company, or property. The BOI info graphics are much clearer.
Mike, To me the requirement is clear....the property investment must have occurred "before date of LTR application." The requirement does not say within 90 days before application, within 1 to 365 days before application, etc., or some recent date. The property investment just needed to occur "before" the date of LTR application and you need to provide the documents proving the investment. And I'm fully expect it can not be an investment you made before but sold before applying....it needs to be a property investment you made before applying and you still own. Some snapshots from the application below.
Oh, yea....I'm sure it's being talked on other forums and threads. Like I saw one reddit thread that had over a hundred posts in it (and a lot of them were clueless type posts) but there was only one or two posters who said they had got the LTR already....one of those reddit posters is also a poster in this thread who posted very good info. And I also saw one poster here on AseanNow in another thread who said he got approved in a one-liner post but I didn't add him to the list since he hasn't posted/mentioned anything in this thread. Although I have a Facebook acct I rarely use Facebook. And my google searches usually end-up at the BOI LTR website or this particular thread.
Administrative Court Asked to Block Foreigners from Acquiring Land
Pib replied to snoop1130's topic in Thailand News
Oh my god!!!!...foreigners are going to rape and pillage all of Thailand.....link-up their one rai of land plots to start communes of farangs with their heathen ways....it is truly the end of Thailand (and the world). Now how's that for a political party sound bite to drum-up nationalist votes (and donations) for the next election.